Hot shot no pest strip placement?

Crab shell and or shrimp shell in the soil is a good thing. its made out of chitin the same thing as the mouth of a larva so when they start munching through the soil it will break off their mouth parts and they die in the soil.
I'm curious about the neem cake. Never used it but will next run. I amend with crab shells. The thrip problem is pretty minor, btw. Just wanna nip it now. And yeah, I have a pump sprayer :) I think I am not quite explaining the size of my scrogs in terms of spraying...;)
Growers should use caution when dealing with NPS because of its toxicity to humans and animals. You shouldn't use "No-Pest Strips" and other products containing Dichlorvos on flowering plants because of its chance of leaving residual amounts of the active ingredient on your plants. Dichlorvos (The active chemical in No-Pest Strips) is considered a carcinogen and if used with your plants, it should only be used in the vegetation cycle and plants rinsed with water before flowering so you dont have a chance of leaving chemical residue on your harvest if possible. The active chemical (Dichlorvos) can be rinsed off and breaks-down in water but is also a dangerous insecticide and should NOT be used in living areas where people have a chance to inhale the chemical. (People growing in their homes with children, pets etc.

I say avoid at all costs, better to have 1-2 bugs than you dick drop off years later, when it means more than it does now ...? stick to Neem Oil!

I used one all the way through flower for One Plant, then had it tested at STEEP HILL when all was said and done, It came back Pesticide, Mold & Mildew FREE.
Good info, guys. I think people over-exaggerate. The danger of dichlorvos when used briefly. The info is out there from countless reputable sources that dichlorvos breaks down very rapidly in air and water. Besides, if you've ever eaten a commercially raised button mushroom from the grocery store, you've had a bout with dichlorvos.
just dont eat peststrips and you will be fine. a lot of it has to do with common sense dont hang them in living areas or sleeping areas.
I use mine the same way as Silky.. Pull it out at night and zip lock it during the day. My room is not as big as 1000 sq ft, so I only need one, and really don't have any special place to put it. I hang em, put them on the floor, set them between the plants, whatever is convenient. A few days and your problem will be solved.

you have the koolest name and avatarr i love king of the hill lol
Hey all.
I have a 1000 ft.³ room. I am doing my first scrog and will be flipping 12/12 soon and want to use pest strips prior to flowering for some thrips. I placed three in the room for three consecutive nights setting them on top of my lamps. However I noticed that they didn't effectively get everything in the room. All ventilation, exhaust and interior fans, were off. I am considering hanging them from the scrog screen to get them closer to the plants. Has anyone ever done it this way? I also read an interesting review Amazon where a guy said he placed it directly on his oscillating fan and let it blow down on the plants all night. Has anyone ever tried this? Please feel free to recommend how you've used them and how they have worked quickly and efficiently for you because, obviously, less is more when it comes to chemicals. Thanks!

u must turn off ALL ventilation. You can put those things right next to your plants as long as they arent flowering.
I simply hang one in my grown tent and leave it at that. Seems to work just fine for me that way. I also do not like the idea of waiting till you have bugs to use them. Keep the area clean, don't bring outside in, Shower from outdoor work to indoor work and hang a HotShot all help to keep me bug free.
Apologies for bumping such an old thread, I know some people get upset when people do that lol

Anyhow, what are your experiences with dichlorvos and carbon scrubbers? I have a massive 6 foot tall filter that is configured to act as a scrubber powered by a 12 inch inline. Other than that my room is mostly sealed.

I added 4 strips to my 10'x20' 8000 watt flower room and all seemed to go well after about 4 days I stopped seeing thrips/aphids (having a small case of both at the same time currently) throughout the room. After not entering the room for 2 days I came in to see the aphids are still either gone or being killed quickly upon birth but the thrips don't seem to be phased much by it. They have multiplied in numbers and beginning to become a more serious issue.

I'm wondering if either

A) my carbon scrubber is destroying all of the dichlorvos in the air before it can build up to toxic levels (it scrubs 24 hours a day)


B) My dual-hose portable A/C may not be sealed afterall like the hydro store told me (the portable AC's are coming out and being replaced by a mini-split as soon as this crop is all finished)

Anyone have any advice aside from the usual "Kill the plants and start over" or "XXXXX chemical by XXXXX company is good stuff"

I'm hoping people don't take this the wrong way but I'm not interested in advice about other methods of pest control. I've put at least 20 hours worth of research into dichlorvos now and I'm totally sold on the safety of it when used properly and I have seen how quickly they can eradicate any cannabis pest when used properly. I am well aware of all different forms of pest control and their proper use, and I like plenty of them better than dichlorvos but dichlorvos happens to be the method I have chosen. I simply wish to avoid wasting peoples time if anyone plans on typing out something trying to convince me to use a different method. I would normally be wide open to any knowledge but I'm just tired of explaining why I have chosen dichlorvos, while hearing somebody argue repeated information about why I should use something else.

Perhaps I am stubborn. I just hope I don't come off as rude and arrogant :/
@silusbotwin I am also a firm believer of NPS and have used them for decades. I would turn the filter off as long as you want the dichlorvos vapor to remain effective. Didn't search for cites. Not sure if I would exhaust scrubbed air into living area though
@silusbotwin I am also a firm believer of NPS and have used them for decades. I would turn the filter off as long as you want the dichlorvos vapor to remain effective. Didn't search for cites. Not sure if I would exhaust scrubbed air into living area though
The air isn't exhausted. It's sealed and the filter is setup as a scrubber, meaning it is just the fan attached to the filter with no ductwork. No worry about exhausting air since there is no air exchange with outside room air.
Whats not to understand? I can read the label. I eat my meds and I wouldnt eat or smoke your chem crap. Hope the people you give it to know whats in it.
Someday maybe YOU will understand how this amazing plant relates to health and well being.
Someday maybe YOU will understand how pest control works
Enjoy killing yourself and your friends