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Well-Known Member
Just wanted to show off my two Nirvana white widows. They're lookin B...e...a...utiful but I still got like 2 weeks til harvest. 400W HPS. FF nutes trio. 2 months of veg. started flowering like 20 of march.

Few good pictures

Well-Known Member
Wow congrats on the grow, it looks great!

Im on day 32 in flower of the same White Widow strain from Nirvana, under 1000w MH/HPS in bucket DWC. I also did mine on like a 7-8 week veg. I'll try and post some pics up tomorrow. Been using AN SensiGrow for veg, and then AN Connoisseur for bloom, along with Botanicare Sweet Raw, & Humboldt's Own Snow Storm Ultra. Using the Snow Storm both in hydro & foliar feed. Also using a beneficial bacteria tea made from EWC. Works amazing to keep the slime away/burst root growth. What PPM do you run your nutes at for flower?

Anyway, I'll drop some pics off tomorrow. Cheers!

Mr. Bond

Well-Known Member
Also, how tall is your plant? Did you ever do any trimming to the leaves during growth?

Mr. Bond


Well-Known Member
Also, how tall is your plant? Did you ever do any trimming to the leaves during growth?

Mr. Bond
Measured like yesterday. One is 22" and the other is a bit taller so I'd guess it's about 24" or 25". Btw, I don't grow hydro. Soil for me. Prob shoulda mentioned that... So I'm not sure what the ppms are. Never did any trimming. I just gave a little tug to a few yellow'd dead leaves though but I never intentionally trimmed any fan leaves. I got a 400W in a like 2'x2' space for 2 plants so it's probably overkill but the price difference between the 200-something watt HPS and the 400W made it smarter to buy the 400. BTW, what made you decide to go with advanced nutes over FF? This is my first grow so I'm still tryin to figure my rhythm.

Well-Known Member
Measured like yesterday. One is 22" and the other is a bit taller so I'd guess it's about 24" or 25". Btw, I don't grow hydro. Soil for me. Prob shoulda mentioned that... So I'm not sure what the ppms are. Never did any trimming. I just gave a little tug to a few yellow'd dead leaves though but I never intentionally trimmed any fan leaves. I got a 400W in a like 2'x2' space for 2 plants so it's probably overkill but the price difference between the 200-something watt HPS and the 400W made it smarter to buy the 400. BTW, what made you decide to go with advanced nutes over FF? This is my first grow so I'm still tryin to figure my rhythm.
Hey snowman,

Thanks for the info. How long are your veg and flower periods in soil? I'm with you, never did any trimming to mine unless its the removal of a few dead leaves... don't want to stress the plant out if at all possible. I had a few of mine hermie in the past. Your 400w sounds good for a 2x2 grow area. These plants just can't get enough light sometimes! Mine is probably 5' tall, about 6' if you include the 5gal bucket.

As for my reasonings for going with AN over FF or others for a base nutrient, not sure really. I had some experience with other AN products in the past and thought I would give their Connoisseur line a shot, its supposed to be their best. I have heard great things from other growers who use it. Its made from many of AN's other ingredient lines, and easier for the plant to intake as well. I find that in using it I don't see some of the deficiencies others see when using AN products, probably because instead of buying 13 different bottles of AN, it all comes in this A+B set. For the most part. As I mentioned I also add some Snow Storm Ultra (in DWC & foliar), and Sweet Raw. The Snow Storm rocks and I can definitely tell it has frosted up my buds nicely so far. These pics are from day 34 in flower:

One of the dozen main secondary branches looking fine

Tall main cola, kinda nestled behind all the foilage. Approaching 20" tall from tip to base of bud clusters.

Closer shot of main cola.

Wider shot of approx. upper 1/2 of plant.

4-6 weeks to go! I'm curious how much more the buds will frost and fatten up.

How long are you planning on curing for?

Cheers my fellow Widow! Talk to you soon--

Mr. Bond