Chapter 10: The Selection
Day 52 (12/12 from seed)
It's been a long time since I updated this journal. I've been working really hard and I guess I just haven't made the time for this. A lot has happened over the last 6 or 7 months. The title of this post could easily be called Chapter 12 or 13, but because I've been absent, I'll keep the numbering as is.
I have so much to say and share and it covers a broad range of topics. It's just too much to try and put into a single post. I'll give a high level summary and then itemize the specific topics and we'll cover those in great detail over the coming days and weeks.
Last March I left off doing my first big pheno hunt. I had taken clones of everything and tried to hold them in a fridge. This did not work for me. I ended up having to try and reveg fully flowered girls. Some made it. Most did not. My primary objective during Chapter 9 was to select one or more Chem's as that was what I had decided I wanted to start my breeding program with. 3 Chems were chosen: Chem 3, 7 and 9. Chem 3 never made it through the reveg but 7 and 9 did. I nursed Chem 7 and 9 back to life and began taking clones.
The next step was to grow out what was to be the breeding partner for these two Chems. I'm not going to reveal what they were, exactly. But they had a similar genetic makeup to Mass. Super Skunk from the early 90's. I planted 10 seeds but only got 5 plants. At this point, I'm 3 or 4 months into my DIY nutrient regiment and things went downhill quickly. All 5 of these plants ended up being terribly sickly and just awful looking. I think this is partially why I stopped journaling. I was way too embarrassed to show these.
I took 2 clones of Chem 7 and 2 from Chem 9 and was easily able to make them male by spraying them with Silver Nitrate and Sodium Thiosulfate. I will cover this topic in a future post. The Chem 7 turned male but did not produce pollen...or I just didn't let it go long enough to do so. Basically, pollen sacks would open but there was nothing there. Chem 9, on the other hand, was a total stud. The Chem 9 male pollenated all 5 of the previously mentioned plants. I got some seeds, but not a lot. The Chem 9 male also pollenated a Chem 9 female and a Chem 7 female. I wanted to have some seeds from these two...just in case I want to revisit at some point.
During all of this, I grew out another batch of Goji OG F2 and I hit all of them with Chem 9 pollen.
Just this week, I collected the seeds and I have tons...super happy with the bounty.
And finally, onto the main event. I have 26 plants right now that are the Chem 9 x Mystery.
There are 2 main pheno's I'm seeing with a handful of total random variations.
Lets see some pics - again...we're at 12/12 from seed. Day 52. And small ass breeding pot size: 0.6 gallon. Coco and Perlite. DIY Nutes.
The following posts will start to go into depth on the topics I want to discuss such as container size, light intensity, fungus gnats, DIY Nutes, and lots more.