Hospital drug testing


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if they watch you piss for drug tests for hospitals? I won't be in patient care, but medical records.

Also, I have been reading about some cranberry pills for detox, anyone know exactly which ones?


Well-Known Member
Anyone know if they watch you piss for drug tests for hospitals? I won't be in patient care, but medical records.

Also, I have been reading about some cranberry pills for detox, anyone know exactly which ones?
Sick and tired of seeing these threads..
Can't you use google dude?


Well-Known Member
Watch out for HIPAA... used to do medical billing in HS, I know some weird shit about some folks, lmao... of course, my lips no open about those things!

As for the test, it all depends on the hospital, I wouldn't take any chances.

Fullmoon kid

Active Member
I wound up in a hospital in the US with pnuemonia , before they even found a bed or anything a nurse felt it neccessary to come inform me they found marijuana in my bloodtests , when i got the bills there was tests for every drug under the sun and a bill to go with it.I didnt pay for those tests , told them i wouldnt either , see ya in court stuff