Horse manure?


Does anyone have any experience with using Horse manure? Good or bad I'm wondering if its something to consider because I have access to lots of it.


Well-Known Member
I have 3 horses and I use manure for my vegetables, herbs, and weed plants. Its actually better than cow manure. Just make sure is really old, so you don't burn your plants.


Active Member
If you don't mind I have a white female friend that lives on a horse farm so if you don't mind could you give me a run down on how us it like how old should it be before I use it an how much do I mix wit a 1.6 cubic feet or per 10 gallons I want to y it for my first out door grow thanks for any advice in advance


Well-Known Member
I use composted stall manure with great success. You have to pay attention to horse color and gender though. Personally, I prefer composted manure from a black and white mare.:bigjoint:

robert 14617

Well-Known Member
all kidding aside , you wand old dusty crap or put into a compost heap ...horses eat and then pass on all kinds of plant seed and you don't want to deal with that wile growing


Well-Known Member
composting is necessary because it kills pathogens and dormant seeds in the manure, to do it just check out a tutorial on how to compost manure.

I'm pretty sure you can do it by taking a big pile of leaves and grass clippings, and mixing it with the manure
this creates "black gold"

in order to get the full benefits, you will need to Amend the soil.
this will mean adding stuff like lime and/or powdered oyster shell, and other things that will help with the micro nutrients.
as the plants reach flower you may want to topdress with a high PK bat guano but make sure you don't skimp on the nitrogen

and as others said, be careful not to overdo the mix, and burn your plants. You can always topdress later. Consistency is very important too.

oh yeah wanted to add in that you may want to cut the black gold with perlite and peat or something like that, most soil mixes are 30% compost, 30% peat, 30% perlite/vermiculite, 10% earth worm castings


Well-Known Member
avoid the seeds germing with your canna to make a organic tea !!! or use horse shit well composted 6 months or more


Well-Known Member
They Sell A product im my area called 7r gold. 7rs composted horse manure. blackest composted shit ive ever seen