horse manure shrooms?

does horse manure make a good substrate? or as a food for a substrate?
went to a farm and got 3 bags of year old manure. I had difficulty after my first flush & put everything in the ground all over my yard. have been watering but no results. it will be getting cold here soon in upstate NY & wondering if they will grow in the Fall or in the Spring or NOT AT ALL?
I am gonna try growing on Popcorn too. My spores did nothing when put in casing so I threw THEM outside too. Either I am gonna have TONS or NONES....
Any suggestions; thoughts; criticisms~~~

keep on Trippin PeAcE only~ thanks all! A.V~


Well-Known Member
does horse manure make a good substrate? or as a food for a substrate?
went to a farm and got 3 bags of year old manure. I had difficulty after my first flush & put everything in the ground all over my yard. have been watering but no results. it will be getting cold here soon in upstate NY & wondering if they will grow in the Fall or in the Spring or NOT AT ALL?
I am gonna try growing on Popcorn too. My spores did nothing when put in casing so I threw THEM outside too. Either I am gonna have TONS or NONES....
Any suggestions; thoughts; criticisms~~~

keep on Trippin PeAcE only~ thanks all! A.V~
You can expect similar result's between either one...
Spore's don't get injected into casing they get injected into spawn....Popcorn,grain,Wbs for example... You then spawn to what you plan on casing....What was your process when you put them into ground?...How did you THROW SPORES OUTSIDE TOO?....If you had healthy myc and put it outdoor then MAYBE you stand a chance like I said what was your procedure? Cooler temps will slow Myc growth and extreme cold will just kill it..most cubensis for example; where semilanceata or azure thrive in cooler temps......Maybe some serious research is in order?
hi~thanks for getting back to me. The mats I dug up a little of the ground under my Blue spruce tree which I had earlier this summer put hard wood chips which were decomposing (had lots of worms) and I laid the mat then surrounded w/left over casing (verm & p.m) and then covered w/thin layer of the humus under tree in which I laid straw over it. don't know if they are Cubensis or Azures-might be a little of both. didn't know which shrooms it was but think Azures (read they grow in wood chips)
the spores I had used sterilized water & was planning on making syringes but never did. So they were in water and a LOT of them. Those I planted under the same tree in another area. I have mats all over with the ground partially shaded & lots of good dirt already there.
am slightly worried about the wood chips for further use due to they seem to have a whitish substance currently on them which looks as if it too can be SOME SORT of Mycelium..
and now I just took some Cubensis spawn & mixed it w/field capacity horse dung & peat moss & vermiculite that I had pasteurized weeks ago but threw in the oven on 250 for about a 45 minutes....I am so tired of boiling dirt! or verm or even shit. again I can't do a PC so I use a big pot & follow a method for Oyster (which I am also trying to grow) from Society of Enoch on YT. He knows what he is doing w/those.
The kit worked fine but that was my kid's deal. the spore syringes I sent for were no good it seemed, I know you don't have to actually see the spores but the ones I did were visible as well as the ones purchased from Hawkeye. There may be a better company but it was my first time ordering and I was hesitant to trust anyone.
So to truly answer your question, I am not sure which mushroom I am trying to grow. If I have to wait till next year to see any results from the outdoor ones-its okay, I am not planning on going anywhere. But the new crop of Mycelium, I have 3 more jars almost ready (which NEVER turn all white-the wheat berries but there IS a good amount in there...and that's about it.
Having a difficult time with deciding on what to use for a substrate & maybe just purchase already "sterilized" but that is gonna be costly. I really want a lot of them NOT FOR SALE but for me; my kid & his girl; and a couple of friends....just for personal use. But THEY REALLY HELP ME W/PAIN & didn't eat enough to "trip or get silly".....thanks again, YOU FOLKS are very kind & kool-unlike other folks I have attempted to find info from. so with money being a large factor for me, I want to be able to make my own spore syringes. Again there wil be no profit, just fun & relaxation in which I desperately need!
thanks & PeAcE only~
You can expect similar result's between either one...
Spore's don't get injected into casing they get injected into spawn....Popcorn,grain,Wbs for example... You then spawn to what you plan on casing....What was your process when you put them into ground?...How did you THROW SPORES OUTSIDE TOO?....If you had healthy myc and put it outdoor then MAYBE you stand a chance like I said what was your procedure? Cooler temps will slow Myc growth and extreme cold will just kill it..most cubensis for example; where semilanceata or azure thrive in cooler temps......Maybe some serious research is in order?
hi~thanks for getting back to me. The mats I dug up a little of the ground under my Blue spruce tree which I had earlier this summer put hard wood chips which were decomposing (had lots of worms) and I laid the mat then surrounded w/left over casing (verm & p.m) and then covered w/thin layer of the humus under tree in which I laid straw over it. don't know if they are Cubensis or Azures-might be a little of both. didn't know which shrooms it was but think Azures (read they grow in wood chips)
the spores I had used sterilized water & was planning on making syringes but never did. So they were in water and a LOT of them. Those I planted under the same tree in another area. I have mats all over with the ground partially shaded & lots of good dirt already there.
am slightly worried about the wood chips for further use due to they seem to have a whitish substance currently on them which looks as if it too can be SOME SORT of Mycelium..
and now I just took some Cubensis spawn & mixed it w/field capacity horse dung & peat moss & vermiculite that I had pasteurized weeks ago but threw in the oven on 250 for about a 45 minutes....I am so tired of boiling dirt! or verm or even shit. again I can't do a PC so I use a big pot & follow a method for Oyster (which I am also trying to grow) from Society of Enoch on YT. He knows what he is doing w/those.
The kit worked fine but that was my kid's deal. the spore syringes I sent for were no good it seemed, I know you don't have to actually see the spores but the ones I did were visible as well as the ones purchased from Hawkeye. There may be a better company but it was my first time ordering and I was hesitant to trust anyone.
So to truly answer your question, I am not sure which mushroom I am trying to grow. If I have to wait till next year to see any results from the outdoor ones-its okay, I am not planning on going anywhere. But the new crop of Mycelium, I have 3 more jars almost ready (which NEVER turn all white-the wheat berries but there IS a good amount in there...and that's about it.
Having a difficult time with deciding on what to use for a substrate & maybe just purchase already "sterilized" but that is gonna be costly. I really want a lot of them NOT FOR SALE but for me; my kid & his girl; and a couple of friends....just for personal use. But THEY REALLY HELP ME W/PAIN & didn't eat enough to "trip or get silly".....thanks again, YOU FOLKS are very kind & kool-unlike other folks I have attempted to find info from. so with money being a large factor for me, I want to be able to make my own spore syringes. Again there wil be no profit, just fun & relaxation in which I desperately need!
thanks & PeAcE only~


Well-Known Member
Awesome response bro.....If you inoculated wbs/grain/rye to wood chip's and got myc first try kudo's man .....Azure's are a wood loving species but prefer way cooler temp's and are usually grown outdoor's and can take several yrs.....There's no such thing as a azure/cube mix.....Cube's will like your poo, but i think the winter's may be a lil rough up there for outdoor....PC (15psi)is the way to go ..Off the top I believe 285 deg is the temp that kills everything.....a pot only reach's 212 deg and can lead to a high contamination rate......I would maybe start from square one again just in case your patche's don't work?Especially since you can't guarantee they are Azure's? Cann has a good stickie up top you can FOLLOW STEP BY STEP....There are other good one's elsewhere you can find too....But his is pretty strait forward good luck....And make sure to research the next strain you buy first and know what you have.
Awesome response bro.....If you inoculated wbs/grain/rye to wood chip's and got myc first try kudo's man .....Azure's are a wood loving species but prefer way cooler temp's and are usually grown outdoor's and can take several yrs.....There's no such thing as a azure/cube mix.....Cube's will like your poo, but i think the winter's may be a lil rough up there for outdoor....PC (15psi)is the way to go ..Off the top I believe 285 deg is the temp that kills everything.....a pot only reach's 212 deg and can lead to a high contamination rate......I would maybe start from square one again just in case your patche's don't work?Especially since you can't guarantee they are Azure's? Cann has a good stickie up top you can FOLLOW STEP BY STEP....There are other good one's elsewhere you can find too....But his is pretty strait forward good luck....And make sure to research the next strain you buy first and know what you have.
No they are not a mix~just don't remember where I got the spores from- which mushroom itself. And the mats, again I don't know which batch they came from. So I am really starting again. and I will check out his directions again. He was my first response. thanks- will give updates & only learning this site! PeAcE only~have a great nite & thanks again....I am a chick though!


Well-Known Member
No they are not a mix~just don't remember where I got the spores from- which mushroom itself. And the mats, again I don't know which batch they came from. So I am really starting again. and I will check out his directions again. He was my first response. thanks- will give updates & only learning this site! PeAcE only~have a great nite & thanks again....I am a chick though!
Chick with shrooms? NICCCEE...LOL.....Ya he has a good tek there and Hawk's spores are awesome as well.....What do your syringe's say for strain's? SPAWN (what you inoculate in jar) to SUBSTRATE(Poo Mix)....Then CASE that sub(Peat/Verm)..... Remember, it in that order and it should maybe help you a bit in your process......My bad on the bro thing BTW:razz:
Chick with shrooms? NICCCEE...LOL.....Ya he has a good tek there and Hawk's spores are awesome as well.....What do your syringe's say for strain's? SPAWN (what you inoculate in jar) to SUBSTRATE(Poo Mix)....Then CASE that sub(Peat/Verm)..... Remember, it in that order and it should maybe help you a bit in your process......My bad on the bro thing BTW:razz:
Thanks SO MUCH for the reply ~ so its a: inoculate b: into poo mix c: then to casing? sorry I thought the casing came before the substrate (poo mix)

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
i got some mushrooms here what have all the characteristics of what my friends said before of shrooms, but i send a pic to one of em and he said it kind of look like shrooms but they look different in the pic so maybe they are shrooms, but with my luck they are look a likes and i did all that fucking around getting em cracker dry for nuttin'. fuck i want to trip so bad, are all shrooms supposed to turn purple or blue when u pinch them??


Well-Known Member
Yes, when there wet not sure about dry....Did you pinch when they were wet?.....The oxidization of psilocin is what cause's it .which actually degrade's the the top of my head

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Yes, when there wet not sure about dry....Did you pinch when they were wet?.....The oxidization of psilocin is what cause's it .which actually degrade's the the top of my head
ooooh, i didn't do it when they were fresh, they weren't that wet in the first place, just a little damp


Well-Known Member
don't look like liberty caps on google
Did you pick these? Or buy them?

A 2002 study of the molecular phylogeny of the agarics[8] indicated that the genus Psilocybe as then defined was polyphyletic, falling into two distinct clades that are not directly related to each other. The blue-staining hallucinogenic species constituted one clade and the non-bluing species the other. The previous type species (Psilocybe montana) of the genus was in the non-bluing clade, but in 2010 the type species was changed to Psilocybe semilanceata, a member of the bluing clade. A 2006 molecular phylogenetic study of the Agaricales by Matheny and colleagues, further demonstrated the separation of the bluing and non-bluing clades of Psilocybe in a larger, strongly supported phylogenetic tree of the Agaricales.[9]

Until recently, Psilocybe was placed taxonomically in the agaric family Strophariaceae based upon its spore and pileipellis morphology. The phylogenetic study by Matheny et al., placed the non-bluing Psilocybe and its close relatives in a basal position within the Strophariaceae, asister taxon to a clade containing the other genera within that family. The bluing Psilocybe, however, form a clade that is sister to Galerina in the newly revised family, Hymenogastraceae that formerly was restricted to secotioid, false-truffles.[9] The phylogenetic study by Moncalvo,et al. confirmed that the agaric genus Melanotus is simply a subgroup of the non-bluing Psilocybe, all of which are placed in Deconica, and also pointed to a close relationship between the latter genus and the genera Kuehneromyces and Phaeogalera.[8]

In 2007, a paper by Redhead et al. proposed conserving the genus Psilocybe with Psilocybe semilanceata as its type species.[10] The suggestion was accepted by unanimous vote of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi of the International Botanical Congress in 2010, meaning that P. semilanceata (a member of the bluing clade) now serves as the type species of the genus.[11] Since P. semilanceata is now the type species of the genus, the bluing hallucinogenic clade remained in the genus Psilocybe (Hymenogastraceae) while the non-bluing clade were transferred to the genus Deconica (Strophariaceae).[12]

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Did you pick these? Or buy them?

A 2002 study of the molecular phylogeny of the agarics[8] indicated that the genus Psilocybe as then defined was polyphyletic, falling into two distinct clades that are not directly related to each other. The blue-staining hallucinogenic species constituted one clade and the non-bluing species the other. The previous type species (Psilocybe montana) of the genus was in the non-bluing clade, but in 2010 the type species was changed to Psilocybe semilanceata, a member of the bluing clade. A 2006 molecular phylogenetic study of the Agaricales by Matheny and colleagues, further demonstrated the separation of the bluing and non-bluing clades of Psilocybe in a larger, strongly supported phylogenetic tree of the Agaricales.[9]

Until recently, Psilocybe was placed taxonomically in the agaric family Strophariaceae based upon its spore and pileipellis morphology. The phylogenetic study by Matheny et al., placed the non-bluing Psilocybe and its close relatives in a basal position within the Strophariaceae, asister taxon to a clade containing the other genera within that family. The bluing Psilocybe, however, form a clade that is sister to Galerina in the newly revised family, Hymenogastraceae that formerly was restricted to secotioid, false-truffles.[9] The phylogenetic study by Moncalvo,et al. confirmed that the agaric genus Melanotus is simply a subgroup of the non-bluing Psilocybe, all of which are placed in Deconica, and also pointed to a close relationship between the latter genus and the genera Kuehneromyces and Phaeogalera.[8]

In 2007, a paper by Redhead et al. proposed conserving the genus Psilocybe with Psilocybe semilanceata as its type species.[10] The suggestion was accepted by unanimous vote of the Nomenclature Committee for Fungi of the International Botanical Congress in 2010, meaning that P. semilanceata (a member of the bluing clade) now serves as the type species of the genus.[11] Since P. semilanceata is now the type species of the genus, the bluing hallucinogenic clade remained in the genus Psilocybe (Hymenogastraceae) while the non-bluing clade were transferred to the genus Deconica (Strophariaceae).[12]
i picked em, if i buy em theres no doubt. and can u sum that up for me?


Well-Known Member
i picked em, if i buy em theres no doubt. and can u sum that up for me?
Not, for certain if I can SUM it up...But Maybe put you in right direction.....Check against P. Montana...Gill structure and print for safety?They look fresh enough in those pic's to still get one(Print) Put a cap on White paper and see what color the deposit is..Microscope be better yet i ya got one...But, my first instinct's would be a no go.


Well-Known Member
I would put those pics here for other's to view .....Second, opinion's are awesome and there are some other very smart guy's that can help in ID....JMO

Mr. Bongwater

Well-Known Member
Not, for certain if I can SUM it up...But Maybe put you in right direction.....Check against P. Montana...Gill structure and print for safety?They look fresh enough in those pic's to still get one(Print) Put a cap on White paper and see what color the deposit is..Microscope be better yet i ya got one...But, my first instinct's would be a no go.
i took those pictures as soon as i picked them, i'll know for sure when i bring em to my friend tomorrow if they're real or not