Horse Manure? (+rep for help)


Well-Known Member
I have a pile of horse manure thats about 3-4 years old, is this any good for mixing in with my soil outside?

The plan was to take the BM1 promix i have and mix that 50/50 with the horse poo into the natural soil outside... So its ratio is... 50:50 my mix:natural soil

I am looking for a very cheap source of organic fertilizer i don't want to use chemicals and i wont be able to check the plants more then once every 3 weeks or so.... Is there a better option? I am ready to plant in the ground, they have been in pots outside for 2 weeks now but they are 6weeks and the other strain is 10 weeks old....



Well-Known Member


The reason i am asking is because i will not be watering them myself so i want to provide nutrients through the soil...


Well-Known Member
yes horse shit is a great soil amendment. I have horses so I have used it many times in gardening (not just weed). The mix of things your planning on using sounds pretty good. If you have the money you should think about adding in some worm castings to the mix for extra nitrogen...and it's organic.


Well-Known Member
oh and manure has to be old and rotted like yours to be useful for fertilizer....didn't want you or anyone else to get the wrong idea. You can't take it straight out of the horse's ass and put it in your soil that your planting in because it needs time to brake down in order for the nutrients to be available for the roots. :wink:


Well-Known Member
oh and manure has to be old and rotted like yours to be useful for fertilizer....didn't want you or anyone else to get the wrong idea. You can't take it straight out of the horse's ass and put it in your soil that your planting in because it needs time to brake down in order for the nutrients to be available for the roots. :wink:
Thanks!!! What else should be added to keep the N up? Just trying to figure out if just that stuff will have enough NPK?


Well-Known Member
take a piss in a bucket add 10 times the volume of water and water it in.
Sounds like it would work, but i do not plan on watering them, i plan on nature taking its course for water unless we get a drought but i doubt that, doesn't happen much here... The plan is to only have to go out to them as little as possible and watering them doesnt fit into that, any suggestions on what could feed them for a longer period of time thats natural?


Well-Known Member
Sounds like it would work, but i do not plan on watering them, i plan on nature taking its course for water unless we get a drought but i doubt that, doesn't happen much here... The plan is to only have to go out to them as little as possible and watering them doesnt fit into that, any suggestions on what could feed them for a longer period of time thats natural?
Had a mini frost last night so i went out the check the babies and they are all ok thank god!! When i got there i found about 10 of my plants had slugs in the containers, what is the best way to keep them out and will this be an issue all year?

I just did a quick search and found either copper wire or beer, but did not find any proof that either one worked or which was better.... Any suggestions i don't want to find them all dead by tonight or something


Well-Known Member
Had a mini frost last night so i went out the check the babies and they are all ok thank god!! When i got there i found about 10 of my plants had slugs in the containers, what is the best way to keep them out and will this be an issue all year?

I just did a quick search and found either copper wire or beer, but did not find any proof that either one worked or which was better.... Any suggestions i don't want to find them all dead by tonight or something
Composted horse manure will work great on your plants.

As for slugs, beer traps work fine. You could also try diatomaceous earth (DE). It works great on slugs.

Every gardener with a moist, shady area knows slugs are pigs. With their rough, file-like tongues, these mollusks devour several times their own body weight in one night, leaving gaping holes in leaves, torn foliage, and-yuck!-slime trails in their wake. Hostas and lettuce are their most common targets, but corn, beans, strawberries, annual flowers, and many other garden favorites are susceptible to attacks. In our test gardens, we've battled the slimers and tried a many different strategies for controlling them. The following tactics work best for us.

Beer trap. This type of trap works because slugs are attracted to the fermented yeast in beer. In a study by Whitney Cranshaw, Ph.D., professor of entomology at Colorado State University, nonalcoholic Kingsbury Malt Beverage was found to attract the most slugs. Michelob and Budweiser placed second and third out of the 12 beverages tested. (We're still waiting for the results from the gardeners' taste test.) "Take a shallow container (such as a sour cream or yogurt cup) and bury it so that it is even with the soil level," explains Willi Evans Galloway, our West Coast editor, who gardens in Seattle. "Then fill the container with beer to within an inch of the rim. The slugs crawl in and drown." For best results, change the beer every few days.
To buy premade beer slug traps, visit Gardener's Supply Co. or Veseys.

Slug Saloon. This commercial yeast trap relies on bait (included) to lure in slugs. But Debbie Leung, OG Test Gardener in rainy Olympia, Washington, found that the popularity of the Slug Saloon caused a brawl among the "armies of supersize slugs" in her Pacific Northwest location. "I found slugs escaping and the saloon tipped on its side," she warns. "The bait did its job, but here you need a bigger and heavier-duty saloon."
Get your own slug saloon at Planet Natural or Garden City Seeds.

Diatomaceous earth (DE).
After testing all kinds of slug barriers, Jeff Gillman, author of The Truth about Garden Remedies and professor of horticulture at the University of Minnesota, concluded that DE is the most reliable. "DE is a white powder made from the fossilized remains of diatoms, one-celled algae that have a skeleton made of silicon," Gillman says. "To a slithering slug, this lethal powder is extremely sharp and cuts their undersides, causing dehydration." DE does have to be replenished each time it rains, making it a better choice for climates where it does not rain frequently. (Note: Buy only untreated diatomaceous earth formulated for garden use, and wear a dust mask when applying it. DE made for swimming pools is chemically altered and not suitable for use in any garden, much less an organic one.)
You can buy bags of Diatomaceous earth at Gardener's Supply or Planet Natural.

Copper barrier. When a slug crosses a copper barrier, its moist, mucusy body reacts with the copper and it receives an electric shock. Copper barriers can be pushed into the soil to make a vertical fence around a plant or bed, or laid flat. Either way, use 2- to 3-inch strips. Yes, this product can be costly, so save it for your most prized plants or where the slugs are congregating.
Rolls of copper barrier are sold at Planet Natural or Worms Way.

Sluggo. This nontoxic slug bait (iron phosphate is the active ingredient) is safer than metaldehyde baits, which can harm pets and wildlife. Sprinkle Sluggo granules around your plants and beds in the evening. Ingesting Sluggo causes slugs to stop feeding and to retreat underground, where they die within three to six days. Galloway tested Sluggo and found that it works well as long as you consistently reapply (about once a week). She uses it in conjunction with beer traps for better control. In dryer regions, you may need to reapply only every two weeks.
Sluggo is sold at Gardener's Supply or Harvest Safe.

Red clover. Slugs love this easy-to-grow legume, concludes a recent study from Harper Adams University College in Shropshire, England. Researchers found that when this alternative source of food was planted next to beds, slugs were lured toward the sacrificial clover and away from more valuable plants. Resilient (and beautiful), red clover grows in a wide variety of soils. While the clover lasts, this method substantially reduces slug damage. After it fades, cut it down and incorporate it into the soil as nitrogen-rich organic matter.

Hand-picking. Not every gardener enjoys this (though we know some of you find it to be wicked fun), but the results are guaranteed. "I have yet to find a slug control that is more surefire and easy than a daily hand-picking patrol when pressure is high," Debbie Leung claims. In the early morning and early evening during slug season, pluck as many slugs as you can find (Debbie sometimes collects 200 in a day). Cut them in half or drop them in soapy water to kill them. For easier picking, encourage slugs to congregate by laying wooden boards or roofing shingles along garden paths for slugs to hide under. So which method works best? None of them control slugs 100 percent of the time, but our experience finds that any of the methods combined with hand-picking keeps slugs and their damage to a minimum.,7518,s-2-9-1502,00.html

Good luck and good growing.


Well-Known Member
AWESOME!! Thanks, im gonna go spread some coffee grounds out there for now until i can get some copper wire, i would use the beer method but like i said i want to stay away from the plants as much as possible to not draw attention to them, i think the most perminate low maintenance one would be the copper wire method! :joint::joint:


Well-Known Member
oh and manure has to be old and rotted like yours to be useful for fertilizer....didn't want you or anyone else to get the wrong idea. You can't take it straight out of the horse's ass and put it in your soil that your planting in because it needs time to brake down in order for the nutrients to be available for the roots. :wink:
Funny Shit (straight outta the ass)


Well-Known Member
on o4ausername's thread "08/09 monster attempt" (toward the beginning of it) he put a plant in a large container and said it was "nothing but straight cow shit". Check that thread out and see what that thing turned out like. It's got me wanting to go shovel some cow shit! I'm sure horse shit woud have pretty much the same effect since horse's and cows have similar diet's.
He never did say how long/if he had let the cow shit set tho, I assume prob. the same amount of time that he let the fish set. If you go to the thread you'll see what
I'm talking about.