Horrible tasting herb?


Well-Known Member
The only way I can explain it is it tastes like resin. If you were to scrape
some old resin off a pipe and smoke it, thats how it tastes.

At first, I thought it was my bong. I cleaned it and smoked again and it was
just as bad. I then smoke some herb from a past harvest to make sure it was not
the bong and that herb tasted fine.

I'm concerned that the bad taste is from mold. I read it tastes HORRIBLE but
does it taste like old resin? I don't know I've never smoked mold before. I did
have a fungus gnat problem, could it be their dead little corpses I'm smoking? I
mean I inspect the bud (with a handheld microscope) and I dont see gnatts or
mold - what gives?

I forgot to mention the strain is OG Kush, I cut it a little bit early (about 8.5 weeks flowering)

kbo ca

Active Member
if it is mold, your buds should have some furry looking shit on them, or be much darker than usual. Under good lighting, break a nug in half, do you see shit floating in the air? if so it's mold. If you had a gnat problem, and you're more than certain they got on the buds, then there is a good chance you're smoking up their excrement. bugs gotta shit too.


Well-Known Member
Hmm no visible mold on the bud when open. I'll do the test you suggested to see if I see any particles floating in good light when broken open. I am leaning towards the gnatt poop. The herb is fine when I vape it, actually tastes good. Burning it is DISGUSTING though, sigh. thanks for your reply :)


Well-Known Member
I don't have an answer for you but I was curious if it also smells bad? or just the bad taste? is it harsh smoke?does it look like normal bud?
If it tastes good vaping and shitty when burnt, then it is most likely not cured. Growing good weed is only part of the game. Harvesting early didn't help any.
From reading around the forums, I would say it's not cured.
It's not the best to take advice from me since I'm on my first grow, but, that's what it sounds like.