Or grow in a horizontal pot till flower. Then turn pot upright. Personally just over water the day before and just push them over.It will be a lot of cropping, tying, pruning, defoliation, etc. It will take time! Your concept drawing seems to be a variant of supercropping. It is also reminiscent of bonsai. High-stress training.
I don't go that extreme. I just bend it when it gets 5 nodes at the 3rd and remove 1&2. Then keep pulling and stretching.Hi! I’m pretty new but I’ve got a setup where I’m trying to grow like this…View attachment 5007392
… they’re still in veg at the moment but how do I get the colas to grow like that in flowering? Is that just pruning and de-foliaging as they grow?
thanks in advance!
TrellisOr grow in a horizontal pot till flower. Then turn pot upright. Personally just over water the day before and just push them over.View attachment 5007647
It's called supercropping.I don't go that extreme. I just bend it when it gets 5 nodes at the 3rd and remove 1&2. Then keep pulling and stretching.
Actually, it was easy, most of the colas grew at a 90 degree angle to their supporting stalk so it was easy to snip them off and trim individually.That is one I would not want to prune.