Hopefully Hammers Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
Hammer! Lookin' good! Nothing like too many plants, huh? The BB looks a lot like the Blue Fruit I have at 31 days, nice dark leaves and a similar bud structure. You're in for some fun in a few short weeks- do you get to keep it all? (Also, FYI, I'm really liking Female Seeds Grapefruit- at 5 wks. looks like a winner. No clones, of course!)
I've never used FF, but MG gives me gnats every time so I stopped bringing it into my garden. I finally got rid of the fuckers with Raid, tho not everyone's gonna like that. (not in the flower room) I used the blue can and sprayed so I wouldn't hit the plants directly, not too much, and use again once a wk until they're done hatching, 2-3 times should do it. The leaves that got some spray on them got rust colored spots from the burn. You can also try Mosquito Dunks, which are usually effective. I used to float one in my water bucket and powder some on the dirt in the pots. They contain a harmless bacillum that attacks and kills the larvae that are eating your plant's roots.


Well-Known Member
Hammer! Lookin' good! Nothing like too many plants, huh? The BB looks a lot like the Blue Fruit I have at 31 days, nice dark leaves and a similar bud structure. You're in for some fun in a few short weeks- do you get to keep it all? (Also, FYI, I'm really liking Female Seeds Grapefruit- at 5 wks. looks like a winner. No clones, of course!)
I've never used FF, but MG gives me gnats every time so I stopped bringing it into my garden. I finally got rid of the fuckers with Raid, tho not everyone's gonna like that. (not in the flower room) I used the blue can and sprayed so I wouldn't hit the plants directly, not too much, and use again once a wk until they're done hatching, 2-3 times should do it. The leaves that got some spray on them got rust colored spots from the burn. You can also try Mosquito Dunks, which are usually effective. I used to float one in my water bucket and powder some on the dirt in the pots. They contain a harmless bacillum that attacks and kills the larvae that are eating your plant's roots.
hey barrelhse i get to keep most of it. i have to turn on my patient for his card my other patient doesnt use much. ive got to turn some here at the compassion club to cover expenses. the light bill is a killer. with 36 plants im gonna need another hps. and some t5s or led.

the gnats arent to bad i mixed a dredge of azamax when i sprayed last. but i need to get something else. i didnt use it in the flower room tho. i have another blueberry to put in flower room soon, its getting to tall for my light and i dont want to top it. i need to make room for my up and comers. my super clones are still standing tall and lookin good. but i dont think i will do it again because it takes to long to root. quick turnover.

the blueberry in flower i cqant remember how many days in but it is lookin great. the last pic i took wasnt a main cola some how i lost the pic. the main is bigger than my hand. when i open the flap now i can smell her. the buds are reakl tight and sticky. i was workin in there yesterday and before i went out i gave her a squeeze and when i came in the house the wife could still smell it on me. she has a great berry fruity smell. im gettin anxious.

ur grapefruit souns great i love the citrusyyyy berryyy type buds. im hopin i have no trouble with the chocalope fem im germing now. hhey well catch cha later barrelhse thanks for stoppin by hammer


Well-Known Member
Hey, man I just looked at some pages I missed and saw the post about your dog. We've always had labs and it really hurts to lose them, I know. Sad to hear about your guy, it leaves a big hole when they spend a lot of time hangin' out with you.


Well-Known Member
Hey, man I just looked at some pages I missed and saw the post about your dog. We've always had labs and it really hurts to lose them, I know. Sad to hear about your guy, it leaves a big hole when they spend a lot of time hangin' out with you.
thanks barrelhse, yea there is a hole, fortunately we have zeppelin (lab,rot mix) hes no where as smart as hammer but just as lovable. were gonna start lookin for another protector soon. zeppelin would watch and wag while someone stole us blind. but the hammer on the other hand would eat cha up. thanks again barrelhse


Well-Known Member
i justy uploaded 52 pics and lost em b4 i dould pushe quick reply dammit. to stoned to tired later



Well-Known Member
ok so i fucked up it happens. while uploading the pics it took so long that i accidently put my ps3 controller on the puter and was on the sssss thats what it looked like it was sendin s'sss between all the pics so when i spent 30 minutes deleting all the dam s'ss. any way ill try to update the besti can. the og kush, the blueberry and the bomberry is @34 days. the spicey dutch treat is @21 days, the green crack is @17 and the alaskan haze is @day 4. Its warmen up so i can now use the clone box under my veggin plants. my chocolope has germed and i put her into a jiffy puck
in a walmart chicken container washed real good w/bleach.

the plants that are getting the seabird guano only is reall kikkin ass. there is only 1 plant (alaskan haze) that is keepin up and she gets the flora grow and it is bushy as hell. the clones i had in the plastic cup i put a heat pad under them and they started to mold. so i trashed the moldy ones and took the lid off the others which were ok. every thing is lookin good imo. whats urs. thanks for stoppin by all hammer


Well-Known Member
great update dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it sucks it was such a pain, I appreciate the photos though!!! They all look so nice.... some of them are going to be some very huge producers!!!!! the SDT looks so yummy!!!! your setup is working great for ya!! keep up the great growing!!!


Well-Known Member
great update dude!!!!!!!!!!!!!! it sucks it was such a pain, I appreciate the photos though!!! They all look so nice.... some of them are going to be some very huge producers!!!!! the SDT looks so yummy!!!! your setup is working great for ya!! keep up the great growing!!!

thanks stoney. im way excited about this and i thought only harleys and women were the only things to do that lol. sorry the photos arent in the order i took em. by the time i thought i screwed up the pics it was way late and i was tired after ridin all day.the bomberry is gonna be a huge plant. i hope it will fill out more but it is an awesome looking plant. i found spidermites on one of my veg plants so i sprayed em down with azamax hit em 3 tsp per quart. hope that kills em i wait a few days and hit em again. i showered and went out to the flower room and checkedbut didnt see any. i checked this morn and didnt see any on the plant infected. i also checked my clone machine and 2 out of 5 are showing roots, small but roots. catch cha later thanks for stoppin by stoney.


Well-Known Member
i went out to check on my babes. i sprayed for mites last nite. i senn none tonite. when should i hit em again to kill the new hatchlings? will i be ok using azaqmax again or should i get the other stuff. pre pro somethin cant remeember. just to mix it up.

the blueberry seemed to double in size since last nite. well not quite but bulkin up. i can smell it on the puter keys. i had to give her a little squeeze just like sendin mama off to work. watered with the seabird guano tonite.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful family portrait hammer

I want to rub then all on the head and then sniff my hand. Does that sound weird?


Well-Known Member
sounds like she's doin great!!! I love when i check on my girls then post pictures and I can smell it all over my hands!!! good luck with those bugs man!!!! but yea, hit them three days after the first time. then again three days later. make sure you spray the underside of the leaves really good. Even wipe the underside with your fingers. try to wipe down every single leaf... i know it sucks!! but hit hard and hit em fast and you should be in good shape!


Active Member
Amazing man you women are getting huge!! What's the flowering time for the dutch treat and the bomberry, I have 3 bombberry and 2 dutch treats goin now:) gotta fine a better place tho cuz I only have my cfls on em and the highest I can raise em is 12 inches including the cup and I liked the results I got off my t8 so I gotta find somewhere to put it. Do u have any info on the bomberry?? That link u sent had the dt but not the bomberry. I wanna know whatg its supposed yeild and background info on it.


Active Member
Oh and if I were to say move to michigan where would you reccomend? I've heard ann arbor and lansing are good places. Are you familiar with the laws in either city or know of a place I can get info online?