Hopefully Hammers Perpetual Grow


Well-Known Member
DSC00880.jpgok ima try to put words with this. the 2 cups are super lemon haze i cant see these pics to well but i think the singe cup is nl + skunk + haze. if its not it should be. lol. and of course theres the bomberry loooming over everything. i will try to get a few more pics loaded

edit; the cup onr the 2 x 4 is my pollen collection cup hope it works.


Well-Known Member
thanks kmk. the cup. 1st cup has water in it. the second cup has a hole big enough for the stem to fit through. the 3rd cup iis taped over the top. the pollen drops in the 2nd and stays nice and dry. idealy use 3 clear cups. its been in there 3 days i think i will bring it out and pull the tape and see how it did. i didnt have any. i got this idea from a guy from riu. he says it works good.


Well-Known Member
thats awesome!! i just stuck a male and female blacKK domina in my cab and let them get down! it worked well! got more seeds!!
sweet. i have a male and female milky way i def want some of those seeds fresh. and i wanna do like a green crack x milky way i basically just want to experiment with it. and free seeds is a good thing thanks for stoppin by kmk


Well-Known Member
man, ozzy got big!!!! plants look great to!!!! so is there a branch from a male plant in those cups?
yes, i did take it out of the flower room also. i dont know what to do with it. the milky way male showed balls during veg. so i put the cups back in the veg side. im hopin to get some pollen, got my figures crossed.the male is still alive. i have him tucked in the forest away from the house.


Well-Known Member
yes, i did take it out of the flower room also. i dont know what to do with it. the milky way male showed balls during veg. so i put the cups back in the veg side. im hopin to get some pollen, got my figures crossed.the male is still alive. i have him tucked in the forest away from the house.
oh, that's great that the male is still alive!! this is a win win for ya then... if the cup doesn't work, you still have the plant!!


Well-Known Member
my battery is bout dead on the laptop. catch cha all later bros have a good evening and have a coe and a bud


Well-Known Member
DSC00885.jpgpollen collector. it had moisture in it. guess it needs to breathe huh. duhhh ima dumbass sometimes
DSC00890.jpgnorthern lites x skunk haze
DSC00888.jpgstrawberry kush x agent orange
DSC00886.jpgchocolope is in the front left

DSC00894.jpgsorry bout sideways pic left white bucket is thai hasnt hermied yet. and didnt take a clone just in case. get 1 today
DSC00892.jpgleft uk jungle cheese top right chocolope right is cant remember i think sensi star
DSC00895.jpgstrawberry kush x agent orange
DSC00884.jpgpollen clooection has mold on it
DSC00898.jpgo g kush
DSC00891.jpgstrawberry kush x agent orange
DSC00889.jpgsbk x a o
DSC00893.jpgtitties pressed against each other. yummie thanks for stoppin by and checkin out my grow guys.


Well-Known Member
great update bro!!!!!! it looks like the cup method for gathering pollen worked great!!!! it sucks about the mold though... your blueberry looks very nice!!!! can't wait to hear what you have to say about the chocolope smoke!!

keep it up dude!!! looks great!


Well-Known Member
great update bro!!!!!! it looks like the cup method for gathering pollen worked great!!!! it sucks about the mold though... your blueberry looks very nice!!!! can't wait to hear what you have to say about the chocolope smoke!!

keep it up dude!!! looks great!
the cup method had problems. it had to much moisture inside. i took a branch off male this am with no wind and pollenated a bluberyy and a alaskan haze. hopefuly it takes. would like to have seeds from them. i have 5 pineapple express x agent orange germing in paper towel now. should have popped now lets look. 2 have popped. guess i better get them into some soil. ima put em some mich med mar dirt but transplant into some pro mix i think. i wanna try something else. the m3 dirt is working pretty good though. i think the problem with the no frost is that i sprayed for mites. i must a sprayed the dust off. it was 43 degrees here last nite soi i put my flowering girls out in it. hope it gets rid of em. but i did miss my light on, they were in the dark all nite. hopefully it dont mess things up. well im stoned and ramblin. thanks for comin by stoney


Well-Known Member
hell yeah, real nice selection of plants, hope they all turn out great for ya bro!!

thanks cd. ima hopin 2. cant wait i have 3 newe strains in flower room. the miky way is almost as tall as the bomberry which is bout 5 ft now. i harvest a blueberry couple days ago and gonna chop one tonite yet. internet is just barely fast enough to post iss. i will get pics up soon. thanks for stoppin by cd.


Well-Known Member
I got a milkyway fem, it's getting big at 8 wks veg, but no place to put it yet. How is it for smell/taste?