Hope i didn't just f-up my plant!


Well-Known Member
My girl is in it's 5th week of flower, and the two tops was nearly touching the led light, so i decide to pull them back and tie down those. Well i was slightly pulling down the first one i i hear a *crack* and i looked and i split it 3/4 of an inch in between the 'V' on the main stalk. The two branches at the top that forked off after i topped the plant back in veg. I pinched the gap closed and taped it to gather. Am i completely screwed or what because i've never did that before?
yeah you will be fine as long as there is still some of the vascular tissue intact. I recently snaped a large main on my mother when bending and same thing that happened to you 3/4 of it right in the crotch of the stalk. I just took some plant ties and pulled her back together, and finished my intended bend. She bounced back in 2 days. Now you can even tell it happened unless you look at the twist ties. This happened 5 days ago dude. Don't worry!!!!
Shel be fine just tape her up not to tight with electrical tape and maybe a splint. Worked for mine outside when the wind bent it in half.
I like to coat the break in cloning gel before taping it. I dont have any scientific data to back it up, but from experience i can contest that it does speed up and create a nice healthy healing of the plant.

On the bright side, because your plant is 5 weeks in, the plant will go into protection/survival mode and will probably begin to produce more trichs! (Again, no scientific data to back this up, but I had 4 clones in flower @ week 6. My light fell, braking one clone. The broken clone took almost an extra week to finish, but was by far the strongest and frostiest of the 4 identical plants!)