Hop Hash; The real deal.

Now im not a chemist but im a heavy smoker, and i don't mind dabbling in other recreational drugs. So when i hear of THC's sister chemical lupulin like so many others before my interest is sparked. As a member of my family is also heavily into brewing and i find out this chemical resides all over the most common hops my interest is taken further. Now, due to lack of information, either witheld by perhaps sensible perhaps paranoid people i was unable to find enough information online for me to go ahead with making some resin. Untill now. I got sick of all the loose ends so i aquired so heavy american hops the name i forgot and threw them in the freezer for 24 hours. (70G)


The only information i could gather about a resin extraction was to sieve the hops as they brushed against each other catching the powdered lupulin in its orangey yellow form in a suitable cotainer. I used a 2 litre bottle with the top removed with several layers of ladies pantyhoes to sieve the lupulin. The powder was simply caught on a piece of white paper (forgot to get a picture in powdered form but lots more hops on the way soon). No heat water ice or chemical was required for this simple extraction.

DSCF0522.jpg Tights with duct tape on stretched out.

Now this i where the information gets really hazy is not not existant, the hash in itself i hand pressed which worked wonderfully. The hash came together very easily and the result is a glistening gold hash, which considering how easy it was to make, is very pleasing for me.


This is a real close up of the hash, and as you can see i think the tights have spoiled the concentration i wanted to achieve so im looking for a finer sieve. However, upon vaping in my volcano, the result is a beautiful bag of tasty smoke, the high not so much a high as a total feeling on anxiety relief and a sound sleep the likes of which i have not achieved since first smoking mary jane.

The real Hop Hash.

I got about 7G total (not all picture)
And further update to come once ive had time to work on curing and further concentrating the lupulin.


Active Member
hmmm. interesting. not sure if thats what i want to smoke, i do like a hoppy beer, but i think thats it. keep the updates coming though
Did you know if your prone to a hoppy beer you can actually reach a lupulin threshold and you start to notice a reduction is how you taste them. Also the lupulin could be having an added sedative effect on top of any abv is a heavily hopped beer.


I remember when one of those herbal smoke sites had "smokable" hops for sale. lol I wonder if anyone ever ordered it, they didn't label it as hops. They labeled it as a "cannabis cousin".
More like a pretty little sister, nice to look at sounds like a great idea but not as good overall. However there's something here and i know it, got 42 ounces waiting for collection later today and in looking for a finer sieve now.


Well-Known Member
If your male I would be very carefull with hop extracts they contain photo-estrogens and are not good for males

MJ also does but to a lesser degree
If your male I would be very carefull with hop extracts they contain photo-estrogens and are not good for males

MJ also does but to a lesser degree
You sound like you have some knowledge on the subject? ive just extracted about 20g from about 400g of hops aswell haha, im trying to concentrate and or extract only the slightly active parts of the powdered lupulin? are the photo-estrogens not contained in the flower not the resin?

A 2010 meta-analysis of fifteen placebo-controlled studies said that "neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone concentrations in men."[SUP][28][/SUP] Furthermore, isoflavone supplementation has no effect on sperm concentration, count or motility, and leads to no observable changes in testicular or ejaculate volume.[SUP][29][/SUP][SUP][30][/SUP]
A soy phytoestrogen-rich diet can substantially reduce testosterone levels in male rats in laboratory studies, while possibly having protective benefits against prostate cancer
Okay so i dosed about 2G of this stuff in about 100ml of water with about 20g of honey, still tasted disgusting however once ive had a couple drinks on top its a HEAVY hit and im dry on bud hence the big dose. Definately potential for "abuse". Then i go and find this.
lupulin and alcohol.png

Tintures are not my strength with cannibas, anyone able to explain how i do one with alcohol and a resin powder? Induces sleep with the same capability as opium sounds gooooooood to me! i have 4KG of hops sitting in freezer right now...