Hooking up when you're new in town


I'm in this town for a little while and dont have a hookup. I've come to the conclusion that it's REALLY fuckin hard to hook up safely, and that I'll be waiting till I get home to re up. Sigh.

Tonight I treated myself out to a new glass and was dying to find something to pack it with. I'm pretty sure I juuuust avoided either giving or receiving an asskicking.

I was trying to figure out a good way to hook up without getting jacked or taken and figured I was just fucked. I went out for a walk (it's a saturday night in a large city, I figured you never know, I might luck out.) After a little bit of walking, I was going back to my room and ran into a guy standing outside the hotel.

I'll avoid recreating the entire conversation, but I wanted to pass along some red flags I picked up on.

He wanted me to show him my money. I anticipated that and had a 20 folded in my front pocket. I wasn't going to open my wallet in front of him. I also wasn't going to go for anything more than a 20 sack for obvious reasons.

He wanted me to walk away with him to a secluded spot "gotta watch out for the cameras" he said. I told him we could take a walk across the parking lot we were standing in but I wasn't gonna go find a deserted back alley or some shit. We could have easily turned our backs walked to the corner and traded inside of ten seconds and been on our respective ways.

He then switched from "yeah I got it" to "yeah I'll go get it" and asked me to trust him. What the hell? I asked him what was in this for him. Why in the hell would you go drive somewhere for a 20 sack- for a stranger? I asked him as much, and he said he TRUSTED ME to take care of him when he brought it back.

I was already at ABORT ABORT stage by this time, because come the fuck on, and told him that it sounded like me giving him a 20 and trusting him to come back out of the kindness and generosity of his heart was beyond fucking stupid. He replies with "you take care of me and I'll take care of you."
I told him that me handing him a 20 and letting him walk away sounded like I'd be taking REAL good care of him. He said he only had to go five minutes away and that if we hopped in my car we could do it right now.

I was trying to walk away in a non-threatening manner, not out of fear (I am not a small guy by any stretch of the imagination) but because I really didn't want things to get out of hand, but he still kept trying to talk me into it, finally I had to use some direct language and walked away.

Long story short- I've come to the conclusion that if you're in a strange town and don't know anyone that smokes, just bite the bullet and do without until you meet someone and know they're cool. It's not worth the risk, and it's not worth having to deal with the stress and irritation of getting jacked, getting conned, or getting arrested.

If any of the other old wise men around here know of another way that doesn't involve you risking your ass or you risking someone else's ass when trying to hook up blind, I'm all ears.


Well-Known Member
awesome story man. you did the right thing.. i was totally thinking you were gunna drive with some stranger to god knows where for a probably skim dub sack..but you pulled through.. congrats . when u re-up in ur hometown that chronic will taste even sweeter ;)


Well-Known Member
:leaf:I'm with you. Had something like that way too many times.....moved around for awhile. That's why I grow now. In fact, the town I moved to most recently.....THIS town, has sucked to no end when it comes to hooking up. I would have to drive a couple of hours to my friends place. It sucked everytime I had to start all over far away from what I know, and establish new relations.:leaf:

Growing is the way...

Noble Gas

Well-Known Member
When I moved it was a tough couple of months before I found someone that sold weed. The quality was also not as good as I used to have it and it was more expensive.

Now I grow my own and why didnt I do this earlier?

If I had to go on an extended business trip I would prepare some edibles. They are easier to smuggle at the airport than buds. Hang in there bro keep the positive vibes and the path to weed will reveal itself.


What really sucks is I had to leave a dozen babies under the care of my cousin. I left him explicit instructions, but I know he's going to fuck them all up.

He was supposed to be watching my dog too, and I just got a voicemail that she fucking got out and is now MIA since 6 am yesterday. I'm still here for another week and there's not shit I can do about it- which is part of the reason I was hoping to find something to smoke.

The only thing that curbs anger and stress more than a full bowl is a recently emptied one.


Well-Known Member
What really sucks is I had to leave a dozen babies under the care of my cousin. I left him explicit instructions, but I know he's going to fuck them all up.

He was supposed to be watching my dog too, and I just got a voicemail that she fucking got out and is now MIA since 6 am yesterday. I'm still here for another week and there's not shit I can do about it- which is part of the reason I was hoping to find something to smoke.

The only thing that curbs anger and stress more than a full bowl is a recently emptied one.
Too right.....I'm sorry for your situation. If you're in New england.......but anyway, I feel that pain. I left some plants and a pet with a buddy when I went to basic training, and when I came home, the cat ran off, and the plants were long ago neglected and dead.


Thanks for the thoughts bro. I'm in Fort Worth, TX, where opening your car door feels like opening the door to a pre-heated oven.


Well-Known Member
I saw an interview with Danny Bonaduchi (sp) and he said when he was in a new town he would watch the news and when they had a drug bust he would see where it was and then head right down there to pick up.


Active Member
yeah i had a super shitty experience looking for buds.
long story short i payed 20 dollars for some lint.
that was about a month ago.

luckily i found a hookup about a week ago.

don't go looking for bud, let it come to you!!! :weed:


Active Member
look for some concerts around you, oddly enough I'm not much of a concert go-er, but I hear this method never fails. Plus you can talk your way down to real decent prices, 45/8th for some dank headies if you're lucky :clap:

Man I have 1 bowl of this NYC Diesel here left that I'll be savoring tonight around midnight lol... and I thought I was hurtin not being able to get more bud until tomorrow night! I hate having to fly places while at the same time being an everyday stoner. You must be bored out of your mind in the hotel room!


Well-Known Member
go to the gas station, and talk to the guy buying a blunt or zig zags. They might get scared and think you're a UC, but you know they have weed.