Honkeycorn`s Party Cup Grow Off Contest Entry


Well-Known Member
Looking like they recoverd Nice!
Looking good.

Id step up the Nito a bit, or foliar feed ...
Thanks mate, Ya they get fed tomorrow and im also giving some Grotek InstaGreen tonight at lights off (3-0-0).

Thinking about maybe spraying the seedlings aswell since it seems these AK`s use up their N fast, It will be their only food until their 1st nute next week.


Active Member
You are so ahead of my party cup grow! I haven't even got germed seeds yet :( I can blame that on cold temps though. Good luck, try not to woop me to badly! XD I had an idea that might help you and maybe benefit other party cup growers. As you said, the air pots dry out really quickly, so why not make a drip system on a timer? Ever hour drip enough to moisten the dirt, and no more sad plants. :) I don't have the resources to pull this off, but it's just an idea. :)

Peace & Pot Errbody <3


Well-Known Member
why not make a drip system on a timer?
Hey bud, ya I like that idea too, the only problem I could find would be the possability of over watering. Plus I like hand watering so I can keep track of how much fluids go into the buckets.

But i do love the simplicity of it!


Well-Known Member
Well I made a bold move and put 3 of the 4 AK`s outside a few days ago. Decided I would try my first outdoor crop! BUT staying in the party cups! LoL Kinda interested to see how they turn out. Definetly going to need to support them early on in I think.

Here is the 4th one I left in the Growdrobe, day 3 of 12/12, showing 1 set of white pistols :) :



Active Member
Dude, when should i start seeing bud fromation? I'm on day 9 of flower and I swear I cant notice anything. I still have to look today but yesterday I took pics (they in my journal) I was thinking I would notice something by now, but not sure.

I'm right now using my 1000w dual arc (400 MH, 600HPS). Starting to think I'll just run my straight up Super HPS.... what u think?


Well-Known Member
Dude, when should i start seeing bud fromation? I'm on day 9 of flower and I swear I cant notice anything. I still have to look today but yesterday I took pics (they in my journal) I was thinking I would notice something by now, but not sure.

I'm right now using my 1000w dual arc (400 MH, 600HPS). Starting to think I'll just run my straight up Super HPS.... what u think?

Ususaly you see flowers after 2-4 weeks.
I would run the Mixed spectrum lighting - It will about double your Lumens of light,its better for Cloraphil B to get denser buds with less stretch.
An the Mh will emit alot of UVB witch will make your plants have more trics/potency.

Hell Yeah HonkeyCorn your Clone Army is looking good.


Well-Known Member
Ususaly you see flowers after 2-4 weeks.
I would run the Mixed spectrum lighting - It will about double your Lumens of light,its better for Cloraphil B to get denser buds with less stretch.
An the Mh will emit alot of UVB witch will make your plants have more trics/potency.
Im looking for ward to trying one of these "dual-Arc" bulbs, going to replace my 4x42w CFL`s in the veg chamber of my growdrobe with a 150w Dual Arc But probably stick with a high PAR HPS in the flowering room.

Hell Yeah HonkeyCorn your Clone Army is looking good.
Thanks bud, they are coming along nicely for 17 days from seed. Already eating 1600 PPM`s! LoL

Hungry/thirsty women I tell ya!


Active Member
Ya, ive been debating and asking opinion on the 1000w dual arc and have been getting mixed opinions. But its already on now so Im gonna use it :)

I was even thinking maybe use it for like 3/4 of the flower process then use the super hps for the end.... what you guys think?


Well-Known Member
Ya, ive been debating and asking opinion on the 1000w dual arc and have been getting mixed opinions. But its already on now so Im gonna use it :)

I was even thinking maybe use it for like 3/4 of the flower process then use the super hps for the end.... what you guys think?
I would probably finish with the dual-arc, your plant would be used to it I think and im not sure if it would stress it at all in the last two weeks... I could be wrong though...


Active Member
hmm... ya ur probly right, you would think it would have SOME effect. May it be stress or not. I think i was just sweatin in a little bit cuz i wasn't seeing bud formation yet. Today is day 10 now and they are showing some now :) :) :) :)

Heres one I FIM'd fom one of the tops of the Wonder Womans :)

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So ya im thinkin as long as buds are coming in why not try it out through the whole way? Different spectums of light all around. I've really liked it for veg so far (although i haven't used anything else before :) )


Well-Known Member
yes, im no expert, but my understanding is both sides of the spectrum used together mimic the natural light better than just a MH or HPS alone. Also is good for keeping nodes tight together and more tric` production from the UVB.

Ones I have seen were 60%HPS and 40%MH, I wonder if they make the reverse bulb (60%MH) for a veg bulb?


A brilliant idea would be an adjustable bulb/ballist combo with both a MH and a HPS bulb that allows a slider to be used as an adjuster for the light focus to move from one bulb to the other...

Basically be able to go from 100% MH light slowly decreasing to 0%, but every time you decrease the MH% the HPS% would increace by the same decreased value.

Examples would be; 100%MH, 90%MH/10%HPS, 70%MH/30%HPS, 50%MH/50%HPS, 30%MH/70%HPS, 10%MH/90%HPS, 100%HPS.

Wow, had some Lemon Jack this morning and kinds just went with that one... lol


Active Member
LOL!! sounds like a very familiar dusted ramble to me LOL BUT!!! the best part about those is they make so much damn sense!!! bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Hello Everyone!

I`m excited to say I have finished my party cup!

1st Cup Done! Not the winner, but a beauty!!!

Welcome to the end of a journey! This was my first but NOT last Party Cup!

First the facts:
- 2wks germinate/seedling w CFL in Growdrobe.
- 3wks Veg w CFL in Growdrobe.
- 7wks Flower w HPS in Flower Closet.
- 12 wks or 84 days from seed.

Soil was a hand mix 3 bags basic soil to 1 bag perlite. Optimum Hydroponics base line with Supermax B1, cal-max, bud ignitor, big bud, over drive, floral nectar and some superthrive. Grown in a custom Air-pruning party cup.

She is entered in the Weed as Art category under the medicinal side.
My guess is she will yield 17.5g dry, would be nice to get 21 or more though. Once the buds have been dried a few days I will weigh them b4 going in the jars.

I was planning on letting her go longer, but the trich`s kina snuck up on me and I already had 10% Amber so it was ready a lil` early. I`m not sure If anyone else experiences early harvest times (week or 2) due to the small container size forcing the plant to mature quicker? not sure. My first Ak-47 too, so maybe its just the genetics.

The fan leaves also started to yellow and die off slightly, Looked like she was nearing the end.

One weird thing is almost each bud site had 1 (what looked like) male flower during the second half of flower. But these all turned out to be more pistols cause they opened up and spitted lots more white hairs! She tried hard to find some!!!
The trichome`s were 10% Clear, 80% Cloudy, 10% Amber. The point during the inspection where I was a clear, cloudy and amber tric right beside each other is when I made my decision. I tried without success to get a pic of it, it looked soo cool.

Root Mass:
I was very surprised when I examined the root mass, I thought there was going to be a MASS of just root once it came out. But Nope, The air-pruning really did its job!!! It is hard to tell from the pics, but the roots were coming out directly from the center of the cup in all directions to the holes in the screen. No circles at all and no roots wrapped around the cup in any direction. LOTs of area to still grow too....... I figured it was root bound and that there would be very little soil matter left in the cup.

This has led me to believe that with air-pruning your root systems are using way more of the inside space of the medium and not just wrapping around the outside of it. Very cool..... means the root systems could have grown MUCH longer before coming root bound.

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So, since this plant`s ripening suck up on me, I decided to try something new. I decided to try drowning /boiling. The first thing I did was pour 4 L`s of boiling water through the party cup. Then boiled the cup standing up on the stove for a while. After boiling the leaves all curled up and twisted, some had colour change too. She looked hurtin!

I then put it in darkness for 24 hrs. This morning I then chopped it at the base and am hanging it for air-dry till its dry enough for curing.

Next plans for Flower Closet!

Here are some pics of my Jinn clones going into flowering 3 days early

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Now on to the AK47 Party Cup Porn!!!!!!

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NICE!!!! i am trying a solo cup from seed grow, but i put torn up rockwool in mine and i put plastic over the top.to keep up humidity. they look excellent(sorry no pics yet).,but i have a question? when should i take the plastic off? i havent had to water much cause the plastic keeps the dew inside the cup longer could probably use drain holes. ive got four right now, 3 for a dwc system i made, and one solo/ rockwool all the way.GREAT IDEA on the airpruners. oh yeah i poked some holes in plastic today thinking that will help them get used to be without the high humidity. any help would be welcome.