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So, I have a plant I've been nurturing for about 5 weeks now. I have had a lot of beginner problems and what it comes down to is I want to start over, better now that I know what to do and how to do it. Does this plant have to go to waste? Or could i make hash oil by extracting with butane? "Honeybee method" Would it even be good? It has been in the flowering mode for 2 weeks now and hasnt shown any sign of sex and appears to be dying and none of my "fixing" methods have worked. The new leaves growing in are growing in dried up and small.
(NOT LOOKING FOR A SOLUTION TO FIX PLANT PROBLEM) I just want to know what a plant like this can be used for if anything?
(NOT LOOKING FOR A SOLUTION TO FIX PLANT PROBLEM) I just want to know what a plant like this can be used for if anything?