Honey Curing

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
I probably won't ever cure buds like this, but honey on a blunt is fuckin awesome! leave some space at the end to hold it though, it can be a bitch to get it off you fingers once it's roached.


Well-Known Member
Why the F&*K would you put HONEY on weed. :spew:"Dat dont make no seence". Call me old school but smoking tobacco with my pot is gross. Period. In any form. From blunts to the way some folk smoke in Amsterdam, they roll joints, in paper mind you, and mix tobbaco in with the kindest herb. :confused:. I dont get it, but the each his own. I am trying to get as high a possible with the least amount of BS entering my boby, IE honey, ddt, clorine, cynaide, acetone, ammonia just to name a few. Keep your blunts im gonna "pass".

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
well, your crazy. blunts are second only to bongs. and when I smoke I like to hit a 'port before I exhale, just makes me feel more fucked up.


Well-Known Member
Easy young one. One day you to will learn the ways of the Jedi and then you may we christened with your Vaporizer and Light saber. We have all be tempted by the dark side.

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
hell no, it may be self-destructive, but I like to smoke. I like the smell of it, the taste of it, the sight of it. everything about smoking weed. I like tobacco nearly as much too. so, frankly, I don't think I'll ever even bother to try a vaporizor.

p.s. just had a great Idea! menthol weed, probably get you more fucked up

captain canabiss

Active Member
like closed minded know everything kinda people . like i used to be,i wrote this poem to remind myself .

TOO FUCKIN'SMART (or so I thought)

Back when i knew everything
i surely knew it all

ask me any question,any subject
make the call

too fuckin' smart(or so i thought)
yeah i was always right

never hearing others
my mind was closed so tight

listening to others
give me a fuckin' break

my ideas were better
a suggestion, I'd never take

so fuckin' smart(or so i thought)
made life a complication

the day i realized i knew nothing
was a complete emancipation

open minded now
and i listen well

open to suggestions
please go ahead and tell

back when i knew everything my life it sure was rough
now that I know nothing I can not learn enough

about the honey curing
the weed was great and
i did it once along atime ago and it was pretty cool. After reading about water curing buds on this site,what the fuck is that any way.
listen you can talk all the crap you want about the things people post, doesnt mean that your opinion means shit anyway or that any body cares about your eating habits either. But until you try something how do yuou really know if it sucks or not. i used to be a cocky know everything motherfucker and missed out on learning alot of new things because i knew my shit was better and that was all their was to that.

HAVE AN OUTSTANDING DAY, and remember it does to grow on trees1:mrgreen:

captain canabiss

Active Member
let me clarify who said anything was wrong with the weed in the first place. and who said you had to try anything ,it is much better to be closed minded and not try anything just cuz you think it wont BE RIGHT .the one time i did it i used a beautiful tasty sativa indie x that had thk buds and hollow stems and allowed the honey to flow out nicely. After over 6 weeks in the dark it cured really nice.
The comment about adding extra wieght was not intended to sound like an easy way to increase profit through deception. But I highly doubt that all the replies on this are from completely honest and upstanding citizens, i am not stating that i fall in the category either,"Ya gotta' lie to em honestly "

Mr. Maryjane

Well-Known Member
I'm too fuckin smart!(yes I do think) but I also take suggestions on stuff, which slowly makes me smarter. so, by the time I'm your age,(you seem kinda old) I'll be the worlds leading herbologist, with, at least, a 10-acre marijuana field. MWAHAHAHAHAHA


Active Member
let me clarify........ what's wrong with the weed to begin with that you would have to do something like this? i can put peanut butter on a T-bone steak but i don't. it's just not right.