honest temp answers needed


Well-Known Member
I have just switched to 12/12 w/ a 400w hps from 2ft t5s it used to top out at the highest point at 79 deg. now it pushes 83 deg I got a can fan with a charcoal filter an oscillating fan on the plants and a 6" desk fan pointing towards the cool tube. all in a closet. Is this gonna really harm the plants ie kill them/make it not worth it "yield" wise or is this temp of 83 just not ideal


New Member
TEMPERATURE - Cannabis Growing Guide

Proper temperature is one highly variable factor. Most books state optimum grow temperature to be 70-80 degrees, but many list extenuating circumstances that allow temperatures to go higher. Assuming genetics is not a factor, plants seem to be able to absorb more light at higher temps, perhaps up to 90 degrees. High light and CO2 levels could make this go as high as 95 degrees for increased growth speed.* An optimum of 95 degrees is new data that assumes very-high light, CO2 enrichment of 1500 ppm and good regular venting to keep humidity down. It is not clear if these temperature will reduce potency in flowers. It may be a good idea to reduce temperatures once flowering has started, to preserve potency, even if it does reduce growth speed. But higher temperatures will make plants grow vegetatively much faster, by exciting the plants metabolism, assuming the required levels of CO2 and light are available, and humidity is not allowed to get too high.
With normal levels of CO2, in a well vented space, 90 degrees would seem to be the absolute max, while 85 may be closer to optimum, even with a great deal of light available. Do not let the room temperature get over 35 C (95 F) as this hurts growth. Optimal temperature is 27-30 C (80-86 F) if you have strong light with no CO2 enrichment. Less than 21 C (70 F) is too cold for good growth.
Low temperatures at night are OK down to about 60 degrees outdoors, then start to effect the growth in a big way. Mid 50s will cause mild shock and 40s will kill your plants with repeated exposure. Keep your plants warm, especially the roots. Elevate pots if you think the ground is sucking the heat out of the roots. This is an issue if you have a slab or other type of cold floor.
As temperature goes up, so does the ability of the air to hold water, thus reducing humidity, so a higher average temperature should reduce risk of fungus.
Contrary to many reports, high humidity is not good for plants except during germination and rooting. Lower humidity levels help the plant transpire CO2 and reduce risk of molds during flowering.
Studies indicate the potency of buds goes down as the temperature goes up, so it is important to see that the plants do not get too hot during flowering cycles.
* D. Gold: CO2, Temperature and Humidity, 1991 Edited by E. Rosenthal.


Well-Known Member
Thats rosenthal for you.
Jeorge Cervantes says different, he says 74 is optimal and 80 should be your max. At 85 plants slow down regaurdless of co2. And at 90 they start to die (prolong period).

Fallen Buckshot

my veg spot is roughly 80-84 lights on and down to mid 70's lights off and have done fine .. my Flower spot gets up to 91/92 high lights on and several hrs after lights off is around 83 and everything seems fine both are at roughly 40% humidity

i personally believe good airflow and lower humidity play more of a factor than heat

Fallen Buckshot

and i dont fully understand this part

"Studies indicate the potency of buds goes down as the temperature goes up, so it is important to see that the plants do not get too hot during flowering cycles."

i thought the resins the plant produced were to kinda shield it from extreme heat/light/elements ?



Well-Known Member
Heat is what opens or closes the stomatas. When it is too hot and the stomatas have to close to hold in moisture they are not taking in or very little co2. That is why I believe many are mislead thinking because they have xtra co2 they can run higher temps. The plant is sucking pure co2 in just a few stomatas or small openings. If they would lower there temps and run co2 they would see a major difference


Well-Known Member
I'm going to make a retraction here. Something I just read...
Marijuana can survive temperatures from 32 degrees F to over 100 degrees F. Cannabis will grow best with a temperature of 70 to 75 degrees F day and night. Higher than 90 degrees F the enzymes within the plant begin to breakdown and photo-synthesis is affected. The same is true for low temperatures.
Carbon dioxide
Carbon dioxide is a gas that is essential for the light reactions in all plants that carry on photosynthesis. CO2 is absorbed through the leafs stomates and is combined with water and light energy to form glucose (used by the plant as energy) and oxygen (which is released). Therefore supplementing CO2 to the existing amount in the air will speed up photosynthesis and therefore, growth will occur faster. Experimentation has also shown that CO2 can help marijuana tolerate higher temperatures (up to 95 degrees F) with little affect on the rate of photosynthesis.


Well-Known Member
Further more
C02 supplementation
Some growers add C02 to their grow rooms to increase growth rate. This has proved itself to be effective in many experiments. C02 supplementation also helps the plants withstand higher temperatures of up to 95 degrees without slowing down growth. There have been complaints however, that C02 supplementation during flowering reduces potency. Therefore, C02 should be stopped when the lights are turned to 12/12

Fallen Buckshot

i wonder has there been a study that adding cool draught beer to your watering can will give a quenching effect to the plants ?


Well-Known Member
hey golden thanks for looking over the thread as well as everyone else, I am hoping that everything works at that temp. as being broke means no more gear..

I see you got some VK in your avatar is that what your running currently and hows it doin for ya: size, veg time, male / female ratio anything else you got really want to move over to some of that potent kush


Well-Known Member
31 days from cutting (clone) CO2 78 deg all day night temp 75deg 31 days of growth A perfecet room is amazing for MJ :blsmoke: bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
hey golden thanks for looking over the thread as well as everyone else, I am hoping that everything works at that temp. as being broke means no more gear..

I see you got some VK in your avatar is that what your running currently and hows it doin for ya: size, veg time, male / female ratio anything else you got really want to move over to some of that potent kush
Your welcome drcp. Yeah I have 2 VK in veg they are doing great. The large one went mature like after 5 weeks. I fimed all my plants but one (Diesel) The VK is stinkl already. Look below and you will see todays photos, or the fim pics before and now.

The VK took 1/4 nutes just as soon as the cotyldon leafs turned yellow, she likes the T5HO 22" above and at 4 weeks she was taking in full nutes np I am feeding nutes every three days.
I ran 24/0 for 5 weeks then 18/6. Check her out below.


New Member
heat is what opens or closes the stomatas. When it is too hot and the stomatas have to close to hold in moisture they are not taking in or very little co2. That is why i believe many are mislead thinking because they have xtra co2 they can run higher temps. The plant is sucking pure co2 in just a few stomatas or small openings. If they would lower there temps and run co2 they would see a major difference
spot on !!!