honest genetics

It's the root powder, my friend. They make it right there in the hills. That and some mountain Dew from the baby's bottle...and BAM...those suckers take right off..

Been at it awhile, my friend...but certainly not as long as the experts here. Maybe someday!
I finally 'heard' from "Honest". Dude is telling me I'm trying to rip him off b/c I asked for my $$ back and that I'm now asking for $200 instead of the $85 even though I never said anything about $200 to him. I asked for tracking# or $85 back. Not a peep for 3 weeks and then all of the sudden he replies. Either way its so left field it blows my mind. If tracking says MIA then its my loss. I accept that.

Said he sent my stuff 3 days after the $$ flew the coop. Admitted he didn't sent out any tracking# but I'm the only one complaining that I didn't get my order. I simply said I sent you $85 and you said good to go. Your tracking# is coming shortly. He's also ripping on me for asking if he had any extra BHurr laying around and that I'm trying to pity scam him. I always say "hey if you want to dump some spares go for it ;-)" Sometimes peeps throw some extra love. Its not a requirement for me. I've had random badass clones show up unexpected a few times.

I think he's really pissed that I reached out to Gasden. I only asked Gasden if he had beans, if they were partners and if I could work thru him. I also said there were others that were feeling outed on the order of $200. I got all of those IG convo's thrown in my face like I was trying to hide something. It was a typo on my part that I implied I was out $200. Doesn't really matter as my order is quite clear....one pack. Big mistake on my part reaching out to Gasden. He seems like a good dude in the middle of that clowns drama.

Now "Honest" says I'm banned from more sales!! Haha. I'm already ripped of $85 but I want to 'donate' more?? I had a couple of 'wall-o-text' emails trying to reason with him and it was like talking to a lunatic. Sucks being banned haha ;-)

Bottom line. I sent money promptly. Got no tracking# as per the agreement. Asked for a simple reply several times in a polite manner over 3 weeks. Nada. Now he replies, says I'm a scammer, known liar and I'm banned. Dude is a fucking clown.

Plenty of fire elsewhere. Funny thing is the only reason I wanted more beans is b/c 8 outta 11 SJ's failed to sprout. Mostly white POS beans. I didn't ask for replacements. Simply wanted another 10pk for full price. He said "I'll make it a heavy pack"...lol. I had 19/20 rate on my NFarm/Mycotek's and 4/4 on my Heisenbeans

At this point I'm dropping the whole thing and moving on. First time ever getting ripped off for beans. I'm a noob but an honest straight shooter as anyone who've I dealt with would vouch. Never lost a package even from Amsterdam w/o tracking. If it did/didn't make it here I'm entitled to know. The dude feels free to take peoples money and toy with them. Karma nut kicker on him.

Sorry for the WOT rant!
This particular customer was caught lying to a friend of mine about an order he had never made after hearing about my illness. I sent that same friend the proof he lied and then later sent this exact customer the proof of his own attempted deception. He claimed to have made a $200 order to my friend and said he was ripped off and asked to be given souvenirs. In reality this customer made an $85 order that was sent out along with my other backlogged orders that were made well before his. Those customers have received their orders. This one is claiming he didnt. However I can’t take this customer at his word. I told this customer that they were banned after being caught in their lies, so should I take a customer seriously about a separate complaint who already got caught trying to lie their way into more seeds they never ordered? For me that answer is no. I fulfilled my end of that sale, and this customer was sent a transcript of their own lies as proof as I stated before. He’s blowing smoke for the sake of blowing smoke because he didn’t get more free seeds and merchandise that wasn’t available from my buddy. If it didn’t violate the terms of Rollitup I would post those transcripts for all of you to see as definitive proof of this customers lies. If you are caught lying about false claims you get banned from sales and your complaints will never be taken seriously. This is true with me and all other seed sellers as well. We are on the honor system and this customer broke it! As I told this person over email there’s a story called the Boy Who Cried Wolf that his mother should have read to him as a child. If you aren’t a known and proven liar you get treated differently than if you are, that’s pretty simple
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I haven’t posted on here in awhile obviously. I’ve been extremely ill. The details of which I prefer not to delve into publicly. It’s gone back and forth, mostly forth. It’s gonna be awhile before I have time in my life to deal with cannabis anything again. Right now I need to focus on my health and recovery along with my farm and other businesses. Cannabis and seeds have only ever been a hobby business for me. Something I love truly and deeply, but at the same time something I have clearly not had time to address or deal with in light of my other responsibilities while ill. I have approximately 7preorders of Blue Hurricane reversal seeds that haven’t been sent out yet. I’m aware of them and they’ll be out sometime next week. I’ll be taking a hiatus from doing this after getting those remaining preorders in the mail. The truth is the cannabis community has become a source of negativity. Not overall, there’s still good aspects of it, chiefly the plant itself and the joy it brings people. But the sphere of negativity in comments/posts on social media makes me not even want to look or take part lately. When you are physically ill taking part in a sphere of negativity can only make you sicker. Surrounding myself with positivity is what I need right now. And with respect to those of you in the cannabis community who have been nothing but positive to me, I still need to bid adieu at least for awhile while my body recovers. I appreciate everyone and anyone who took part in growing Honest Genetics and I hope you all enjoyed them as much as I enjoyed creating them :)
I might return at some point but it’s gonna be awhile, I just need time away so I can hopefully heal. I’ll take orders for the next week if I get them before I have the last of the preorders mailed out. But after that my hiatus has officially begun. Thank you all, and blessings to you and your families
@HonestGenetics420 any update on the Blue Hurricane fem line?
If you preordered and didn’t receive yet it’ll be out next week as I said in the post above. If you weren’t in the preorders then my illness and coming hiatus is probably a large inconvenience since I won’t be remaking or selling anymore of those particular seeds. I feel since the preorder people waited so long for me to get around to shucking those seeds while deathly ill that they should be the only people who get to have them. I feel like it’s a fair exchange for their long wait. As a breeder I can always make future crosses from those offspring. Maybe someday I’ll return with some new hybrids from those lines. But for the meantime I’m only offering my older stock until I begin my hiatus. Either way I appreciate your interest and support in the brand, if I ever return I promise it’ll be with far more exciting stuff than just that ;)
They arrived today, I guess he sent them before he got sick, that's like 3 month or so international shipping :shock:.
I probably got those out during a swing in my illness a month after they were ordered if this is the customer I think it is. 3 months before arrival though?! Seriously? I’ve heard of 2-3 week holds at customs but that’s crazy! I really do apologize if it took that long! I definitely hooked the packages up quite a bit when I didn’t get them out for 2-4 week periods. I was having some really bad swings in illness and those holdups were never intentional. I neglected to take dozens of orders that people tried to make via email during those times as well. I’ve been unreliable about responding to the [email protected] email during this illness and I apologize to everyone for that. Between all the spam I’ve been getting from IG sites that find my email and add me to their mailing list that I have to sort out for customer emails, I’ve also just been neglectful. Taking a hiatus is my way of doing right by my customers from here forward. I know I don’t have the time to deal with the seeds business atm with all my other responsibilities on my plate, and so I’m not going to pretend I do until my body is healed and I can once again find the extra time. Sorry again for your particular wait! I wasn’t aware of that and will gladly send you something extra for just the cost of shipping to make sure you’re satisfied with your order. Thank you again for your support
This particular customer was caught lying to a friend of mine about an order he had never made after hearing about my illness. I sent that same friend the proof he lied and then later sent this exact customer the proof of his own attempted deception. He claimed to have made a $200 order to my friend and said he was ripped off and asked to be given souvenirs. In reality this customer made an $85 order that was sent out along with my other backlogged orders that were made well before his. Those customers have received their orders. This one is claiming he didnt. However I can’t take this customer at his word. I told this customer that they were banned after being caught in their lies, so should I take a customer seriously about a separate complaint who already got caught trying to lie their way into more seeds they never ordered? For me that answer is no. I fulfilled my end of that sale, and this customer was sent a transcript of their own lies as proof as I stated before. He’s blowing smoke for the sake of blowing smoke because he didn’t get more free seeds and merchandise that wasn’t available from my buddy. If it didn’t violate the terms of Rollitup I would post those transcripts for all of you to see as definitive proof of this customers lies. If you are caught lying about false claims you get banned from sales and your complaints will never be taken seriously. This is true with me and all other seed sellers as well. We are on the honor system and this customer broke it! As I told this person over email there’s a story called the Boy Who Cried Wolf that his mother should have read to him as a child. If you aren’t a known and proven liar you get treated differently than if you are, that’s pretty simple

Total horseshit!! This dude is a fucking tool kook liar. I sent him $85 for an order of Facepunch period! Received nothing. Have the entire email thread including PPal receipts and his replies promising a tracking number "shortly". Never got a tracking number as promised in the email. Asked twice for a tracking# and went for weeks w/o responses. I finally cracked and asked for a response or my money back. I wasn't the only one with problems clearly posting on this thread. He even acknowledges this later on that my tracking# was 'missing'?? Never had an order not show from anywhere. I've ordered from him twice before and the transaction was spot-on. Who takes peeps money then blows them off? I'm sorry you were/are sick but you were clearly aware of me wanting to know wtf my order was during your illness. You could have simply sent a 2sec email...it's gonna be awhile bro be patient. I woulda been stoked to get that response. Never asked him for anything other than a response, my order or my $85 back. Oh, I mentioned that if he had any Blue Hurricane laying around I'd love to get in on that. Apparently this was a sin...lol. This whole $200 deception story is a total facade. I told Gasden he'd ripped me for 'like' $200 but meant a bunch of us who reached out to me privately. Bad typo on my part but the paper trail for our deal is quite simple regardless. He's prolly butthurt b/c I reached out to Gasden which was a mistake on my part. Apparently others did. I asked IF Gasden sold his seeds as well...not to go bug HG about where my shit was. Pretty reasonable to ask wtf is going on?. All I really wanted was the order or an update. How could I ask him for $200 on a $85 order w/o a matching invoice, email, etc? It's fucking lunacy.

"Honest"....post up the tracking number that it made it to me. Any half way professional charging people for USPS Priority would be able to do this. If my shit was lost in transit then so be it...my bad. Fact is you never sent shit to me. The reason I was ordering more was b/c the SJ beans were mostly white garbage that didn't sprout(3/12). Yet I never asked for free replacements. My banana punchsickles were great btw.

Your beans aren't the problem. It's how you deal with peoples hard earned money. Plenty of other reputable breeders to get on-board with. Got some DocD and 707 beans that just showed up within 4 days after payment straight from the source. Better genetics and way better prices. Go ol'Betsy!! Tracking, communication, extras, etc were A+++

Please un-ban me so I can send more $$$ to you lol.

Regardless, I wish you a speedy recovery! For reals. Hopefully my $85 helped you in some way

Good luck to the rest of you sending full price $$'s for the unknown :hump:
I probably got those out during a swing in my illness a month after they were ordered if this is the customer I think it is. 3 months before arrival though?! Seriously? I’ve heard of 2-3 week holds at customs but that’s crazy! I really do apologize if it took that long! I definitely hooked the packages up quite a bit when I didn’t get them out for 2-4 week periods. I was having some really bad swings in illness and those holdups were never intentional. I neglected to take dozens of orders that people tried to make via email during those times as well. I’ve been unreliable about responding to the [email protected] email during this illness and I apologize to everyone for that. Between all the spam I’ve been getting from IG sites that find my email and add me to their mailing list that I have to sort out for customer emails, I’ve also just been neglectful. Taking a hiatus is my way of doing right by my customers from here forward. I know I don’t have the time to deal with the seeds business atm with all my other responsibilities on my plate, and so I’m not going to pretend I do until my body is healed and I can once again find the extra time. Sorry again for your particular wait! I wasn’t aware of that and will gladly send you something extra for just the cost of shipping to make sure you’re satisfied with your order. Thank you again for your support

Yeah I knew by the amount of posts this topic had prior that you were legit and seemed likely you were in bad shape. It was a set back in a few ways, no point pretending otherwise, but that was mostly my own fault for having a lacksy daisy plan B. I've shipped from America a few times so was expecting at-least 2 weeks and ofc double if customs got into it, I just wasn't expecting that long, being why I thought you hadn't got round to it. I'm happy with what was sent so don't worry about that, and good health to you. Please send me an email with current offerings when you get back on the horse.
I probably got those out during a swing in my illness a month after they were ordered if this is the customer I think it is. 3 months before arrival though?! Seriously? I’ve heard of 2-3 week holds at customs but that’s crazy! I really do apologize if it took that long! I definitely hooked the packages up quite a bit when I didn’t get them out for 2-4 week periods. I was having some really bad swings in illness and those holdups were never intentional. I neglected to take dozens of orders that people tried to make via email during those times as well. I’ve been unreliable about responding to the [email protected] email during this illness and I apologize to everyone for that. Between all the spam I’ve been getting from IG sites that find my email and add me to their mailing list that I have to sort out for customer emails, I’ve also just been neglectful. Taking a hiatus is my way of doing right by my customers from here forward. I know I don’t have the time to deal with the seeds business atm with all my other responsibilities on my plate, and so I’m not going to pretend I do until my body is healed and I can once again find the extra time. Sorry again for your particular wait! I wasn’t aware of that and will gladly send you something extra for just the cost of shipping to make sure you’re satisfied with your order. Thank you again for your support
Hope you get to felling better for a mans health is number one thing to take care of first.I hope you don't have cancer for I know its a bad road ahead for you if its cancer and if its cancer MAKE SOME GOOD OIL OUT OF INDICA FROM THE BEST WEED YOU HAVE for that oil helped save my life when I have a very rare cancer.the best of luck to you man.
Regardless, I wish you a speedy recovery! For reals. Hopefully my $85 helped you in some way
For a guy who got caught in his lies you sure are salty. As I said, you know good and well I can’t show screenshots of your private conversations on here. It breaks the terms of rollitup. I’ve already been deleted on here once after showing proof of someone else caught in a lie. But I absolutely have those records and YOU KNOW THAT! I sent them to you and proved your deception to me. You don’t see me saying you didn’t make an order do you? You did make a $85 order, you also tried to double your order for free and lie to my friend that you had made a $200 order and gotten ripped off when in fact that never happened. I will absolutely never take any complaint you make seriously. Two other people who partake in RIU were sent their orders the same day and I also forgot to send tracking that day to them. How come those two aren’t complaining about not receiving on here? Because they arrived, duh. So pardon me for not taking the time to dig through my big bag of tracking receipts to verify what I already know. You were caught lying and you’re scum to me, I will not lift a single finger to help you out. You cannot be trusted
Hope you get to felling better for a mans health is number one thing to take care of first.I hope you don't have cancer for I know its a bad road ahead for you if its cancer and if its cancer MAKE SOME GOOD OIL OUT OF INDICA FROM THE BEST WEED YOU HAVE for that oil helped save my life when I have a very rare cancer.the best of luck to you man.
Not cancer no. Thank God for that. But my body isn’t exactly in great shape internally atm. It’s gonna be a little while, there’s a road to full recovery ahead. Thanks for your concern, wish you the best with all your current and future endeavors :)
i got the CFS for $80, 12 came in a pack and it came with about 20 purple frosting. / note that these purple frosting were freebies, so they might not be giving them out anymore.

i'd love to see some pictures of the scarletts on this thread, spread the info. i was so skeptical about buying his seeds, since there weren't many things about him at all, yet his pricing was fair and had some bomb genetics.

great to see you here on roll it up! welcome.
yeaha 80 seems fair that g6 looks tasty. Thanks i hadnt heard of these
Anybody still running these genetics?.

Looking for some grower info on SJ flowering time and what phenos to look out for. Similar info on purple frosting if anybody has it?.
Anybody still running these genetics?.

Looking for some grower info on SJ flowering time and what phenos to look out for. Similar info on purple frosting if anybody has it?.
Havent ran yet but am gonna run them pretty quick along with chocolate frosted sherbert