Honest Answer Required Pls.


f1bud, ive got 4 white widows 5 weeks into flower & im already havin the same problem u got. my colas & buds r lookin quite the shit but yeah, the fan leaves r yellowing and droppin left & right. do what u think u should but as long as the buds arent rotting, i'd let every damned leaf fall off before i'd chop early. but yeah, take a sample bud, put it n an envelope, leave it on ur ballast for about 3 hours and smoke it, see what ur dealin with at this point. man, i wish u all the best cause im right behind u. & hey, let us know how it ends b/c that'll damn sure tell me what i'm in for.


Well-Known Member
Haha, look guys there are people who think its worth a shot trying to save these buds and people agree you might chop and be done with it. Either way you gona get some experience at this situation for the future, i been there before and it is between a rock and a hard place. If the bud is too early it will be crap, if bad nute problems it will be crap but what a gamble right????? Exciting, try not to be dissapoointed if it dont go well either way, you learnt some invaluable knowledge and had fun doing it.

Even sh!t bud taste good if i grew it myself so chill sit back and enjoy, you got other plants so if this is bad lets hope they are better, maybe chop and focus on making sure the rest make for a good finish. Good luck whatever you decide, like living on the edge with them plants dude but a real gamble and i love a gamble!lol! Peace


Well-Known Member
Um not to pull you up on things F1Bud but i do look back at the threads i have taken part in and seen we have spoken before on a previous thread about these plants, how did you go from that thread and those problems to this thread and total lack of Nitrogen-


I am intrested in your comments more as how you did the grow and flowering period.

The reason being that had you controlled the ferts better do you think on the next grow you are gona have some amazing buds? I mean if you repeated this whole grow exactly the same and just changed the nutes and micros a little in flower would that solve every problem leaving you with troubled free fun growing and the whole grow dialled in like you got total control? Peace


Well-Known Member
Major lockout, so your PH is off , either too high or too low. Check the runoff after watering and see what that tells you. Should be between 6 or 7.
My guess is its too high. Good luck!