Well-Known Member
nice bro. that norm is a funny fucker.sweet.... i'm downloading it now!!!!
wouldn't be so sure about the vape gathering dust. i thought it would at first, but i have to say it's a much smoother cleaner experience than smoking or bong'ing, and has the added benefit that the vape leftover (duff, poo, whatever you wanna call it) is PERFECT for cooking, so you get some free edibles every few weeks or so. but for sure, there's advantages and disadvantages of any method. with a vape, you have to pre-heat it or wait for a bag to fill, so there's something nice about the immediate gratification of smoking too.Niiiice report dude! So sweet to smoke the fruit of your labor...Especially knowing it only gets better with age. And yeah, I saw Norm's new show when I was in vegas, some funny shit. And man, I haven't vaped in a long time, I'm mostly a bong toker...Maybe it's about time I get a vape, even though I'm pretty sure it'll end up collecting dust in some corner...lol
well, you can definitely get a good one for around $150-200. the one i have is the "box vape" with no bag. the way they break down in my head is vapes without bags and vapes with bags. the ones with bags tend to be a little more expensive ($200-300 or more if you go for the classic "vocano") and require a little more work, but the great advantage is you get these bags of vapors that you can pass around or just let sit there and consume at your own pace. the non-bag ones like the one i have, are cheaper (around $100 to $150) but you have to learn how to use them correctly. specifically knowing how fast to inhale, because too slow and your herb burns, and too fast and you get no vapor. just right, and it's awesomeI have been looking into a vaporizers but I'm exactly like Meta nothing but bong. every now and then bowl. What are some good ones that arent 300-500$? More like 100-200$ is my range!!

word, bro. i agree with you.I thought the same thing till i realized how potent the vape is. I now use my voporizer every day and and my bong is now collecting dust.
good stuff micro. the other two vapes i've been hearing about are the "easy vape v2" and the "vapir", each in the $150 range online. i don't know too much about them, but people on other threads have been saying good things about them. i'm looking to upgrade to a vape with a bag for the reasons i mentioned above in my reply to smokey. the grav labs helix, that's a smoker right? (not a vaper?).iolite is a vape i have beenlookin into for some time... only comlaint i have heard (and actually only heard it once), was that there was a "slight" butane taste... but like i mentioned, only one person out of about 20 i asked mentioned that... i just bought the grav labs heli with all three detachableparts... this is now my daily smoker and trying to sell my bubbler and bong to help out a lil when ordering the iolite... i found one on amazon for 140... so if you have an amazon account, i would suggest ordering from them... chepest iolite prices around for sure... they sell them for 240 at thelocal head shop...
homer, the smoke report sounds amazin, i noticed with my lil lady being a heavy indica, its potential flavor and "stone" came at about week 8 of cure... i remember hittin it thinking to myself "this is what bud shuld taste and feel like"... lol... i dont think i will never forget my ol arjan grow... lol... cant wait to see what you do next homer... you oughtta give an auto a try... im guessin you get clones for twenty a pop or so? i think you oughtta try a "from seed grow"... there are so many more varieties out ther than your common club would carry... totally not speakin from experience, since i have never evn been inside nor seen a real medical club in person... lol.. just an assumption...
as for the smoke report, yeah i'm starting slow so i can build up in the next few weeks

oh, and as for clubs, man you should take a trip out to cali. you'd be amazied at what these clubs carry. the one in east bay has like over 50 different strains of clones! don't wanna say clones is better than seeds or anything, but for like $12 a pop and guaranteed female, it's a pretty good deal. only drawback is that sometimes they have powdery mildew disease (like mine might've had), that's why i'm thinking of going seed next time around.