Homer's 2nd Cfl Grow: Amnesia Haze x G13 and Blue Cream (Pics and +Reps)


Well-Known Member
Hey man I can say that your plants are looking more and more done each update (obviously :bigjoint:) Looking really good, How long does each nug go down the plant?

Also about you and nutrients. I have 3 plants right now (as you probably have seen from my thread)

My first plant I was going for a 2 week flushed and miss-timed it and basically the plant entirely ate all of its leaves and its basically left with just nugs near the end and ya probably lost some yield there.
My second plant I think I timed my 2 week flush really well and will see how that goes.
My third plant I plan on just giving it nutes up until the very end excluding the last water.

So hopefully I'll have results for what I like best (if I can notice any difference)

Sorry for the ramble, just warning you of the issues with flushing too early.

(also my bad on bumping your update back a page)


Well-Known Member
Hey man I can say that your plants are looking more and more done each update (obviously :bigjoint:) Looking really good, How long does each nug go down the plant?

Also about you and nutrients. I have 3 plants right now (as you probably have seen from my thread)

My first plant I was going for a 2 week flushed and miss-timed it and basically the plant entirely ate all of its leaves and its basically left with just nugs near the end and ya probably lost some yield there.
My second plant I think I timed my 2 week flush really well and will see how that goes.
My third plant I plan on just giving it nutes up until the very end excluding the last water.

So hopefully I'll have results for what I like best (if I can notice any difference)

Sorry for the ramble, just warning you of the issues with flushing too early.

(also my bad on bumping your update back a page)
Oh, you mean this update? :)
haha, no prob. The same exact thing happened to me my first grow with my sour diesel. Timed
it wrong and ended up flushing for 2.5 weeks, big mistake for the reasons you mentioned. Defintely update me on which method works best for you!

Thanks man, as for the nugs, they only go about 3-4 inches down, not huge. I think I'll get between 1/2 and 1 oz dry off each plant, and that's just fine by me :)

yes homer them babies are looking so dope..whats the secret? keep it up mang
Thanks bro! The secret is trial and error, mostly error haha. And being on this site hours a day :)


Well-Known Member
looking great homer very nice job cant wait to be at that point again
thanks jhod! flowering is an exciting time. i actually enjoy all the stages, even veg, where all the behind-the-scenes work happens, lst'ing and whatnot... i'll go check your thread soon bro.

getting nice and frosty and chunky!!!looks awesome!!
thanks smokey, our girls are growing old together haha. peace bro.

lee harvey

Well-Known Member
WHOOPS.. had to edit this one..had 2 pages up and thought i was writing on another thread.. homer u the man though lol buds are looking mighty fine man


Well-Known Member
Seeing caged weed first thing in the morning makes me want to smoke...alot...lol. Looking good man! Excellent weedage homer!


Active Member
Your plants are amazing !
I wish i could get mine to bush out like that... mine grow so skinny.... not so bushy...
I have tried topping and fimming... just doesn't seem to work well for me.
any ways........ Keep it going strong bro !


Well-Known Member
WHOOPS.. had to edit this one..had 2 pages up and thought i was writing on another thread.. homer u the man though lol buds are looking mighty fine man
haha, never got to see your original post, oh well, i guess it's for the best lol. thanks lee, buds sure are looking frosty, got some new pics to post.

Seeing caged weed first thing in the morning makes me want to smoke...alot...lol. Looking good man! Excellent weedage homer!
haha, you have something with cages, don't you? looks like babygirl 2.0 might need a cage of her own... to keep that bitch in line lol.

Your plants are amazing !
I wish i could get mine to bush out like that... mine grow so skinny.... not so bushy...
I have tried topping and fimming... just doesn't seem to work well for me.
any ways........ Keep it going strong bro !
thanks brotha. i did a LOT of lst work in the first couple weeks of veg (from clone). if you wanna see my methods, check out the first 3-4 pages of this thread, i took lots of pictures. basically i made the main stems go horizontal, and then a week or so later, i made all the new branches also go horizontal, sort of around the rim of the pot. then all the new growth from those branches went up. i also topped once, but i don't think that made too much of a difference. oh, and i did a fair amount of leaf trimming in the first couple weeks which definitely helped to spur new growth.


Active Member
Schweet !
Thanks for the advice !
I'm in teh middle of upgrading.... got the tax money back... got 4 x 100Watt CFL's adding that to my allready 260 Watts (660 Watts) and an IoLite vaporizer.
AAAAaaaaaannnnnd ... thats all The wife will Prob laet me do for a loooooooooooong time. She keeps telling me my hobby is expensive.... well... only when i upgrade (which I haven't done in a while.)
So... hopefully i will see more results in the near future !


Well-Known Member

Bunch-o-pics of my girlies who've been flowering for about 6 weeks now!
Pics were taken between March 21 and March 23, ordered chronoligically.

Starting with Queen Amnesia...




Well-Known Member
Sick lookin buds, Homer. I'm really impressed with the resin production on both plants. You're starting to get visible amber trichs so harvest time is on the horizon.


Well-Known Member
Ouch ... It hurts sooo good ......
Man those are some pretty Ladies ya got there man !
thanks GP! appreciate that bro.

dam homer, just awesome looking buddy!! great job, cant wait to see these buds cut and trimmed!!
that makes two of us CD. with the powdery mildew sneaking in every few days in the nooks and crannies, i'm just about ready to be done with this grow!!! it's been great so far but also full of issues. need a clean start for the next one :)

Sick lookin buds, Homer. I'm really impressed with the resin production on both plants. You're starting to get visible amber trichs so harvest time is on the horizon.
thanks DK. it's kinda strange, the camera makes it look like there's more amber than when i look with my own eyes. some of it might be the reflection of the light, i don't know. possibly the heat is also "burning" some of the trichs early? do you know if that can happen? (it gets in the high 80's sometimes). still haven't done a good trich inspection. i think i'll just have to snap off a mini bud in order to get a good look with the 60x scope. 6 weeks so far, should be a couple more at least, but i guess the plant knows when it's ready more than the calendar huh?

damn homer looking frosty bro
thanks brotha! frostiest bitches i ever did see.


Well-Known Member
I am just speechless! I've been looking at these photos for a couple hours and I still don't know what to say!!! They look fantastic!!! not much longer till harvest time!!! but you are absolutely correct, a plant is done when it's done and it doesn't matter what the calendar says.


Well-Known Member
Thanks stoneyluv!!! Wow, a couple of hours huh? Haha, that's almost as long as I look at them. Nah, if I could I'd spend the whole day just sitting with the plants looking at them, smelling them, whispering sweet nothings lol.

So do you think heat could be turning some trichs amber prematurely? I know I should go by the plant's look, but 6 weeks does seem kinda early for two sativa-dominant hybrids (especially Amnesia which is mostly sativa). I'll see if I can get a better sense of the trich color distribution and maybe post some scope pics (but no guarantees, that shit is hard!).

Peace brotha. What's on the schedule for tomorrow's chop?


Well-Known Member
I never heard of heat making the trics turn amber or degrade more. i do know that light makes the trics degrade and it is possible that the light is very intense where the trics are turning. but I'm not sure about that because i know the sun has more lumen's than my cfls and my outside plants don't turn out near as frosty. but that could be because of rain and other things. It is very hot outside sometimes and they don't really turn color any faster. And remember it's the head of tric that you're watching.

but as for a sativa being ready early,that is not that strange. I had the same strains for over a year now and they are all a clone of a clone and I can tell ya that every single plant is different. same strain or not, every plant has a different requirement. I've had a sativa that was ready 7 weeks after the 12/12 switch. and I've had twin sisters take 10 weeks! I feel it's all up to the ganja gods!

As for my grow, I'm not sure if I will have one to chop. I have a bubblegum that might be ready... i misplaced my scope and I have been super busy over the past two weeks and some of my girls have suffered a little bit. about a month ago i really fucked up and sprayed my plants with a bottle that had algae in the bottom(I'm such an ass!) and I bought new ones at the dollar tree and they sucked so I bleached the bad bottle and now I'm seeing problems again. I've thrown the bottle away but the damage is done and now i am paying the consequences. One of the contaminated plants is a large diesel that i was gonna start flowering tomorrow. I'm gonna do a huge flush tomorrow but flushing didn't seem to help my other sick plants out. I just hope i fix it before the entire veg box dies! lots of gardening to do tomorrow. wish me luck!