Homemade Ways of smoking


New Member
Okay so besides the obvious rolling papers and bongs, I've heard of some home made, or "substitutes" you can use instead of the real thing. For instance, I've heard of people rolling Js with bible paper. Which some people might consider dirty but... Idk. I think gods down with marijuana and created it for a reason. Anyways and for a "bowl" I've heard of like tin foil on the top of a water bottle and a hole in the side works well. Anyone know any other homemade dealios? :bigjoint:

God's Balls

Active Member
My favorite was the torsion nut wrench from my Gibson SG. Stole the screen from a bathroom faucet, it was the most crackhead-looking rig ever. :)


Active Member
Ive made several nice tin foil pipes with a few inches of foil and a ball point pen. I pull the ink core out of the pen, wrap the foil around the pen, shape a bowl, pull the pen out, load, light. When youre done, slide the pen back in and save it for later, or wad it up and toss it.


My buddies and I like to call them knifers but you take 2 butter knifes and set the tips on the stove burner, then when they are red hot you take them and pinch a nice little nug at the same time you take a paper towel roll and inhale all the smoke as fast as possible. It is fuckin awesome!!!


Well-Known Member
Ok so I have many variations of the above named my dad made a pipe out of a pen and a penny my favorite homemade piece is a steam roller...take tp tube make a hole wrap it in tin foil and just push the tin foil in and your ready to toke also bong out of a plastic vase, and a bong made out of a reg piece of pipe with an oil cap to seal the bottom


Active Member
When i was young i use to love making pipes and water pipes..I made one with a light bulb...other ways are gum paper, toilet paper roll, and ive even made one out of a lucas salt container...those were fun haha


Well-Known Member
When i was young i use to love making pipes and water pipes..I made one with a light bulb...other ways are gum paper, toilet paper roll, and ive even made one out of a lucas salt container...those were fun haha
I remember using a split gum paper to roll with once back in college... almost forgot about that one!


Active Member
No one mentioned the holy beer can technique. And the apple pipe is wrong. You drill a hole in the core and use the top center of the apple as a bowl. you then put a hole from the side of the apple to the center of the core. It's pretty simple. Biting it seems like it would be pretty messy and realllllly nasty after about ten minutes... Keep the skin on the apple!

Brick Top

New Member
Using a small bud, or a piece of hash, stick it on the end of a pin, hold a glass over it upside down, (open end of glass downward), light the bud or hash, the smoke goes into the glass, suck the smoke out of the upside down glass. Some people will stick the pin into something so it will be on a tabletop or countertop or whatever and after lighting the bud or hash set the glass over it and wait and then get down to the level of the table and slide the glass to the edge and suck out the smoke and some will just hold the glass in the air. Either way it is not the most efficient way to smoke, but if it is that or nothing, it will work.


Active Member
me and my buddies used to make bongs and bowls outa everything back in the day, grey goose bottle bong, gas mask we stole frome school and attatched a steamroller to

has anyone ever done the one with a bread bag and a 2litre bottle??