Homemade oil for my vape pen

@DemonTrich if I wanted to step up my concentrate game.... a little..... what would be your suggestion, I’m capable of harvesting 1-2lbs every harvest. I use a rosin press now. WITHOUT spending thousands. I ask because I figure or assume that you started off much like many of us here . I see you on some other threads but most of that stuff is so far beyond my imagination I can’t comprehend most of it. I just can’t wrap my head around it because of the situation that I man .... probation state ......
Imo, rosin for profit is a total waste of time, product, and well $.

Rosin for personal use is great. A 20.00 hair straightener, parchment paper is all you need.

Ethanol washes for any extract including smoking/vaping is great.

ISO, dont smoke the extract. Nasty sheet. But is great for all other medicating forms.

I did start small, and lost lots of money. Reason why I have 30k into my lab alone. A small initial investment, and obviously time spent learning, will pay off as long as you have an out for your product.

Just like upgrading lights and such. A small upgrade will pay for itself in say 6 months. Like my 6x600 hps/mh to 7x315 cmh swap. In power savings alone in say 8 months, it paid for itself.

And screw authority. Move to a legal state asap.
Imo, rosin for profit is a total waste of time, product, and well $.

Rosin for personal use is great. A 20.00 hair straightener, parchment paper is all you need.

Ethanol washes for any extract including smoking/vaping is great.

ISO, dont smoke the extract. Nasty sheet. But is great for all other medicating forms.

I did start small, and lost lots of money. Reason why I have 30k into my lab alone. A small initial investment, and obviously time spent learning, will pay off as long as you have an out for your product.

Just like upgrading lights and such. A small upgrade will pay for itself in say 6 months. Like my 6x600 hps/mh to 7x315 cmh swap. In power savings alone in say 8 months, it paid for itself.

And screw authority. Move to a legal state asap.
Before all my lab equipment and my 14X1000w DE grow burned down along with my house in The Camp Fire, the only thing I had been squishing lately was untrimmed smalls. Made for some tastey nugrun rosin that did sell, but yeah, not much market for rosin unfortunately. :-(

I used the extraction contraption to extract the kief from my trim, and would strip it with ethanol before continuing on to make my distillate. When I get back up and running again here soon, i’ll probably not even mess with making rosin. Mmmmm, maybe lol. Maybe just a small press for personal.
Before all my lab equipment and my 14X1000w DE grow burned down along with my house in The Camp Fire, the only thing I had been squishing lately was untrimmed smalls. Made for some tastey nugrun rosin that did sell, but yeah, not much market for rosin unfortunately. :-(

I used the extraction contraption to extract the kief from my trim, and would strip it with ethanol before continuing on to make my distillate. When I get back up and running again here soon, i’ll probably not even mess with making rosin. Mmmmm, maybe lol. Maybe just a small press for personal.
Ya I do not sell rosin, I agree no money in it.... but vape pens made from rosin!!! Yes I can buy lunch with that
The solution is still working fine for me, however I'm now using distillates so I'd imagine it stays liquified pretty easy lol.

has anybody played around wiht "profile building" or whatever you call it? Adding back individual terpenes to distillate to create a sort of "spectrum". I have only read a little bit about it but it seems really interesting. I got some pure myrcene for now, and was looking into getting some linalool. I have read that linalool has the properties that are what I am looking for. would be lovely if I could make some cartridges that were more on the "medical" side of things for a lack of a better term.
Made this with dry sift. Paint roller tek. Mixed with Mass Terpenes liquidizer, about .3ml per gram. Then passed through a .45 micron syringe filter before transferring into the cartridge. Nice clean taste (I went with unflavored on this one).

Made this with dry sift. Paint roller tek. Mixed with Mass Terpenes liquidizer, about .3ml per gram. Then passed through a .45 micron syringe filter before transferring into the cartridge. Nice clean taste (I went with unflavored on this one).

Give us another update in a couple of days! I’m getting ready to make Kief
So could I just use a rosin press and then mix that with the liquidizer and that gives me my oil?

Be careful with the Wax Liquidizer.
It's basically PG, PEG, PEG200 and PEG 400 in their proprietary blend, with basic flavorings like grape and strawberry.

It's nice stuff, but in my opinion it is WAY over priced!!!

DON'T use more than suggested because the PEG has the ability to self siphon and if you add even just a little too much it will wet the wick and then eventually self siphon past the wick and flood the area below the cartridge where the battery connection is made.
It's not like a typical VG/PG mix.

Here's a demo of PEG self-siphoning

Also once you mix your cannabis oil with PEG, you cannot use Vegetable Glycerin because the PEG will cause separation.

The numbers after PEG have to do with it's molecular weight, PEG comes in every form from water thin to like a plastic-like wax and honestly it shouldn't be vaped or ingested because it is toxic to the kidneys.

There are a lot of options for diluting agents and honestly the topic can fill it's own discussion and even after the topic is talked about (and argued) to exhaustion, nothing will really be cleared up...

One I would suggest is triacetin, but good luck finding concrete documentation on this for vaping, other than opinion articles.
Triacetin is being used more and more to replace PG in flavorings and it doesn't mix with VG (which shouldn't be used for vaping anyway).
From what I can tell triacetin is pretty safe, though it is a plasiticizer and solvent, so if it or it's fumes come into contact with rubber, it will dissolve the rubber.
But for reference, the Wax Liquidizer will also dissolve the rubber dropper on the bottle as well.
There have been studies done on it's use orally and on the skin as well as limited exposure to the lungs with no adverse effects (something that cannot be said of either VG or PG).
But there have been no long term studies.

To be honest, there is just not enough data on any of the diluting agents used in vaping to make a concrete judgement call right now.

So choose your diluting agent carefully...

As far as flavorings, check out the flavor apprentice
Here you can get all the flavors your heart desires and they are affordable.
Just stay away from cream and butter flavors as these tend to produce diacetyl when heated and this can cause "butter lung" or "popcorn lung" which is not a reversible condition.
So your only defense is prevention.

Last thing to take into consideration, it all boils down to the atomizer you plan to use and that's a topic that will get people arguing...

If you have questions I am happy to help where I can.
I didn't check the date on this post....
The original post was almost a year ago...
I guess I am pretty late to this party!!!
Still a nice golden color, no settling out of anything or separating or anything of the like.

I watched the paint roller trek and parchment paper method..... but what size bag or screen did you use. And did you press The Kief in a heat press or what? Did you just mix The Kief with your liquidizer and then filter?
I have a stack of 4 screens ranging from around 160 to 300 lpi from gold-up usa... I believe they're like 20"x30", like John Berfelo has (check out his youtube videos if you're not familiar with him, just search John Berfelo dry sift). One one cartridge I just dropped un-pressed heads into the vial and on one I did a very quick clamp-melt with a hair straightener inside parchment paper. No press bag or anything, just enough to melt the heads then pass each through the syringe filter. Both syringes turned out just fine.

The filters take a little bit of time. The oil needs to stay warm and thin to pass through and even then is 1 drop at a time with light pressure on the syringe plunger so the filter doesn't breach. I had to put the syringe in a lightly heated (about 200deg. f) oven a minute or so a couple times to warm it back up so that it would flow through again. Maybe for next harvest round I will get a glass syringe to help hold the heat a little longer.