Ok, besides doing a small cornfield grow this spring, I found a beautiful spot where no human is gonna try to go. It's just an overgrown area with weeds and vines and you can't see in from the sides. If I can put two clones in the middle in the spring..it'll be great for sure. The only thing is, it's gonna be a pain in the ass for me to get back there as well. So, I was thinking....If I got a bucket, found the smalllest drill bit I can get my hands on, and drill a hole on the bottom, fill the bucket with water, and then place it near the stem, I am thinking that the water would slowly seep for about 7 to 10 days. I could also mix a small amount of fertilizer in the bucket too. Just go back about every 10 days or so...What'ya guys think...Good idea or bad?