Homemade Banana Chips for K w/ pics! Simple and efficient way to add slow release K!!

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Hi everyone. I have been growing organically for almost a year now. I am by no means any kind of expert, but I learn fast and have an appreciation for the science.

I use bottle nutrients, but I try to keep them to a minimum...so I like using slow release NPK with different types of compost.

The NPK value for banana peels and banana ashes are 0, 3.25, 41.76 <----------That's a lot of fucking potassium to be throwing in the garbage. And not to mention the slow release P that is being released as well.

A few months ago I started doing this and it's been working for me, so I thought I'd share it with all of you in case you eat a lot of FUCKING BANANAS like I do!! :lol:

So here we go:

Step 1 - Eat bananas. I recommend buying Organic bananas, unless you're not threatened by the idea that your compost could contain genetically modified ingredients.

Step 2- Save your banana peels in an air-tight container and keep them in the refrigerator (or possible the freezer if you don't eat bananas fast enough). I save them for about a week and let them build up so I'm not bothered with it as often.
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Step 3 - Place the banana peels you have been saving on a pan or tray. I cover the tray with foil first. Peels can lean on each other a bit, but don't stack them on top of each other or it will cause problems in the oven.
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Step 4 - Place banana peels close to the top rack of your oven. PLEASE WAIT TILL YOU ARE COOKING OTHER FOOD TO DO THIS! Using your oven just to cook these peels is a HUGE waste of energy. Just throw them in the oven with whatever you're cooking until they get crispy. It can take up to 30-40 easy for these peels to get crispy like we want them, so you can leave them in the oven for the next day and the day after until they are ready, not like you have to worry about them going bad...they're compost!
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Step 5 - Once all the peels are crispy and none of them are soft or especially flexible, you can pull them out of the oven.
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I usually leave mine in overnight after they are finished just to make sure they are dried out. I put them in a bag and crush them with a rolling pin usually, because that's my fuckin style, but you can grind them up with a food processor if you'd like, or crush them up in any manner. I like to keep them looking kinda like bark, small pieces...but not pulverized.
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Step 6 - You're fucking DONE! I use about 2 cups at least for my 30 gal soil mix...but I don't have an exact amount figured out or anything. bongsmilie Have FUN!!
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Well-Known Member
Great addition to the knowledge base, but I think you could probably double your amount to soil I'll be sure to try this.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Thanks and yes, I would think you could at least double it. My family eats about 30-40 bananas a week though, and I have just BARELY enough to put 4 cups in the batch I'm whipping up today, so you'll have to eat a lot of bananas. Not that they aren't great for you!

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Fuckin eh! Bananas foster for the next week!
Hell yea, good ass idea. Maybe I'll saute some up with some brown sugar later and throw it on some soy icecream...mhhmmmm...maybe I'll do it right now instead.

Frozen bananas are my new favorite ice cream substitute!!!

Great in smoothies too...
Heck yes! We've been doing that over here too. I started making my son's baby food when he was 4 months old by pureeing fruit and freezing it. When he got old enough for soy ice cream we just started making batches with pureed bananas and berries and freezing it. Delicious! I do it in the smoothies as well! Smoothies are most of what I eat all day, so I don't have time to be messing around in the fridge all day either.

+rep for the great ideas friends!

Rising Moon

Well-Known Member

The home made smoothies are sooooo good.

Ever try a banana fruit smoothie with peanut or almond butter added? My kind of munchies...


(btw, great idea about the K chips too)

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Ever try a banana fruit smoothie with peanut or almond butter added? My kind of munchies...

(btw, great idea about the K chips too)
I throw a couple of those organic Newman's peanut butter chocolate sandwich cookies into my banana smoothies sometimes, delicious. I'm vegan so I get real creative with mine usually. Lot of juicing fresh produce separately and mixing them in with the smoothies. I use almond milk and a bunch of grain milks and stuff do.

It's hard to believe that all those years I had the munchies I ran out and got pizza and milkshakes at 2 in the morning, I honestly felt like I couldn't smoke pot and be healthy in the same sentence let alone the same life...who'da thought this'd not only be easy but also a favorable lifestyle...


Well-Known Member
Supposedly non organic banana peels get dosed pretty good with pesticides to the point that some vermicomposters suggested not to use banana peels in worm bins. Organic bananas are 80 cents/LB versus 60 cents/LB for regular so I don't mind the extra cost.

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
Supposedly non organic banana peels get dosed pretty good with pesticides to the point that some vermicomposters suggested not to use banana peels in worm bins. Organic bananas are 80 cents/LB versus 60 cents/LB for regular so I don't mind the extra cost.
I wouldn't use anything sprayed with pesticides in my bin either, good point. I spend so much time being upset about GMOs that I forgot there are other reasons I eat organic. I wish everyone felt that way about just paying an extra 20 cents. If they did we'd soon see that turn into 20 cents less. Seems these days people will make any excuse to eat unhealthy anyways. It used to be cool to be wary of the government....must be the fluoride!! Lmao.


Well-Known Member
So, you can add the Composted banana peels from the beginning? what would be a good easy recipe that includes this great amendment?

+ WitchDoctor +

Well-Known Member
So, you can add the Composted banana peels from the beginning? what would be a good easy recipe that includes this great amendment?
Yes! I mix them right into my soil when I'm mixing it up.

Here's my soil recipe. I have great results. It's all plant-based though, so you would want to use either high P guano in flower, or I use Humboldt Natural Bloom for P and a little bit of Nature's Nectar Nitrogen in veg if I need a little extra N.

Dolomite lime &#8211;1 cup
Neem cake &#8211; 1 cup
Karanja cake &#8211; 1 cup
Mykos &#8211; 1 cup
Coffee/tea grounds &#8211; 1 cup
Epsom salt &#8211; ¼ up
Greensand &#8211; 1 cup
Crushed Cooked Banana Peel &#8211; 2-4 cups

1/2 bale of compressed coco chips
2 bales compressed coco fibers
2 gallons peat
3 gallons EWC
2 gallons worm compost

If you don't have compost, you can use an extra 3 gallons of worm castings.

This mix costs me about about $35 for over 30 gallons, I think closer to 35, as long as I have everything I need ahead of time. When I was mixing with bags of soil from the hydro store it was costing me twice as much, then I'd have to add my amendments...and I still didn't get as good of results.


I... "crush them with a rolling pin usually, because that's my fuckin style"
I fucken laughed for 10 minutes!

Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Yes! I mix them right into my soil when I'm mixing it up.

Here's my soil recipe. I have great results. It's all plant-based though, so you would want to use either high P guano in flower, or I use Humboldt Natural Bloom for P and a little bit of Nature's Nectar Nitrogen in veg if I need a little extra N.

Dolomite lime &#8211;1 cup
Neem cake &#8211; 1 cup
Karanja cake &#8211; 1 cup
Mykos &#8211; 1 cup
Coffee/tea grounds &#8211; 1 cup
Epsom salt &#8211; ¼ up
Greensand &#8211; 1 cup
Crushed Cooked Banana Peel &#8211; 2-4 cups

1/2 bale of compressed coco chips
2 bales compressed coco fibers
2 gallons peat
3 gallons EWC
2 gallons worm compost

If you don't have compost, you can use an extra 3 gallons of worm castings.

This mix costs me about about $35 for over 30 gallons, I think closer to 35, as long as I have everything I need ahead of time. When I was mixing with bags of soil from the hydro store it was costing me twice as much, then I'd have to add my amendments...and I still didn't get as good of results.
Dolomite is high in Mg...I like crushed Oyster shell, say like 3/4 cup per 1.5 cf. Generally I'll go 1/2c crushed OS and 1/2 cup ground dried eggshell per 1.5 cf.

I would like Azomite over greensand....Greensand takes years to be available to mine....In soil building, Greensand is more a down the road thing, but for the most part, I like it.

Why so much coco? I really avoid coco for soil building.....Use the peat and maybe add some nice compost - brings more bio's into play....Equal amounts of EWC, peat and say perlite or lavastone over coco chips and 1/2 as much for the compost.....nice balanced base soil.

My thoughts

Oh, yeah, the banana idea is interesting....Mine go in my worm bins,,,,I am going to set some aside and make a small soil run to try this out!

Hey, you might find this as helpful - link, click it;
N-P-K Value of Everything



Well-Known Member

The home made smoothies are sooooo good.

Ever try a banana fruit smoothie with peanut or almond butter added? My kind of munchies...


(btw, great idea about the K chips too)
dude totally.. the best thing for a sweet tooth, what I do, if i'm feeling like a pimp is add real whipped cream on top, of the peanut butter and banana, like a speck...


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't use anything sprayed with pesticides in my bin either, good point. I spend so much time being upset about GMOs that I forgot there are other reasons I eat organic. I wish everyone felt that way about just paying an extra 20 cents. If they did we'd soon see that turn into 20 cents less. Seems these days people will make any excuse to eat unhealthy anyways. It used to be cool to be wary of the government....must be the fluoride!! Lmao.
one thing to consider is organic doesn't mean no pesticides.
there are LOTS of OMRI listed pesticides that are poisonous to human.
strawberries in particular, but bananas too
all gotta be good and washed.