homegrown vs "street weed"


Well-Known Member
is there a big difference in the quality of the smoke when you compare homegrown buds to regular street buds? do you find that homegrown is significantly better?


Well-Known Member
is there a big difference in the quality of the smoke when you compare homegrown buds to regular street buds? do you find that homegrown is significantly better?


Well-Known Member
Home grown is soo much better. Homegrown is cured right,flushed right,taste so much better than middies even the exo/good shit that some people get is nothing to Homegrown.
Street weed is straight garbage if you don't go to the right people.
But if you do then it's okay but nothing compared to homegrown.
I always stick to homegrown thats why I'm starting a grow of my own.

nice signature too


Well-Known Member
how is it a stupid thread its a good question homegrown is better imo just because it took you 6 months to grow that shit and how can you flame this girl look at her lips!


Well-Known Member
well... it all depends..

ive gotten real good herb off the street.. and ive gotten real bad(dirt) herb off the street.

it all depends who you get it from.. and where they got it from.


New Member
i just think its a tough question to ask . because i dont know what she means by street weed? could getting my ganja at a dispensery count as being street weeed? if you really think about it all weed is homegrown some ppl have the knowledge to grow really dank pot others cant grow for shit therefore not so good weed...


Well-Known Member
The street weed I get IS homegrown. It's a small town, with a lot of college students and hippies. :D


Well-Known Member
Well.. when I first started growing someone told me that once you grow and smoke your own you will realize that the weed you thought was good is shyt.. LOL.. I found it to be true. But then again.. a lot of it could be because it's fresh, very controlled up to your own standards, and of course it's your pride and joy.. lol..


Well-Known Member
by street weed...i guess i just mean the crap i buy from dealers...i know its all homegrown...well...sort of. some people do outdoor grows in forests and fields and stuff...and that bud isnt as well controlled...and im sure a lot of the dealers...at least in my area...dont grow/dry/cure the buds properly at all. but i was thinking the same thing as milf...that the weed i thought was good is not nearly as good as homegrown.


Active Member
Plus street weed gives money to the hells angels where I come from. I rather keep my money from those dirt bags.