Homebox XS setup


Active Member
This is my third attempt at growing. After 2 failed and entirely half assed attempts i figured id just do it right. I bought a homebox xs and some foxfarm nutes and mylar etc. Got the mylar covering the inside of the homebox and 6 cfls on 12 plants that i germed using the plate method. (2)42watt 2700k, (1)26watt 2700k, (3)26watt 4100k. These were only going to be used for a day or so until i got a hps light ordered. The homebox sits in my closet thats 9.5x3.5x6.5ft.The pics of the plants are from yesterday theyve only been above the soil since sunday. i think theyve stretched under the cfls and its buggin the hell outta me. So what i need to know is what is the best light setup (cfl, MH, or HPS) with heat and cost in mind? And ventilation is also an issue as temps usually go up to 90. So what would be a good temp setup to vent it?


Well-Known Member
you done need mylar on a Homebox...
90f with cfl's?
if so no hps/mh unless you get a inline fan of some sort.

How hot is it in the closet alone?


Well-Known Member
the best way to vent is a inline fan straight up tho.
and a oscillating fan inside the homebox is great.
BTW i got 2 of the XS and are pretty easy to work with;)


Active Member
the mylar actually noticeably increased the brightness in the box. Its 86f in there right now. my room is somewhat airconditioned. so the temp outside is usually the temp in my room. and even hotter in the box. thats why id like to know a good ventalation setup for a homebox xs.


Well-Known Member
I use 250w and 400w in mines.

Some A/C? Damn it shouldnt be that hot then.
bes thing to do is get a inline fan for outake
and a duct booster for intake

and if you get a decent inline fan you could have an hps in there:).
cooltube is bet bet in the homebox XS tho, as its only 4ft tall so all the height you can have is best:)


Active Member
thats pretty sweet. i have to keep heat in mind though. i was thinkin a 150 watt hps and 4 26 watt cfls. if i knew how to put pics up on this bitch i would. 109 is kinda outta my range. i have a budget of like 250 for a light and fan.


Well-Known Member
manage attachments is how you post pics.

well a 150 yea you can cool that with a 4in inline fan no problem.
a 150w is about $70 not much:)


Active Member
I'm considering buying a homebox XS myself and have a question for your guys that own them... How steardy is the structure and will the Homebox XS hold a 400 Watt light? What do you think are the pro's and con's of the homebox XS.


Well-Known Member
yea they'll hold a 400w np;)
im not using mines now but the 400w is still hanging.

can take any where
set up n break down no problem
made of reflective panda film
seals out light
holes for vents and elct plugs
comes with straps for fans and carbon filter
flood blanket for easy cleans up
really sturdy

i dont know many but will think
metal pipes are a pain and have to lube
hard to zip sometimes
I hear things about putting off toxins but never exp an effect on plants or anything


Active Member
Here are some pics. Theyre both from today(1week 2days.) i got a 150watt hps and an 80cfm duct booster on the way from htg supply.


Well-Known Member
good job on the tent i like u did nt want to fuck it up any longer half assing it and bought a tent. I have a vented hood and duct fan going they work ed good and i just tried and experimental intake fan instead of passive intake and the temp jsut dropped 3-5 degress more total 10 degree drop plues i can leave the hpsue opne with no fear of passerbys seeing all the light, christ lol, streetlight in my bathroom and closet before is blacked out.

Texas Liar

Active Member
Hi gang, noob here, but I've been reading and lurking for a while. I'm going to order a Homebox PDQ, and am researching lights. Someone mentioned plants dying from the plastic in the tent. Shouldn't, the Homebox units are made of PE plastic. Other units are made from PVC plastic, which supposedly breaks down and may be affecting plants.
I've seen the expensive inline fans they sell, and personally think you're throwing money away. Go to Home Depot (on the 'net) and search for "inline fan". They're made to go in ducting from the furnace/AC to a room, and boost the airflow to that room. They're made to run continuously just like we need, and only run $25 - $35 depending on the size you want. I've got a 6" on my carbon filter. The ones in the online ad says the 6" is 160 cfm, but the one I bought at the store is 250 cfm. Heck, at that price buy a spare if you're afraid it'll break down. No question the $100+ units are better, I just question whether they're necessary.
Food for thought,



Active Member
My hps light and 4'' duct booster came in today. The light isnt up yet, i might get some pics up tomorrow but i hooked up the fan and it pushes pretty good for its size. rated at 80cfm. it was $19.99. Its a little loud though, any suggestion on noise reduction?


Well-Known Member
i own a homedepot 6 in and 8 inch inline fan and it puts out nowhere near the cfm that my growbright 6 inch inline 424 cfm fan does . the home depot fan doesnt do well under the stress of having to pull air thru the carbon filter either.
they do work well for cooling my hood thos.
as for the tent . i have a grow tent and all of the tents sold now have been fixed and no longer produce toxins like the older recalled units.
the frame is very sturdy and holds my 1000 watt HPS no problem and at one time held a 4foot 4 tube T5 fixture. it also has my carbon filter and other goodies hanging witout any problems.
they are also nice because if you move you just pack it up and go.
as for keeping the smell in they work great with a carbon filter.
mine doesnt leak light . the zippers are smooth and i the only issue i have with it is i wish it was bigger. so get the biggest one you have room for you will be glad you did later on