Home Owner's Insurance Inspection

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
My home owner's insurance has been steadily creeping up the last several years, and it's now almost 60% higher than it was several years ago. I have been avoiding changing insurance companies because I don't want to deal with the hassle of a new company, and dealing with it when they want to do their initial inspection. I just figured it was the cost of doing business; I got like 3-4 lbs of product coming down, and one of the expenses is an increasing insurance bill. An inspection would uncover my DIY grow room with DIY electrical and plumbing, not really sure how I could take it down and hide it...or where I would hide it all if my entire house was being inspected. I do not want anyone to do a thorough outside inspection either because I have an egress that would look mighty suspicious with ducts, etc.

What do you guys do when your insurance rates arbitrarily increase but you have a grow set up?
Did your insurance company do an in home inspection, or just an outside inspection, or none at all?
Will they get suspicious when I tell them to fuck off with the inspection?
I'm afraid to switch because even if they don't initially perform an inspection, they might in 6 or 12 months.
My home owner's insurance has been steadily creeping up the last several years, and it's now almost 60% higher than it was several years ago. I have been avoiding changing insurance companies because I don't want to deal with the hassle of a new company, and dealing with it when they want to do their initial inspection. I just figured it was the cost of doing business; I got like 3-4 lbs of product coming down, and one of the expenses is an increasing insurance bill. An inspection would uncover my DIY grow room with DIY electrical and plumbing, not really sure how I could take it down and hide it...or where I would hide it all if my entire house was being inspected. I do not want anyone to do a thorough outside inspection either because I have an egress that would look mighty suspicious with ducts, etc.

What do you guys do when your insurance rates arbitrarily increase but you have a grow set up?
Did your insurance company do an in home inspection, or just an outside inspection, or none at all?
Will they get suspicious when I tell them to fuck off with the inspection?
I'm afraid to switch because even if they don't initially perform an inspection, they might in 6 or 12 months.

I use an "old school" company. For the past 8 years I never heard a peep. No initial inspection or anything. This past spring I got a letter saying they did an onsite risk assessment. The letter said I had 2 months to fix my steps and send them updated pics of steps or be dropped. They obviously drove past, saw my steps, then kept on driving and never even came on the property. Because they could've banged me for way more lol. I think it could just come down to who's working there. Bout all the insight I can give Guy.
i rent now but maybe 5 years ago i inquired of several companies and they all said they would inspect with majority saying they hired a home inspection company to do it. 2 had their own inspectors. looked at roof shingle quality, foundation, electrical service. seemed pretty thorough. probably to limit liability to themselves if there were DIY half ass home repairs or non-permit stuff that turned to shit
would it be much cheaper if you moved insurer's?, their all a bunch of robbing basterds

that's what he's saying, but he's afraid in doing so he'll have to get a full home inspection in the process... at least that's what i got from it..
I'm sure you've done this already but weigh your options no pun intended and see if it's worth fixing everything take your grows down to get a possible inspection or just keep on trucking and taking it in the ass from your current policy holders ........if it don't make dollars it don't make cents but I think your guna have to look at this in the very long run .....it may be worth stopping your grow for a bit tighten things up and switch or it may not ......only you can crunch the numbers .....good luck inspections on new policies/companies usually are thorough or not at all ......your dice to roll
that's what he's saying, but he's afraid in doing so he'll have to get a full home inspection in the process... at least that's what i got from it..

Pretty much. I could save probably $300/yr, but if they want to do an inspection I would need to completely shut down the grow and make it look like it's not a grow room. I don't even have my window in my egress, I replaced it with a wall so I can run vents and shit to the outside. I'll almost certainly lose more than $300 worth of product by completely dismantling the room. It will also be more than $300 worth of my time to shut it down only to reassemble it. I am afraid to question insurance companies about their home inspection policy, because if there is one thing that would make me want to inspect someones house more than anything it would be them suspiciously inquiring about me inspecting their home. I also can't talk about this with anyone IRL because I can't give any valid reasons why I absolutely cannot have a home inspection in my basement. Every single person would be like "yeah just let them inspect your electrical panel, no big deal", even though it would be a very very big deal.
Pretty much. I could save probably $300/yr, but if they want to do an inspection I would need to completely shut down the grow and make it look like it's not a grow room. I don't even have my window in my egress, I replaced it with a wall so I can run vents and shit to the outside. I'll almost certainly lose more than $300 worth of product by completely dismantling the room. It will also be more than $300 worth of my time to shut it down only to reassemble it. I am afraid to question insurance companies about their home inspection policy, because if there is one thing that would make me want to inspect someones house more than anything it would be them suspiciously inquiring about me inspecting their home. I also can't talk about this with anyone IRL because I can't give any valid reasons why I absolutely cannot have a home inspection in my basement. Every single person would be like "yeah just let them inspect your electrical panel, no big deal", even though it would be a very very big deal.

even if you did switch companies and go through all the hassel of taking your op to pieces,
within 3 yrs you would be paying the equivalent of what your paying now, they all play the same game, get you on board with cheap insurance, then every year they just keep bumping it up
alot of the money men moved to insurance after the banking crisis in 2007/8, and all the insurance premiums went up, feckin leaches
Just apply for the insurance and cancel if they need to go inside. They never need to go inside. An appraiser for a new purchase would, but that's a different situation. You're overthinking this.
I'm afraid to switch because even if they don't initially perform an inspection, they might in 6 or 12 months.
Several years later they may drive by to inspect the outside, just like they may when you sign up. Make the call. Ask how many days until it's finalized.
Pretty much. I could save probably $300/yr, but if they want to do an inspection I would need to completely shut down the grow and make it look like it's not a grow room. I don't even have my window in my egress, I replaced it with a wall so I can run vents and shit to the outside. I'll almost certainly lose more than $300 worth of product by completely dismantling the room. It will also be more than $300 worth of my time to shut it down only to reassemble it. I am afraid to question insurance companies about their home inspection policy, because if there is one thing that would make me want to inspect someones house more than anything it would be them suspiciously inquiring about me inspecting their home. I also can't talk about this with anyone IRL because I can't give any valid reasons why I absolutely cannot have a home inspection in my basement. Every single person would be like "yeah just let them inspect your electrical panel, no big deal", even though it would be a very very big deal.

Hey, Guy! It's great to see you around again. I say fuck it, keep paying whatever your current insurance company wants. Taking a risk to save less than the cost of an ounce per year? No way, bro. It's just the cost of doing business. I rent my place, and I don't let anyone come in here unless absolutely necessary. My grow up is a smallish room that is well hidden with no scents, sounds, or light leaks, but still. If there's ever work that needs to be done, I just pay someone to do it so my landlord doesn't need to hire anyone. My refrigerator broke down and I could have easily called my landlord, but I just shelled out the $450 for a new one. Good luck, hope to see you around more...
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