Home Outdoor Growing

Ya looks like shes alittle hot and thirsty to as well. May be on the late side but id top it a node or two. Imo id start earlier all together next yr for outdoor plant and learn topping and different training techniques
I would top her now also. What's your latitude? Agree she's got a late start so won't be a big yielder but could still have time to grow quite a bit before flowering. In any case will be a good learning experience.
Yessir I’m learning I have her up 24hrs with lighting at night and sun during the day Its been 6 days since she’s received lighting at night..
Any more advice?


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I would top her now also. What's your latitude? Agree she's got a late start so won't be a big yielder but could still have time to grow quite a bit before flowering. In any case will be a good learning experience.
The soil surface looks dry but we need more info about how you're treating her to give you advice.
Compost tea and I got her up 24hrs with light at night and sun in the day… any advice


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I like the switch to cloth grow bags. Most people run 18 of light and 6 of dark, but 24 is ok. You live in a place where the light isn't enough to keep her in veg? If it's an auto then it's a different story; best auto I saw on here was done under 24 hours.