Hi Major. Do you regularly test the pH of either your soil or your runoff? If not, might be a good idea to do so.
That's one reason why a consistent LED array providing ~400-700
umol PPFD is a much better, more efficient alternative indoors, too...and why it's usually better to use more, lower wattage emitters spread out over a larger area, than trying to push more light out of fewer, high-watt LED arrays, which in effect reproduces many of the negatives we get from traditional point source lighting (and which we're trying to get away from).
I'd try 1) raising the lights up higher/attenuating their radiance, and/or 2) looking at reducing the mA to your circuit.
Are your drivers dimmable?
Also, do you still have those CFLs in there? Don't need 'em!
Just my $0.02.
Cheers for all this TL, by the way...if you're still lurking! Very good info. I took your advice on reducing the radiance (no dimmable drivers unfortunately..they're fixed current). I took out the CFLs, and raised the LEDs. It was obviously the right thing to do, because my ladies are doing very well now. I'll use that 40W/ft2 reference figure for future grows!
I have now added the CFLs back, but then my grow space has had to expand to fit my bushy ladies, so it all still works out.
Although I understand your point, that an even spread of light is preferable two point sources, I quite like the penetration that the arrays provide, and I really love the fact that they are each only 5" in diameter. In the confined space of my closet grow, these LEDs are much more flexible than a single panel would be. I can move each around, and raise and lower them independently as required.
If each individual 3W LED in a grow panel could be moved up or down with the canopy then I'd value their even coverage more...but in my current grow I think it would be really hard to light the bottom of my largest plant with a 85W panel of 3W LEDs at a fixed height above it. As it is, I have 2 lights at staggered heights, so the light nearest to the smallest plants' canopy also lights the bottom of the larger plant. (If you know what I mean..I'm probably explaining this badly)
If I get good yield and quality of this grow then I might start building and selling these lights man. I love them because they're so easy to use, mainly because they're so compact and neat. If I can be bothered post-harvest!!