Home-Made Dehumidifier


Well-Known Member
After some research, I've found a DIY dehumidifier. I didn't want to spend the $200 on one that sucks as much power as my fridge.lol. And I'm cheap. All you need is some Calcium Chloride flakes. It absorbs all the moisture out of the air.

Things I used:

Calcium Chloride
Plastic tray with holes in the bottom
Cheese cloth
Paint tray

Not even 15 min after I put that in the room the CaCl2 started to to get crystallized showing losing is dull colour. I'll keep this thread posted on how it works out.

It is safe on plants for those who are wondering relatively safe to us. Heck, they put this in our food. Nestle pure life water uses it in their bottled water.

If this is successful, I wonder if it can be used in the same room when drying plants.



Well-Known Member
The batteries in my fuk'n camera died right in the process of turning on the flash to take a pic. Go figure. I'll post up a pic once I go buy some new ones, but for an update. It is working and there is water soaking in the cheese cloth and collecting in the paint tray. The flakes are looking mushy and absorbing well.

Pics to follow soon.


Well-Known Member
I need to hear more about this i was thinking of developing something like this as i need help on top of the dehumidifier.
Please post how you made it and also how long its been working and if its still working as good as when you first put it in there .
thanks bro


Well-Known Member
I must say that I'm really happy with this set up. I've had it in the room for approx. 20 hours and it has dropped the humidity by 6% and accumulated quiet a bit of moisture from the air.

I well be adding more CaCl2 tonight at the 24 hour mark.

I highly recommend doing this if you don't have access to a dehumidifier or if you're just "thrifty" like myself.


I listed everything required for my particular setup. It's just basically putting the cheese cloth in the smaller tray with holes in the bottom, adding CaCl2 on top of the cheese cloth and then putting that container in the paint tray.

If you like I can take more pics of all the actual stuff when I refill it tonight.

You can boil out the water and reuse the CaCl2 that's left over, but I don't think that it's worth it. I just flush it down the toilet and refill with fresh CaCl2.

If anyone has any questions, please feel free to ask.



Active Member
dont know what tpye of dehumidifer you were using that used as much energy as your fridge mine is set at 50% humidity and really only comes on when the lights are off and only stays on a couple seconds and my room is 11X16. do you have a exhaust fan?


Well-Known Member
they already sell this at Lowes, its called Damp-Rid. its very uneconomical. a good dehumidifier will last years and you will pay for one with 6 months supply of this other crap.


Well-Known Member
Unfortunately for me, they don't sell damprid or anything like it in Canada.

I was exaggerating a bit with it using as much energy as a fridge, but I assume you got my point.

I also didn't want to spend $200 for one. I'm just showing this as a cheaper alternative then buying a unit.

Yes I do have an exhaust fan, but the room I'm using is having a lot of problems with moisture due to where it is in my house. It is under control, but this is making my job a lot easier.


Well-Known Member
I bought it a few years back and pollinated one of the plants and ended up with about a few hundred seeds. The shop I got it from said that it wasn't going to be around long when I bought it so I wanted to make sure that I had enough to last awhile.

It has GREAT pain killing effects and helps with sleeping.

I have some Belladonna on the go right now as well, just waiting to get them big enough to catch a clone and sex them. Also have some KC 36 but the damn seeds won't germinate. Pissing me off. Tried paper towel, soak in water, and straight to soil and I'm not getting anything out them. Very disappointing.


Active Member
damn why cant i get my hands on some of these great sounding genes that some of these people have lol? i dont want to do the breeding thing just want to be able to grow me a plant for personal use.