Home Made Co2 Tutorial

yeast is a living organism. it eats the sugar and in return gives off co2. its also busy creating alcohol and reproducing.

if you put 1 packet of yeast in a 1 gallon jug its enough, feed it some sugar and it will make co2 and alcohol. if the % of alcohol gets too hi it will kill the yeast. if they run out of sugar they will starve.

in theory you would only ever need 1 packet of yeast. if you make a 1gallon jug and use it for a week start a new 1 gallon jug with only water and sugar. add a cup of the old mix. there is enough yeast in the old mix to populate the new jug.

hey i know its an old post, i just wanted to know if i were to use a 1 gallon jug, how long do i have to shake the mixture?

I am planning on using it for 8 plants.
really helpful man thanks, Co2 is heavier than air though, it falls, best too put above the plants with a moving fan underneath.
Ijust bought a co2 detector with digital PPM readout but it shows 0 when sitting in my grow setup (i have a constant Yeast/sugar mix) pumping in to hose around the plants.

now the co2 detector seems to work as it shows ''13 ppm'' when i blow a big bong hit on the detector. ;; yes im clam baking my co2 detector :)...

anyways, thoughts?
ha!! how stoned am I?!!! I bought a co detector not a co2 detector! dumb!

ok but the question...

is there a conversion from CO amounts and CO2 ... like an equation so I dont have to hunt down a co2 detector...
Hello, This was a message I sent to born2killspam, I thought I would post it here incase anyone else had similar question...
Ive read a considerable amount of your data on c02.. I would like to know your opinion on using your yeast recipe with an air floor. Would it be possible to saturate the plants effectivley with c02 using tubing run under neath the air floor. The combination of air floor and upper far corner exhaust creates a low pressure area inside your room that may or may not help saturate plants(this is a question sorry)? Also I use a 1000 hps for flower, I live in a southern hot region and keeping things cool with a 1000 can be a bit tricky and costly, question is will c02 help with hotter temps enough to consider this as a way of keeping warmer air in the room and not have to cool it as much? Thank you for the time you have put into the information you provide!!
my lower leaves turned yellow and fell off the day after my yeast/sugar mixture... so i stopped using it.. just an fyi it was hurting my girls
I use this method as well :) only with a gallon jug. Thank you for sharing. I understand what I'm doing more. I got this advice from peeps in OR. and my babies are def thankful ;)
This is a good way to generate C02. The yeast will stay active as long as you give it a little bit of sugar every 24-48 hours (when most of the bubbles have stopped and the mixture looks inactive). It should smell a little like fresh bread (it is yeast afterall). The other thing you can do with the mix when you're finished is DRINK IT. :mrgreen: Yes! We made it all the time in 5 gallon batches in the outer islands where there is no beer or anything. The yeast eats the sugar and "poops" alcohol in the process (aka fermentation) - this is also where the C02 comes from as well. Try it, you'll see! The longer the yeast is active and the more sugar it eats, the stronger the yeast drink will become. I've had yeast after one week of feeding it sugar and it was STRONG. Close to straight vodka strong (you only drink the clear part on top after the yeast has settled to the bottom). It is definately an acquired taste, but then again when isn't a new alcoholic beverage? :hump:
Wheez's tutorial will work, but not that well.. It's a common misconception that yeast eat sugar.. They harvest their O2 from sugar, they need more complete nutrients too.. Some fruit in there will help guarantee that all your sugar get converted, tomato paste is great.. You don't need anywhere near as much yeast as sugar.. I'd go with 25% sugar by weight and I might use 1/4 lb of yeast in a 60L batch..
Yeast also prefer things slightly acidic, so add some lemon juice and aim for high 4's..
If you give them what they need then you shouldn't really need to shake it too much except for thorough mixing at the start.. If you want to learn more then go to homedistiller.org.. Fermenting (which is what you're actually doing) is an art/science, and those guys know a ton..
I just shur everything off in the (except the lights) and fire up a propane torch for 10-15 mins a day. Seems to work wonders.
use 12 cups of warm water, 2 teaspoons active yeast, and 1 1/2 cups sugar. mix this in a gallon milk jug. drill a hole in the lid and poke a piece of airline tubing into it and seal it with silicone. Co2 is way heavier than air, so you have to run the tubing up above your canopy. to get enough Co2 for say a 4x4 tent, ull need a 5gal bucket with 5x the mixture. i first run my tubing down into the bottom of a sprite bottle, filled halfway with water and another tube coming out of the top of the bottle going to the top of the canopy. i use the second bottle so i can monitor the amount of Co2 bubbles. when i 1st mix it, it makes 1-2 bubbles every 2-3 seconds. once it slows to about 1 bubble every 6-8 seconds, i replace it, which is about every 2 weeks. i use the 1 gal for 18"x30" grow area.
dude you need way more than that we have a thread dedicated to the math of what you need to make co2 in this form viable and i also do the yeast sugar mix but here is some info for you about proper paramiters for cab sizes etc

Anyone what is using yeast/sugar for CO2 should really read this article (the link) and then do the math. http://www.hydrofarm.com/articles/co2_enrichment.php

If the article goes over your head here is a simplified formula:
X*.0013 = Y
X=cubic feet of grow room Z = amount of sugar in pounds used per day

So if your room is 4x4x8 then you would want to use a total of 0.25lbs of sugar per day. You should either use a 4 gallon container or four 1 gallon containers for this. Start off with 1lb of sugar per container (or 4lbs in the 4gallon) and add an additional 1/4lb per container every 4 days (or 1lb in the 4gallon). This will keep the area at 1300ppm.

here is the thread link really worth a look.........................................https://www.rollitup.org/indoor-growing/480336-best-mix-sugar-yeast-water-5.html#post6672742