Home Depot Nutrients?

Yeah i'm going to go buy this stuff today so I was curious, all the replies are appreciated, I am starting to learn a lot more! Hopefully these plants come out DANK!


What good nutrients could I buy from home depot, my 2 plants are clones 2-3 weeks, just potted them with soil mixture with perlite, they are 2-3 weeks old.

P.s. they are growing outdoor
IDK if you are into fox farms but they make some great stuff and ACE Hardware sells them, im yet to find a hardware store where i live that doesnt sell just the cheap 4 dollar nutes.
Is there different nutrients to use during the vegging and different nutrients during the flowering? Id so please let me know and explain!



Well-Known Member
Is there different nutrients to use during the vegging and different nutrients during the flowering? Id so please let me know and explain!

nitrogen, or the first letter in NPK, is what you mostly need for vegetative growth, and a little bit of phosphorus(P) and potash(K), a little bit extra potash is good for hardy plant. black kow is .5-.5-.5, so some nitrogen(seaweed extract would be a good idea) may need to be added as well as some calcium here and there, a couple eggshells can fix that. check out jacks classic too, their nutes are cheap and easy to use. or look online for some free samples, those are always good.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
dont listen to this guy ^ stay away from miracle grow and anything time released
the simple and effective miracle grow shake n feed time release pellets, and it's big brother osmocote are an excellent choice for beginner gardeners. some people want to start growing plants without attending a couple semesters at the community college or spending 20 years as a farm hand. custom blends of fish emulsion, bat guano and worm castings mixed into a slurry with Organic Small Batch Artisinal Bolivian Highland Goat Turds collected only from the eastern slopes of the andes before sunrise by dewey young virgins in traditional inca costumes are fine for pretentious twats, but your plants dont give a shit about how expensive or hand-crafted your fertilizer is. Most plants from african violets to cannabis would grow quite happily on a pile of generic cow shit.

custom blended fertilizers can and do give better results, but its due to chemistry and plant nutrients, not "Organic" methodology or the original source of the nutrients. Chemical fertilizers have a proven track record, are safe to use, and if treated the right way wont burn your plants. Osmocote time release pellets only release their payload as they dissolve a little bit every time you water, making them easy to use. if you want to up the dosage, you add a few more pellets, if it's too much, you can pick some out of the dirt. getting all butthurt and snippy over a simple fertilizer solution for newbs looking for a cheap and safe way to start a garden is pretty weak bro. i have been using these products for years, and i also use a custom blend of stuff from my own compost pile, worm farm and chicken coop. Miracle grow shake n feed is good stuff that gets the job done in a garden patch, raised beds or in pots.

it's cheap reliable and safe fr you and your plants. what more could anyone ask for in a general purpose fertilizer?


Well-Known Member
"dewey young virgins in traditional inca costumes"

Where do I get one of these??

oh and I like the Epsoma(spelling?)products.. cheap easy and readily available...at least around here


Well-Known Member
Yea, but if you want the best tasting and best end product you will want to do some research. It doesn't really require a college degree or 20 years farming experience to grow some quality cannabis that's gonna burn good and taste great. And it doesn't take that much more time to just mix up some good amended soil. I use the *Subcool super soil mix recipe*. Easy as pie after mixing the soil up with the organic amendments. All you do is put supersoil in bottom half of container and regular soil in top half along with the transplanted plant. Then, all you gotta do after that is literally just water it with regular water, no more fertilizer for the whole plant cycle. Couldn't get any easier, it tastes WAY better than any chemically grown plant, and you don't have to worry about burning your plant up with chemicals from an accidental fertilizer overdose.

I recently had to order all new amendments to make some more Super Soil and i can tell you that I personally went to my home depot in my home town and found bone meal, blood meal, epsom salts, kelp meal, and dolomite lime. Everything else in the super soil recipe i bought online off amazon. Ended up spending $70 on all the amendments. Counting the shipping and handling for the worm castings off amazon, lol. In my opinion, the quality is well worth that 70 bucks lol


Well-Known Member
only problem with super soil is you got to go to a shop or order online atleast the bat guano and benificial bacteria and the base soil he uses thats whats going to hurt the most he use top of the line organic potting soil not cheap their are other soils you can whip up just as good but you need to learn your shit
Can't really deny it...

And like cc08150 said Subcool's soil is good too, I used it last year and the plants stayed healthy and green with only water,and rain took care of that...most of the time


Well-Known Member
organics are good, i use a bit of synthetics toward the last 5 weeks of flower to make sure they're well fed, not nearly enough to get noticeable burns/salt buildup, organic nutrients have to be very well broken down before they're really available to the plant but synthetics can be eaten up pretty fast, only downside is some chemical nutrients kill microbes, nothing compost teas cant fix. as for super soil, it seems everyone has a problem finding all of the stuff you need. its really simple to be honest, get some worms and make some compost, add anything sugary, fruit, dead leaves, green leaves, and eggshells, then leave some worms to do their job. subcool should sell his super soil premixed, im sure he'd make a killing.


Active Member
i get such a kick out of these "greenies" or veggans, or tree huggers. lol. most of the good chemical nutes, are not what u would think of as chemical. most is mined from the earth, and this is why they are unpopular with the greenies. like the pipeline. who cares if we could have so many jobs, by using our out of the earth stuff, like oil, natureal gas, or,,,,,,,,,ferts. better to let the nation starve. right???? poor birdie might get his wings oily!!! waaaaaaaaaah!! i would not use miricle grow for smoke, but i also have seen nice veg grows from it... no kidding. but not for flower, and flush it well, before flower. only one of 6 fos farm nutes is classeed as organic. thats the bigbloom. the rest are not nasty. just not given the organic lable do to greenies not wanting to lable it. they are in control of what gets the organic label. and its really embezzelment! they charge hell out of buis to get the organic lablel! just like our shitty ass presedent. what is so un organic about stuff from the earth. is "mother" isent she? organic has only brought me problems. in many ways. and if you use foxfarm soil , do not feed at all in veg.


Well-Known Member
i get such a kick out of these "greenies" or veggans, or tree huggers. lol. most of the good chemical nutes, are not what u would think of as chemical. most is mined from the earth, and this is why they are unpopular with the greenies. like the pipeline. who cares if we could have so many jobs, by using our out of the earth stuff, like oil, natureal gas, or,,,,,,,,,ferts. better to let the nation starve. right???? poor birdie might get his wings oily!!! waaaaaaaaaah!! i would not use miricle grow for smoke, but i also have seen nice veg grows from it... no kidding. but not for flower, and flush it well, before flower. only one of 6 fos farm nutes is classeed as organic. thats the bigbloom. the rest are not nasty. just not given the organic lable do to greenies not wanting to lable it. they are in control of what gets the organic label. and its really embezzelment! they charge hell out of buis to get the organic lablel! just like our shitty ass presedent. what is so un organic about stuff from the earth. is "mother" isent she? organic has only brought me problems. in many ways. and if you use foxfarm soil , do not feed at all in veg.
calling someone a tree hugger for using organic nutrients is simply arrogant, we're all tree huggers, we grow them if you didnt remember. im not going to continue to explain this, theres just so many things wrong with this entire post. salts can be harmful and effect taste if build ups occur, this is what appeals to organic growers, and not having to measure salt based nutrients and risking a burn. people using natural composted and cheaper food doesnt make them a vegan, they can still eat meat. idk why you would think this, food is really just elements that the plant needs in whatever form you feed it whether it be salt or organic. and why would you flush before flowering?
i dont see what obama has to do with the prices on organic food, he doesnt regulate organic markets, sorry but your really bad at trying to make comparisons, as if organic nutrients have to do with oil spills, jobs, pipelines and other natural resources you seem to relate to it. everything is from earth, lol did you think non organic things came from space? organic usually means its not processed, nothing is added so you get what you should have gotten in the first place, no bullshit included.
good day to you.


Well-Known Member
most of the good chemical nutes, are not what u would think of as chemical. most is mined from the earth, and this is why they are unpopular with the greenies.
No, you just don't know how to read labels, because obviously the stuff that makes up miracle gro is not mined its made synthetically in a chemical factory. I obviously DO use minerals that are mined from the earth....Azomite, Jersey Greensand, dolomite lime.

I sometimes add in some Advanced Nutrients fertilizer even to my plants in super soil, so i'm obviously not talking shit about all non-organic fertilizers...im just saying shit like miracle gro is not healthy. It has heavy metals in it, and marijuana is known to draw in heavy metals and store those metals in plant tissue. I -- for one -- don't want to smoke metal. Cheap synthetics are what i am talking shit about.


Well-Known Member
Oh, and just to also clear it up. The fertilizers we use on our food i know for the most part are cheap synthetics. But that food goes into our STOMACH where it gets denatured by hydrochloric acid and then goes through the rest of digestion. We excrete anything out that we don't want in our body that we eat. But SMOKING it and putting it in your lungs is a different story if you know anything about Anatomy and Physiology at all.

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Miracle grow doesnt have heavy metals in it, except the chromium and iron your plant needs. they are well regulated and not poisonous.

Making a custom mix is groovy, but not everybody has the time patience space and knowledge to create the optimum soil and fertilizer mixes. Common inexpensive synthetic fertilizers can do a bang up job, and for a beginner grower they are easier to use than the single element fertilizers, organic or exotic sourced stuff, or the bulky and smelly stuff.

Tell me where an apartment dweller in new jersey can make compost teas with mail order llama turds, bat and seabird guano, and fresh harvested pacific kelp?

using good quality inexpensive fertilizers like miracle grow, and osmocote can help a new gardener get his toes wet without breaking the bank or stinking out the neighbors. $70 for fertilizer components may seem cheap to you, but for a novice gardener thats a deep investment for something they just might hate doing

If somebody is looking to get fertilizers at home depot, they want inexpensive sure bets they can get anywhere, not the rarified exotic stuff, and mot likely dont want to have to measure and blend smelly bulky and unpleasant components like bat shit, blood meal and bone meal with some special premium dirt into a parfait that may or may not work based on the say so of a random dude n the interwebs. I set my mom's garden up with osmocote and miracle grow. the shit is NOT POISONOUS


Well-Known Member
....and home depot sells fish emulsion in a bottle which has tons of Nitrogen for the Vegg stage. - - - Not sure what all good flowering nutrients they have besides bone meal.
The fish emulsion you are refering to (no doubt) is "Alaska Fish Fertilizer", N-P-K 5-1-1. At my local Home Depot (and pretty much every other garden shop around), they sell a sister product called "Alaska Morbloom", N-P-K 0-10-10. These are both good products and enjoy a faithful following. I use them both, at the appropriate stage of course.

Come to think of it, I have also used them mixed together as a "fullrange" nutrient. 3 parts of the 5-1-1 (origenal) mixed with 1 part of the 0-10-10 (Morbloom) gives an N-P-K of about 3.75-3.25-3.25. I did this, one grow, when I was in a bind. Anyway, long story short - it worked out just fine!