Home built bubble-ponic kit


Well-Known Member
Under $10, local hardware store

The brand I purchased is RainBird

It's for an outdoor drip irrigation system, but then again so is the one SH puts in their kit :mrgreen:

They make a claim on their website, and it's true...quote: "all parts can be purchased at a local hardware store" ease of repair...or in our case ease of build :blsmoke:
soo like, Lowes? or Home Depot?


Well-Known Member
So do i have this right,you have to containers that hold four plants each and then a resavoir were the nutes goes in and is pumped to the two containers holding plants then resirculated back to the res and then pumped in a continuos loop.


Well-Known Member
What style do you intend on growing in that dwc you built yourself there, I use 6" net pots on mine and I've gradually switched to growing sog in it, i currently have 8 6" net pots with far too much distance in between, I'm going to change to 3" net pots and have 32 of them per system.


Active Member
if you have'nt seen this video check it out on you tube search "seemorebuds" its a great video on Aero gardening,
ohhh and that system is sick as hell!!! good luck man i wish you the best of sucess


Well-Known Member
wow very nice.. im working on a grow or 2 with the Aerogarden for now.. but this is definatley my next step.. good job


Well-Known Member
bc what do you think of the misters or foggers that galaxy talks about would that work with this setup.


Well-Known Member
When the water is being spit up into the 6" netpot, and the netpot has hydroton rocks in it, does that make the water come up and gently get the rockwool cube wet? but not too wet?


Well-Known Member
Normally you would want that feed to come in higher imo, because the cube will be mostly full of roots you want the water to hit the stem at the top of the medium so it can disperse over the stones and get to the roots. This is only really for before the roots get into the solution as you would just keep it dry normally. The roots are getting water down below and using osmosis to transport it to the plant, the roots in the cup will be getting lots of air.


Well-Known Member
Normally you would want that feed to come in higher imo, because the cube will be mostly full of roots you want the water to hit the stem at the top of the medium so it can disperse over the stones and get to the roots. This is only really for before the roots get into the solution as you would just keep it dry normally. The roots are getting water down below and using osmosis to transport it to the plant, the roots in the cup will be getting lots of air.
This was my exact plan, for now the tubes are in just to be there and run the system to make sure everything works before go time.

However when the rocks are in I plan on feeding the tube through the top most holes, feeding directly over the rock wool cube, and then cover that with one last layer of rocks.

To your other above question, this is my first try at any type of hydro grow (in highschool I grew outdoors in my grandmothers planter in miracle grow, just water, and my previous grows pictured here are soil grows) so to start I'm just going to plant 4 seeds in the small rock wook cubes placed in hydroton rocks, put them under my HID lamp and then ask a lot of questions about how to feed them and not kill them LOL. I work construction, so the build part is easy and as you see comes out clean....but that's where my knowledge about stops abruptly. Once I get the hang of water growing, I plan to use my other res I built and the main 25gal res and do SOG with small net pots....I think???

ilikeblazin: this is basically a highly oxygenated drip system, but because the water is being oxygenated by the air stone, the roots are getting their oxygen from their water (removing the need to let the hydroton rocks to release water to absorb oxygen), hence why they can be constantly bathed at the root mass itself. It also incorperates DWC as the roots leave the net pots...again growing into highly oxygenated water.

Whereas a traditional drip system the roots grow into a medium, not medium then water, because they have to be watered but not constantly bathed because without the oxygenated water drip system plants have to get their oxygen from the hydroton rocks as they dry out and water leaves oxygen is abosorbed by the rocks, then the plant. Drip system comes on again, plant gets water, forcing oxygen into the rocks, plant then absorbs...well you get the picture.

At least that is my understanding of how bubble ponics and/or DWC works, and why it allows the plant to grow into water never having to let the root mass dry. Same as aeroponics if I'm not mistaken, that just uses eration at the spray tip to create oxygen in the water.

Am I about correct for those of you more experienced?


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right, although the pump isnt entirely necessary. Once the roots make it down into the solution, the need for the water pump is gone. The pump is only to keep the roots wet enough and hungry enough to get them down to the bottom.


Well-Known Member
Sounds about right, although the pump isnt entirely necessary. Once the roots make it down into the solution, the need for the water pump is gone. The pump is only to keep the roots wet enough and hungry enough to get them down to the bottom.
I edited my post after this, there were a few questions in there for you I added if you don't mind



Active Member
i still dont get the part with the pumps ok u need a air pump and a water pump the water pump pumps the waster up to the stem where it can drip down and the air pump ...ummm... just pumps air into the water?


Active Member
im doing a simliar grow I have a bin that can hold 14 but I only have 5 seeds ready to go. I was also worried about my resevior and how often I will need to change the water, because the plant will be getting more water than nutrients usually, and the water in the res will become saturated with nutrients and eventually the roots may burn or something is this possible

How long do you run the pump do you feed it off and on or do you just run it as a constant cycle always moving the water. Please let me know because I have the same type of system basically.

Another question I have seedling that have just began to sprout and start there way up I was wondering when I should know they are ready to be put into my hydro system.


Well-Known Member
I am gowing with bubble ponics too and I am not using the water pump/irrigation part. I am just using a tub with holes in the top, net pots, air stones, and nutes. I started 4 clones adn 1 seedling in my current set up and all of them now have roots dipping in to the res.

I just started by having the water level at the base of the plugzz that I use to start the plants. Once the roots start growing out of the net pots then you can drop the water level so that the baskets are dry and the roots keep growing in to the solution. Then all you need it airstones 24/7 and yah got it :D Working great so far, I'll get some pics up today in my grow journal in my sig.


Well-Known Member
Hey im building one similar but have just a few questions, do u have an extra res for the nutrients?if so how do u get it in the main res, secondly when you fill up the main i dont have to fill it above the bottom of my pots because of the drip right?


Well-Known Member
Hey im building one similar but have just a few questions, do u have an extra res for the nutrients?if so how do u get it in the main res, secondly when you fill up the main i dont have to fill it above the bottom of my pots because of the drip right?

I keep my nutes right below the plants. And yes you can have the water level way below the pots because of the drip.

This is my first go at hydro growing and I have a question about nutes.. When you increase the amount of nutes, are you just upping the amount you put in or are you adding different ones. Like right now I am using 2-3tsp/gallon of dyna grow, if my plants look like they have deficiencies do i up it to 4tsp/gallon for example? Then just set the pH?