Home Brewing Beer??


Well-Known Member
So I was on youtube the earlier, and one of my subscriptions was posting some how to's on brewing your own beer. I could obviously tell the methods and products used in the process are highly debated upon the community, as-is growing methods, and nutrients in our world. Anyway, I just wanted to get you guys' opinion on the best processes, hops, tastes, and yeasts.

Basically....I know somebody here at RIU knows how to brew beer, and I'm pretty sure somebody knows how to brew it well.

So Please teach me!!


Well-Known Member
I have a friend who brew's his own. Apparently its quite cost effective, and I think the innitial layout is way under $100.


Well-Known Member
Definitely! I had a friend that was making his own rum on here about a year and a half ago, but I never really saw the results. I don't like liquor because it consumes me and I can't control myself, but I do like drinking beer, and I'm definitely down for better tasting, cheaper beer √

edit: The guy on youtube got his kit for $30 √ But then he needed a 5 gallon with a spicket, a 6 gal glass water jug and a couple of other simple things.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, it is waaaay cheaper. You buy nice bottles and re-use them. Experimenting with ingredients to create your own favorite....... awesome.


Well-Known Member
I would say start out small with a learners kit but do get the glass carboy instead of the bucket. Also starting with the malt extracts is super easy and you'll not end up with anything nasty. After you get a few batches under your... belly, start modifying the ingredients and maybe malt your own barley, source your own hops, etc.. I wish you the best of luck and Happy brewing!


Well-Known Member
Don't buy kits with plastic stuff - stainless steel and glass for ease of cleaning and disinfecting.

I did a lot of research but haven't tried it yet. Actually, my drinking has slowed down a lot since I've become a daily toker. I drink good beers with good meals on occasion but I'm not sure if I can trust myself to brew a good beer. I never drink Budmilloors or anything close.

p.s. I think I will first invest in a decent fair-size wine cooler so that I can store beer at the proper temp (c. 50-55F) before I try to brew my own.

p.p.s. Since brewing is legal, you can actually hook up with locals through high-end beer stores, brew supply stores, and so on - and trade beers and recipes all out in the open. How freaky is that? :)


Well-Known Member
i brew my own beer and shine, never had luck with wine thou. i feel its cheaper to buy from the store if you figure the time you spend brewing and bottleing. it is fun, passes the time and nothing like breaking out the home brew when friends come over. kinda like breaking out the home grown....lol

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
In a couple years I want to try making Mead.
Came here to mention mead. All it takes is honey, water, yeast, a spigot, and a Big bottle(And some fruits or berries to add flavor). Also it seems a lot easier than home brewing beer. Just let it sit for a few months and do it's thing.

Carne Seca

Well-Known Member
Came here to mention mead. All it takes is honey, water, yeast, a spigot, and a Big bottle(And some fruits or berries to add flavor). Also it seems a lot easier than home brewing beer. Just let it sit for a few months and do it's thing.
I've been watching some tutorials on YouTube. I really want to give it a try. :D

The Outdoorsman

Well-Known Member
I've a beginner beer brewing kit that's been collecting dust over a year. Couple things that initially turned me off was the barley smelled stale and the hops were pelletized(it was on sale). If I can get my hands on some fresh hops, glass and quality barley I'd love to give it a go.

Will update here with any new results.


Well-Known Member
Damn, I really want to start making some home brew. I love me some good beer. I usually op for double I.P.A's & pale ale's. If I did start brewing I would most definitely would want to grow my own hops, but usually takes time to get a good harvest from them and have to grow more than one strain. Hops are related to cannabis and would be very interesting to grow. I already have "THE" recipe for when I do decide to commit to it. It would be well worth it, because the beer I like is almost impossible to come by.