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Well-Known Member
The paranoia and anger is a bit funny though, power block governments can already invade all your shit at will. Satellites and cctv is everywhere, even on cars for insurance now. Smart phones were literally designed with back doors for tapping and hacking cam/mics along with gps location that is never really off. Lap tops, pc's all have the same vulnerabilitys unless you are really switched on (most of us are not). Why get all butt hurt at the idea of allowing a cam in your home under the control of somebody else when you already have 4+ such devices that can also be taken with you for a shit, or laying near by while you hump your salad allergic wife... prior to slagging off the neighbours for using your bin.

Your safety is that your life is so boring who actually gives a fuck what your are doing ^^.
This is true. " Your safety is that your life is so boring who actually gives a fuck what you're doing" That's the way I've always shrugged off all the above truths.