Holy Water


Active Member
Starting my second grow after a tumultuous first grow this past week. I ordered quality seeds this time, but right out the gate I got algae. I had been saving 10 gallons of what I have been calling holy water. I have 2, 5 gallon jugs of tap water that I had been bubbling for months now between grows. I sort of forgot I had been bubbling this water and I thought it would be fantastic for this next grow as a starter. It should have been totally chlorine free by this point, but apparently also picked up a bacteria or something. Long story short: use fresh water. I think in this particular situation chlorine is what saved my plants by helping to kill the algae once I figured out what I had done. I'm not totally convinced chlorine is bad for DWC culture setups. Should I just use tap water from now on for my DWC growing? When I was using a fogger I had all sorts of issues with chlorine, but with DWC isn't this beneficial given DWC is a slower method of nutrient uptake?


Active Member
I say bottled water, it wasn't. It was water in a 5 gallon bottle that I had stuck air lines into and an air pump. I was bubbling the chlorine out and would then put the cap back on after a few days and keep till I needed it. What it taught me was that I was over complicating this process.


Well-Known Member
chlorine will evaporate from room temperature water within 24 hours. less with a bubbler let alone months! why would you possibly think chlorine would help your plants? its toxic to them! this is some of the most assanine stuff i've ever read. even noobies know these things.

if you want to add anything its a small amount of hydrogen peroxide

*slaps face


Active Member
Let me try and clear up some confusion before anyone else attempts to slap me around. Facking retard.

First of all, there is no way you can convince me that small amounts of chlorine are harmful to plants. I know of lots of growers that use nothing but tap water and lots more still that use 50/50 RO and tap. Have you never taken a plant stem and stuck it into a glass of water? Did it immediately die from chlorine overload? Does your mom not water her house plants with tap water or does she use RO water for her daisies? What about a chlorine bubbler, does she use one of those for a few days before pouring water on her flowers that you gave her for her birthday? I THINK NOT, SO DON'T GET ALL FUCKING PREACHY WITH ME ABOUT CHLORINE!

*kicks u in balls for being an insulting ass!

As we speak I have very healthy plants sitting in tap water and nutes. Now at this point most of the chlorine has probably long since evaporated, but I fervently believe that small measures of chlorine can be beneficial to preventing algae, which by the way was the freaking point of my post in the first place.

Just because I'm a new poster, doesn't make me a moron. Thanks for the assistance. NOT

For the record, I said I FORGOT that I had left the water bubbling in the garage, not that I thought it would be a great thing for the plants. LEARN TO READ!

Like I needed to read any of this crap tonight.