HOLY SHIT POLICE RAID!!! Dont get much closer


Well-Known Member
I was making just as many moves in as out here. Cellphones, sports betting, weed, yayo etc. Ya can't bs a bitch your whole life Kenny!! Dude has belly on repeat!!


Well-Known Member
you handled it better than i probably would have. i would have started chopping and flushing (down the garbage disposal) lol. figuring id get these plants gone before they get into my place!

you caught one hell ofa break! i wonder why they busted those 2 but not you. very lucky man!

the closest ive been to situations like this is...ive had choppers fly over my grow spot and hover a few times... ive had an UC parked down the street from my grow spot. ive been pulled over with a large amount of bud but apparently they never smelled it (thanks to my packaging) but i remember i thought my life was over because after he checks my license and all that he says im free to go but asks me to look dead in his eyes (so i do) then he says, "do you have anything illegal in the car" and i FROZE (on the inside) but i tried to think clearly and didnt look away from his eyes and calmly said, "no" and he paused for a second. then said, "ok you're free to go".

i thought i dodged a bullet that time. he had his suspicions but i just stayed as calm as possible.

the more you go through it the easier it gets (in my experience). when i was 16-18 i might have just folded under that kind of pressure but when you get pulled over all the time (yes i get profiled a LOT) it becomes routine to act calm. and shifty eyes are a no-no.
I'm from Canada as well. Once got pulled over for going well over the speed limit with a lot of weight (20lbs and some coke, not a lot of coke, but enough to get me in a lot of trouble, I was young and dumb back then...). Also had my license suspended at the time for a DUI (young and dumb, never did that again, never hurt anyone, blew just over legal limit, anyway I don't drive after even 1 or 2 drinks now). It was in the middle of nowhere (like 1000km from the nearest big city). Packaged well. I thought I was going to get a big ticket and have to deal with the fact I was also driving with a suspended license. Told him I forgot it at home and that I was a long way from home (I was). Apologized to him but remained calm. Was in the middle of the night - it was a total surprise to get pulled over where I did, but anyway. Handled it calmly and he told me I was lucky because he ran out of tickets so I wasn't going to get one.

He had no idea how lucky I really was.


Well-Known Member
Also to follow up my story I gave them my legal first name which is the same as my dad's, so if they ran my name (possible) it probably pulled up my dads info... I was an old looking kid with a serious beard and my dad isn't much older than me (had me pretty young). Not sure if he could even do that though as I was out of province.


Well-Known Member
this thread is awesome. glad everyone is safe after all these events. lets keep it that way. the fact that they supposedly left a bag of nugs on your buddy's table is kinda hard to believe tho if they literally trashed his place looking for weapons, maybe u should lay off selling to those guys for a little bit until their heat cools down. Maybe even tell them you chopped your girls down just so if they had even been thinking of ratting you out they get the idea out of their head. Maybe even recruit a trustworthy friend to move your shit for you for a couple weeks... ( not a friend like kenny ) lmao. Anyways thanks for the good reading. Stay safe guys
Pretty sure they have to give you a copy of the warrant, so he could just ask to see the warrant from his friend and he'd know for sure.


Well-Known Member
As for all my prison talk I hope it is known I am not glorifying it at all it really does suck but once they close that gate behind you its kinda hard to walk out lol. But I will say this there are a lot of real stand up dudes in the pens all around the country and the only reason I take offence to people pretending to be these bad asses is I survived the pa doc and it was not easy, when you walk through hell and walk out with your head high it makes you realize how strong you as a person are. I think these kids need to quit watching lockup and not show reverence but a little respect to those who have survived, because a lot don't.


Well-Known Member
Because whatbnmean I got o ucf Florida sorr I adidnt get sleep friday but I still gonna be hard with a degree it dnt mean shit I'm a convicted felon I gotta wait 7 ,ore years n pay 10 stacks I dnt gotta watch a gansra movie I am g listen ok....now I done grew up around bitches like y'all but it wasn't the bitches it was niggas like me pimpin the bitches that was getting da head..y'all nigga ill show up witta yoppa but it won't be the yoppa it'll be me bustin the yoppa leave yall bitchass dead quit crying y'all some babies come holla at me ifurin fl ipwell meet up sab and chill n see who's real? But I heard y'all was the police so if I see b
He lights I'm out


Well-Known Member
One more thang old cushion ass nggas ....y'all actin like some bitches don't make me whoop y'all ass nigga? Getcha mind red dirty old pussy ass niggas


Well-Known Member
As for all my prison talk I hope it is known I am not glorifying it at all it really does suck but once they close that gate behind you its kinda hard to walk out lol. But I will say this there are a lot of real stand up dudes in the pens all around the country and the only reason I take offence to people pretending to be these bad asses is I survived the pa doc and it was not easy, when you walk through hell and walk out with your head high it makes you realize how strong you as a person are. I think these kids need to quit watching lockup and not show reverence but a little respect to those who have survived, because a lot don't.
Dude wtf u talkin bout u can't even get a straight head up in prison unless u know the biggest nigga in there? Don't lie to these jits I been tp prison the only time you'll be cool with anyone is if ur bumpin and they know it if not ur fucked everydayi prison....well maybe fenderburn84 don't understand cuz he most likely cried whehe got is ass beat n checked in pc.....whata pussy


Well-Known Member
Come on if I lived in the suburbs y'all lil bitches that wear glasses lookin like the Jimmie nuetron kid,..would prolly have traced my cmputer and snitches.....damnsnitches on this site gotta be since it's .org wow just realized Feds run this site everyone of yall the police ha damn nigga I heard they don't make top much money so I don't blame y'all for growing a lil extra pot to sell for helping outnn the payments and crack habit of ya newborn babies...that's right I sold ya wife crack when she was pregooos and na ur baby gonna hit up da cell...dam I hate to kill y'all babies like that but cracks kills


Active Member
Come on if I lived in the suburbs y'all lil bitches that wear glasses lookin like the Jimmie nuetron kid,..would prolly have traced my cmputer and snitches.....damnsnitches on this site gotta be since it's .org wow just realized Feds run this site everyone of yall the police ha damn nigga I heard they don't make top much money so I don't blame y'all for growing a lil extra pot to sell for helping outnn the payments and crack habit of ya newborn babies...that's right I sold ya wife crack when she was pregooos and na ur baby gonna hit up da cell...dam I hate to kill y'all babies like that but cracks kills
somebody's trying a lil too hard?


Active Member
i was bagging up a bar when a police van pulled up outside my house i nearly shit myself, then the knock i went out all smiling trying to be calm. it turned out someone got stabbed two doors up the were just seeing if i saw anything.


Well-Known Member
Damn toker that's too close for comfort. Probably the best thing you could do to play it cool because as the grateful dead said "if you got a warrant I guess your gonna come in" lol


Hey kenny I thought you were some kind of college student? Don't try to be something you just are not your not a gangsta and you are no convict. The pen really ain't that bad as long as your not a pussy, once you've made it through gladiator school then you can come talk about how bad you are son.
...the pen ain't so bad that's the truth a couple anyone as scared of the pen and with such an askewed vision of it hasn't been!


Well-Known Member
Amen brother. Like I said people watching too much tv. As pong as your not a chomo or a rat its just time, that's the hardest part the time.


Active Member
the more you go through it the easier it gets (in my experience). when i was 16-18 i might have just folded under that kind of pressure but when you get pulled over all the time (yes i get profiled a LOT) it becomes routine to act calm. and shifty eyes are a no-no.
Couldn't agree more. I am much more conscious of my "un-conscious" actions now than I was 15 years ago.