Holy Santa Clause shit!!! Look what I found!!!

i glanced at ur pics...then my eyes just wandered right back to your avatar...


lol i flatter u too much. pretty dope pics! how big were they

Lol you do;
But it makes me smile=]

&&They were about as big as my hand....
Their bodies were as big as a quarter almost lol
They aren't poisonous to humans... But I have heard some kill birds so I still think it's temper must not be too great lol.
These spiders weave super strong webs...
I poked one with a stick and it started swinging back and fourth towards me;
I screamed lol.
We do?


We have Black Widows here too... Not the ones with hourglasses but they are big and plain black.
We also have Pseudoscorpions.
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This isn't a pic I took of one;
But I caught one very similar to it.
I found one that was kinda big and my at the time, "bf" wanted to keep it and trapped it in a jar.
It escaped.
And I was freaking the fuck out b/c it got loose in my house!!!
Gives me the willies just watching this.


Oh my god they have such insanely huge spiders in Australia. That video made me laugh my balls off as soon as it drops on the guy hahahahahahahahaha!

Australian Spiders are so big they have their own health bar.

Omg those are HUGE!!
&&fuck yeah Australia does have big spiders, they have Funnel Web Spiders,
I seen them on Kills In 30 Minutes Or Less
They like stand up on their back legs when they attack it's fucking crazy.
&&They are red.
Red means it's bad so I tend to stay away lol.
from the pics you posted sam, need to try to get the females out of there. they lay eggs like crazy and around 100 or so are large size within a few days. I busted a sac open about as big as a plum and out came about 70 of them and i screamed like a little girl and shivered for about 15 mins afterwards. I didnt know it was a spider sac to begin with lol. just a heads up tho. They like the cornfields
They're just living all on the side of my dad's house.
I was really high and was trippin out watching them.
It was crazy so I took some pics lol.
I did better then that;
I threw a grasshopper in one and it fucking leaped on it!
I had the goose bumps I couldn't watch it lol
i dunno, "they" say killing a grasshopper is bad luck. i dont pay attention to that stuff tho. im just bustin your balls. imaginary balls
Fuckig disgusting! I hate spiders with a passion, they freak me the fuck out!!

We got loooooots of brown recluses here in Brazil, they are relatively un-agressive, unfortunately you have to kill them when you see them though, cos if they bite a family pet, or you when you are sleeping or messing around in a cupboard looking for something, then it can be nasty, pets die fairly quick, and humans can lose limbs within a few days, just like what jwop was saying.

Their venom rots your flesh, it's horrible. And jwop, what the fuck were you doing waiting around for it to get worse?! I'm guessing you had no idea what had bitten you? Nasty!

Those pics that you posted sam, they look similar to a massive spider that we have here in Brazil, in the Amazon. Huge things, they eat birds let me see if I can find a pic!


Look at it man!! It's eating a fucking bird!!

Anyway looks like a similar spider right?
yeah i had no idea it was a brown recluse until i got home and got online.

once i saw the day to day progression of the bite on youtube, i knew exactly what it was :(
yeah i had no idea it was a brown recluse until i got home and got online.

once i saw the day to day progression of the bite on youtube, i knew exactly what it was :(

Yeah man, those bad boys are nasty son's of bitches!

Hey, what happened to my photo of the spider that I posted?! Are we not allowed to do that on here or something??
a friend of mine was sitting on a crapper at a truck stop when he got bit on top of his leg by a brown recluse, you can drop a golf ball in the scar hole it left.
Damn that shit's so crazy!!!
I seen brown recluse bites too they look horrifying.
They say getting bit by a brown recluse is just as painful as getting shot with a 10 gauge.
That shit would make me cry lol.