Little Fawkers!!!! I pulled out the pump up bug sprayer and filled it with water and added some Spinosad and Neem oil. They got sprayed yesterday and again this morning. I didn't see any movement this morning prior to spraying so Yay me!! Unfortunately I left the 4 foot floro on all night
Here is everyone else.... The clones on the right have taken root into the soil and are greening up but still look sad.. That Blue Magoo front and center is going to stretch out real soon. That will be the 16th one I have grown. It will be similar to the XJ13 in form and production. I am on my 9th 10th and 11th XJ currently... Those unknown strains ( brown bag and blue pot) are looking great so far!! The center pot nearest the brown bag is Holy Grail #2 and the center pot to the right is Platinum Bubba #2
So far the temps in the Red Room have been holding between 72 degrees lights off and 79 degrees lights on. Humidity is staying around 38%. I have an oil radiant heater for lights out since without it, it would be in the mid 40's. The heater turns off once the lights get warmed up. Currently my light timer runs both lights and the fan that pushes air through them so no fan at lights off. The carbon filter fan runs 24 hours a day and the filter sits on the floor as to not pull heat from the room as fast. The veg room stays in the mid 70's all of the time by way of radiant heat also.
The outlets that are in the entire garage are running off of a single 20 amp breaker so that wont handle both rooms plus my drill press,grinder, bla bla bla. I knew something was up as soon as I turned on the heater and I heard the fans slow down
There is a 100 amp 220 volt outlet in the flower room that was for a welder. My plan is to add a small sub panel where the 220 outlet was so I can use it to power my HPS lights with 220 volts by way of a contactor and still run the heater, timer and fans at 110 volts. Once I get the electrical taken care of I will budget another 6hunid.... I think 100 amps should be plenty..
For now I have pulled 110 volts from that outlet to run the lights and heater so I don't burn down the house...
Here is a shot of the flower room from today. The silver straight edge at the back of the room is 50 inches tall. The mites are gone and I now know where they came from. The plant's in the house! I have sprayed them also and haven't seen any movement yet...
I decided to raise the Holy Grail and Platt Bubba bags so they don't sit on the drain pan's. The XJ (Walmart bag) has a grid under it and it seems to be doing better than the other two.
All three of them are showing nitrogen toxicity. I already knew my soil was abundant in nitrogen and should have cut it.
The Holy Grail Day 13 of flower is showing a calcium deficiency so the next watering will get some cal-mag. The shiny spots are neem oil from prior to flowering.
The Platinum Bubba day 11 of flower.
The XJ 13 day 9 of flower. I didn't get a shot looking down. It doesn't grow compact at all!! It would be taller than me if I hadn't topped it.
The unknown strains are kicking right along! They are both showing a magnesium deficiency so that needs to be addressed. The taller one is 21 inches tall. I cut clones off of it and am waiting for them to root before I move it to the flower room. The shorter one is 10.5 inches tall. it is also 1 day older than the taller one. Both seeds came from the same plant.
I pulled the huge TV for my cameras down and moved the smaller plant's up top like I designed it for. That didn't really gain me much room down stairs!! LOL!!! I keep telling myself I built the rooms small for a reason!! That 6 inch duct is from the two 600's in the flower room. The air coming out of it is 72 degrees give or take a few degrees. It pulls air from the garage (39-50 degrees) through a filter then through the lights and into the veg room. The carbon fan pulls the air from the veg room, through a filter, into the flower room then out of the garage through the roof.The heaters in both rooms are off while the lights are on and on at dark. The veg room stays in the mid to low 70's all of the time and the flower room bounces between the low 70's and 80 degrees. Outside it is in the teens to the low 40's.
I had an extra cabinet from a remodel I did. The rest of them are being used for the bar in the house.
I figured I would use it for my stash!!! Excuse the mess.
This is what I have left over from August. That is when we bought this house and moved. Yepper!! That is a jar from February!!!! There are more behind it...
Here are my Bubble jars. Not much in them at the moment. I use it for butter. I do still have a large chunk of pressed hash in the house!! The one to the right of the press screen is scissor hash!! I clean the press screen and bags with everclear then evaporate..
Well I have been seeing issue's popping up on my flowering girls. Something aint right with my soil or water. I am guessing my water since I haven't changed my soil routine. The ph of my water out of the faucet is around 7.14. If I let it sit over night it jumps up to 8.??.
I can adjust it down to around 6.5 but it goes back up again relatively fast. I also wonder if I have just depleted the soil of nutrients due to the size of the plant's and the size of the bag's. At this point I really don't know. It is also bouncing between 68 degrees and 75 degrees in there so that might be an issue.
Here are some shots from today....
The XJ 13 in the center is currently 48 inches tall from the floor and 35.25 inches from the soil for reference.
The Holy Grail is at day 24 and had a lot happening. It started to show a need for cal-mag awhile back so it got some. Now I am seeing purpling in the center of some of the leafs. I top dressed it with some compost and a tbsp of flower girl 4-10-7 to see what it does.
This is one of the unknown strains. I put it into the flower room on the 24th. It is currently 30.5 inches tall and not showing sign's of flowers yet. I did not top this plant.