Holy cow thrips

I don't know why you can't find it but I'll put some links below

The Amazon seller doesn't ship to Finland, the eBay seller only sends to Italy (found another one but the shipping is 35€ for a 10ml package) and the italian shop (fitofarmacia) might be able to send them, but they'll have to "approve" the order first, no mention of shipping costs but I'm sure it won't be less than 35€. So not exactly readily available. Thanks though, I'll look into the fitofarmacia.
The Amazon seller doesn't ship to Finland, the eBay seller only sends to Italy (found another one but the shipping is 35€ for a 10ml package) and the italian shop (fitofarmacia) might be able to send them, but they'll have to "approve" the order first, no mention of shipping costs but I'm sure it won't be less than 35€. So not exactly readily available. Thanks though, I'll look into the fitofarmacia.
Sorry, I assumed they were shipping them all over Europe! Anyway try fitofarmacia, it's true that they tell you it has to be approved but that's not your case since it probably refers to all the other products that need a patent to be purchased, I hope they don't make you wait that long but I don't think it takes longer so than importing it!
Be careful with spinosad. Some states have banned it for commercial growers. The reason they did this is because there is no evidence it is safe to smoke weed after using it.
Not sure if you saw my latest post but what I thought to be hundreds of thrip larvae on the tops of my leaves is actually now what I’m almost certain is russet mites…..I soaked everything down with sulfur and they looking better already
sulfur works fast, everyone should have a bottle in their IPM arsenal. Its only ~$10
Be careful with spinosad. Some states have banned it for commercial growers. The reason they did this is because there is no evidence it is safe to smoke weed after using it.
No, the reason why it has been banned is because it can cause harm to insects such as bees etc.. and therefore cannot be used on a large scale, but in the home it is totally safe! however it is not recommended to apply any product directly to the flower