Hollow stems seen as a positive in Marijuana?

Like I said: "the stems that are large enough to be hollow are not part of a bud." See your pic for perfect example, which looks like something grown behind a window with no artificial light and like something bought on the street. Only thing that surprises me is that you pay for that as being 'bud'.
... but it's not a deficiency....
... from what I've read....

Take my google suggestion and read again. There are literally thousands of reliable sources that describe the rather common issue. And not just calcium def either, Boron def can play a role too. Or try adding .edu and read the facts.

Here's just one of many examples: http://www.rosebudmag.com/growers/hydroponic-tips-ideas/calcium-levels-in-your-indoor-grow-room

It's not as black-and-white as you are trying to make it. Hollow stems can indicate a calcium def, which doesn't mean hollow stems itself are not favorable over solid - up to a point.
Hollow stems are just partly genetics, nurture does play a large role. In particular, hollow stems can indicate calcium deficiencies. If they are hollow from calcium deficiencies they tend to be "too hollow" which you can notice when pinching them, it will crack open vertically kinda like bamboo [also known as ribbonstem].
I read a lot more than your thread, I looked over 3-4 pages of google on specifically cannabis, not just plants in general.
I do see what you mean, and I know that is a common issue with plants needing a specific nutrient, although that is not the case here.
7 different strains all in the same tent, same feed, same schedule. None have been showing the signs this plant is.

Now this may be a coincidence, but..

The plant has been topped using Uncle Bens 4 main cole technique.
Only 2 of the 4 colas have the hollow stems.
This plant also happens to be a polypoid? I think its called, 3 nodes per intersection.
The polypoid trait only happens to be on 2 of the 4 colas.
The 2 colas being, you guessed it, the hollow stems.
Oh I see, you were speaking of your particular situation of course, I was speaking generally.

That said, it cannot be excluded based on other plants not showing the same signs, especially not other strains. Nutrient requirements vary not only per strain but also per plant, and deficiencies don't necessarily show up on the entire plant. The same argument could be used the other way around, even more if they are not all in the same container and use a single nute rez. Not mutually excluded with the cause also being a triploid, which generally require more nutrients than regulars.
In any case, it doesn't sound like you really have a problem if it's only happening with two colas.
Here it is, an update to my favorite plant in the jungle (Tent)

So people thought I was kidding or just trolling, but look.
These pictures show how hollow stems affect the plant.

Remember, that plant has 4 colas, and only 2 are hollow stemmed, and it caused a bunch of positive effects on the plant itself.

Here is a picture showing how hollow the stem is, the stem is bigger than normal, and has a slit right through where you can clearly see right through it, its straight hollow. You couldn't do this to a normal plant, the plant has been like this since I cropped it 2 weeks ago, it never healed the wound fully, but the more I supercrop the wider the stem gets, and the more hollow it gets.


Now here is where things get interesting.
When I first started this thread, it was just because of the hollow stem, but the plant turned to be a polypoid? or Triploid? Has 3-4 nodes per intersection, varies from node to node.
It didn't stop there though, last night my plant TOPPED ITSELF. Yes, with no human play involved, one of the two hollow stems topped itself completely, and no I did not cut it.



Too bad I suck at cloning and have no interest of making it a mother at this time, or it would have been quite the nice yielding the plant.
Noticed the same behavior in another thread recently, nice job plant :) I used a similar freak (quad) as a dad in a seed run and am looking for plants with similar freak behavior.

Cloning is easy, just take a cutting and stick it in the ground, remove enough leaves and don't use high intensity light. Use half of a plastic bottle as a dome if you need to raise humidity.

In any case, seems like the plant will have plent of branches and can miss a few for cloning.
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Interesting subject!

I read an article that showed pictures and said that the hollow stem is a trait from Hemp plants. At some point the strain was crossed with hemp to give it more vigor or to gain some other advantageous growing characteristics. None of the pure sativa plants I grew had hollow stems. Many of the hybrids did.

I don't find hollow stems desirable, most of my sativas aren't hollow, the ones that are don't respond well to supercropping, they never thicken, when the buds getheavy the hollow stems like to collapse. I've never found a correlation to potency just not a preferred trait imo

also that's not what a polyploid is lol
and all plants will do that if you fuck up supercropping and tear those ridges, you should stop doing that.. and it's normal for plants to top themself or have odd growth when stressed, especially ph.. if the album's were up I'd show you a few cool pics
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I have a bag seed plant with hollow stems. I took a clone when it was still young and didn't notice it was hollow until the clone was well rooted and the stem on the clone became hollow and flat, it also had 3 nodes. I tried to take more clones when the mom was older and the branches were all hollow but those clones were taking too long to root and the mom is budding too slow, so I threw those clones away. Still growing the mom and original clone.
I don't find hollow stems desirable, most of my sativas aren't hollow, the ones that are don't respond well to supercropping, they never thicken, when the buds getheavy the hollow stems like to collapse. I've never found a correlation to potency just not a preferred trait imo

also that's not what a polyploid is lol
and all plants will do that if you fuck up supercropping and tear those ridges, you should stop doing that.. and it's normal for plants to top themself or have odd growth when stressed, especially ph.. if the album's were up I'd show you a few cool pics

Interesting but I don't think shes stressed at all, she doesn't get overfed, she isn't taking in too much light, she is always happy, leaves point up and growing good.
PH Is stable, or I would have had a lot of other issues, all plants are fed from the same 10 gallon bucket, and all plants are very healthy, no PH spotting issues, no claw, no yellowing, no spots, nothing.
Its also weird considering only 2 of 4 colas are affected, and the other was NOT cropped, and it has the same growth except it didn't top itself. I'll use stakes to keep them from falling over, I can tell they are going to fall over once the buds get dense.

As long as the plants come out fine I'm fine.
I had a few plant's do that also. I thought they were Poly-ploids then was corrected and told it is a whorly-ploid. I never really figured it out. One of mine split into two tops so I bent them over to spread them out and wound up with a bunch of nice tops!!
the term is 'trifoliate'... the trait lasts as long as the plant is young. after it begins to alternate, it becomes 'normal', and proceeding cuts will look no different from others.
Trifoliate would refer to the fingers/blades and is only true for the 2nd set of leaves and the set before 1-bladed sugar leaves in the buds.

Google 'whorled phyllotaxy'. And it 'can' continue when it alternates (also in clones) but less noticeable because of the increased space between nodes.

Here's a pic of my male quad. Got way bushier than the rest, very vital too.

Created 4 different crosses with it, currently got some clones with 3 from offspring.
I must not grow the right strains then.
I've been growing for longer than I care to admit and I have never come across stems this hollow.
Yes all stems are hollow, this is a given, but a little tunnel compared to a tunnel that is the size of my thumb and nothing inside but air.
Not all stems are hollow ive had many solid stem strains
Not all stems are hollow ive had many solid stem strains

Ah I must mean a different definition of hollow.
All stems are hollow in a sense, but as in hollow I mean they have a small tunnel and this one is just one big tunnel.

When you cut a stem in half you can see a circle where its hollowed out (ranges in all different sizes from microscopic to small enough that you can see with the naked eye)
This one if I was to cut it in half, would be all straw with no padded walls.

Mine has yet to look normal and it started since I topped at 3 inches tall to now being almost 2ft tall.
It's not in flower yet either, so I can't wait to see how it grows.

What would really surprise me is if every week it continues to top itself even while in flower.
Would just be interesting to see how many times the plant wants to duplicate itself.
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