holes in rooted clone

I'm having problems with one plant, and im unsure if it is ph or bug problem.

See pics below, the other plants all seem fairly good, I do have one bit of yellowing at the tip of one of the other plants, but other than that, most of the issues are with the sour lime pie.

So yesterday I used rodi water 1g with 4-5ml of cal mag. I didnt check ph, and then water all 4 in the new pots. I did more reading last night and decided the de i isnt good, and removed it from my rodi today to make just ro water. When I woke up we noticed a few holes on one pant and some yellowing, got a bit worried and did more reading and headed to the hydroponics to pick up some ph up down and a chemical test for the tap. I tested the ro water, came out to about 6.5 according to the color. poured some cal mag in, and ran it through the soil on the problem plant to get some water out of it and check ph

I did a ph test with my hana ph ec meter and it came out to 5.63. I think this is a bit low? Am I looking at too low of a ph or is this a possiblke bug problem?

After this I also used azamax and gave all the plants a spray.


Dr. Who

Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it! Your plants are fine!

One little thing does not a big problem make.....Those should be ignored. If the problem gets bigger and expands. Come back and ask then.

The pH of the run off is only the pH of the run off - NOT near the pH of the soil!

If you stress over pH of your soil. Simply pH the in-going fluids to 6.5 and forget about the pH of the soil!

Got it?

Martin Orcutt

Active Member
I'm having problems with one plant, and im unsure if it is ph or bug problem.

See pics below, the other plants all seem fairly good, I do have one bit of yellowing at the tip of one of the other plants, but other than that, most of the issues are with the sour lime pie.

So yesterday I used rodi water 1g with 4-5ml of cal mag. I didnt check ph, and then water all 4 in the new pots. I did more reading last night and decided the de i isnt good, and removed it from my rodi today to make just ro water. When I woke up we noticed a few holes on one pant and some yellowing, got a bit worried and did more reading and headed to the hydroponics to pick up some ph up down and a chemical test for the tap. I tested the ro water, came out to about 6.5 according to the color. poured some cal mag in, and ran it through the soil on the problem plant to get some water out of it and check ph

I did a ph test with my hana ph ec meter and it came out to 5.63. I think this is a bit low? Am I looking at too low of a ph or is this a possiblke bug problem?

After this I also used azamax and gave all the plants a spray.

Looks like a bit of nute burn try just a hair less next time make sure it doesnt progress with a quick flush that's what i do