Holes in leaves with PIX


Well-Known Member

Im super worried about my plant. I was checking them today and noticed that one of them has two leaves with holes in it. Im almost damn sure i dont have bugs.

Im currently on an 19/5 light schedule under CFLs. Im growing in scotts potting soil and my plants are 3 weeks and 1 day old. I just started diluted nutes and am using 8-7-6 miracle grow all purpose plant food. i water whenever the top two inches of my soil get dry.

Any idea whats wrong and what i can do to fix it?



Well-Known Member
Stop fuckin with your plants so much. the tiny new growth is very fragile. if there is the tiniest nic in the leaf when the growth is new, that small nic will turn in to a very large nic when the leaf gets big. so try not to handel them too much ecpecially the new growth


Well-Known Member
When did i say i handle them alot...cuz i dont. ever. They just chill on my shelf and get watered with this one exception to take its picture (the CFLs make the pix washout). Other than that their only disturbance is being watered.

I dont know how the holes got there. they dont look eaten in, more almost rotted away.


Well-Known Member
Strange. I dont know then. if its not bugs or minor damage, I have no clue. Dont worry too much. start to worry if it gets worse


Well-Known Member
My holey leaf hasnt gotten any better and i feel like its a waste for the plant to try and feed it and heal it when it clearly has no chance. Should i just clip the fucker off and call it a day?