holes in leaves?no bugs,sick plants?pics


Well-Known Member
Does anybody know Wat is causing these?I thought it was because of misting the plants when they where under cfl but they've now been under 400 hps for 5 days and still there's holes coming and the new growth looks rather fucked up!

Res temps-18c
Room temps-24c

The plants are around 6 weeks old from seed,strain g 13 labs blue bubblegum,I currently still don't have a ppm pen but there showing no sign of nutrient burn Im still running less then half of Wat the label says...I'm using bottled mineral water and have done for 2 years and never had this going on!

The other plant in the pics under the hps has the same holes not as many,there's more holes in the other but I'm not waiting for them all to upload!back to the plant under the light...It curled up this week and got droopy kind of clawed I flushed for 2 days and it's perked up! Thought it was gonna die



Well-Known Member
You're growth looks great, man. Your temps and humidity is fine (a little dry, but fine) I think it's just the genetics. In hydro, they're growing so fast, that they deform a bit. I could be wrong, but I see the same thing when growing a strain when I'm using a bucket side by side with some soil. Soil doesn't show any deformations, just big flat fans, and 2 feet away in the hydro bucket, you'll see a bunch of twisters, and curlers. Pretty sure you don't have any bugs or anything, though.


Well-Known Member
You're growth looks great, man. I think it's just the genetics. In hydro, you're growing so fast, that they deform a bit. I could be wrong, but I see the same thing when growing a strain when I'm using a bucket side by side with some soil. Soil doesn't show any deformations, just big flat fans, and 2 feet away in the hydro bucket, you'll see a bunch of twisters. Pretty sure you don't have any bugs or anything.
I've scouted them for bugs for 2 hours,my friend currently has my microscope but I normally put a bowl of water under my plants and shake them like fuck and then inspect the water see Wat I got floating in it haven't caught 1 bug so far unless the problem really is microscopic


Well-Known Member
I've scouted them for bugs for 2 hours,my friend currently has my microscope but I normally put a bowl of water under my plants and shake them like fuck and then inspect the water see Wat I got floating in it haven't caught 1 bug so far unless the problem really is microscopic
I'm on my phone so I can't really see super close. But, I would put money down that you don't have any kind of infestation, though, boss.


Well-Known Member
I'm on my phone so I can't really see super close. But, I would put money down that you don't have any kind of infestation, though, boss.
I know Wat you mean about the humidity I think I'm gonna need to boost it up my leaves have gotten terribly dry and brittle since turning the hps on


Well-Known Member
That was happening to a few of my leaves too. The plant grew out weird the whole grow with deformities but it did its job and grew some fat buds.


Well-Known Member
That was happening to a few of my leaves too. The plant grew out weird the whole grow with deformities but it did its job and grew some fat buds.
weird you say that my only ever freak of a plant I've had was also g 13 labs she was blue og fucked up 2-3 bladed leaves throughout growth and pre flowers 2 weeks into veg


Well-Known Member
Some strains have abnormalities.

Pic 1 - IMO mutation possibly caused by low level stress.

Other than the lascerations here and there your plant looks otherwise healthy.

Do those whitish dots turn into the holes you're seeing?

I've seen Mg def show signs with white blotches that eventually turn into holes.

Pic attached of Mg def.

Look to the lower right hand side pic. Yellow white blotches.

Mg can manifest in a few different ways.

If it is Mg you could just up your ph to 6 to help.

However though using bottled mineral water could be adding too much of something to your plants causing ruptures in the cell walls.

Bottled water to me always tastes quite salty.

When I checked the EC of some bottled water once I was surprised to find it was 0.5EC around 250ppm @.5.

My tap is 0.2EC.



old shol4evr

Well-Known Member
i have the same problem with the holes ,i think it's from leaves rubbing each other from fan ,mine are all on edges were it makes since


Well-Known Member
Some strains have abnormalities.

Pic 1 - IMO mutation possibly caused by low level stress.

Other than the lascerations here and there your plant looks otherwise healthy.

Do those whitish dots turn into the holes you're seeing?

I've seen Mg def show signs with white blotches that eventually turn into holes.

Pic attached of Mg def.

Look to the lower right hand side pic. Yellow white blotches.

Mg can manifest in a few different ways.

If it is Mg you could just up your ph to 6 to help.

However though using bottled mineral water could be adding too much of something to your plants causing ruptures in the cell walls.

Bottled water to me always tastes quite salty.

When I checked the EC of some bottled water once I was surprised to find it was 0.5EC around 250ppm @.5.

My tap is 0.2EC.

Some of the blotches stay the same some turn into holes some appear as holes,I thought calmag when the blotches first started so the past 3 weeks I have given them calmag and no change.

I like bottled water because its low in ph so i only have to add a quatre the amount of ph down as i would have to using tap water,and my water is around 250 ppm very high,but looking into the contents of this mineral water i think im gonna convert back to tap,very high levels of sulphate!

wonder if there in some sort of trauma from that meltdown with the oxyplus =[


Well-Known Member
Ok,thought I would give tall a update,no new holes,I think it's since I turned the fan off,I felt my stems and they where the roughest stems I have ever felt kinds feels like sticky weed if anybody familiar with that stuff with the little sticky balls?so I'm pretty sure it was the rubbing!

Also I think I have spotted a problem to my slow growth,these photos where taken today,see the soggy 4" wool cube? Well first time I did Dwc I used clay pebbles and ended up getting bugs from the infected pebbles! So I switched to stones however I didn't want the roots to grow threw the stones incase they burnt up so I used a 4" cube to weigh itself down however they seem to be holding a lot of water,I'm using a 12 litre bucket and adding around 5 litres of water to the res leaving the water level around 1" from the net pot, I'm gonna leave a 4-5" gap from now on and try to let it dry out!

I have a question too,I would of normally switched buckets by now to a 20 litre bucket adding 10 litres into the res however I lately seen a video where the guys roots form the shape of his bucket so I figured I don't have to use twice as much water or nutes till the roots reach the max in these buckets would that be right?

Thanks for your time guys

