Holes in leaves from insects. What do I do?

okay so basically i've had this plant since probably like july, and it was first indoors and now outdoors, i really don't know what i'm doing. aha. but it's going well so far i just found a male plant today start budding gotta cut it down tomorrow but something keeps eating my leaves. Does anybody know what i can do to protect them from this? i live in North Carolina and have no clue what insects like weed plants. Please help me!!!!!

Carl Spackler

Well-Known Member
At this point of the season both chewing and sucking insects are mature and are completing their collective life cycles. This makes them somewhat more resistant to controls but it shouldn't be a big problem. Often, no controls are even warranted, especially if they are taking a few leaves or pieces off the plant. This is a neglible loss and is to be accepted in any outdoor grow. The first step is to identify the pest. I've seen a lot of people in this forum use the wrong control for the wrong pest with predictable results. Arbitrary application of any pesticide is bad management, worse yet it is bad stewardship of the environment. If you are unable to spot the actual pest doing the damage, try to take a sample of the leaves being damaged and post them here. Many people on this site would be more than willing to help you ID the pest simply by the damage that is being done.