Hmm pretty freaky i beleave (huge underwater fly thingy)

Moby Dicck

right yesterday I was filling up my pots with soime extra soil, when one of the bottom flowers fell off. As im on my verry first gro I desided to put this flower in a glass of water, to see if I could get it to root.

When I got home from work today I checked my plants and the "clone". I was suprised to see a prerry huge bug, sitting on the stalk. This was wierd because it was emerged under water.. Not just a litle. But the hole damn bug was under water. It looked like it was kinda eating at the stalk. However when I changed then water, I found out the bug was dead.

Have anyone ever seen this before? I mean. It was a clean glass, and a flower. Somehow there got a bug on the thing submerged in water. And as far as I know. Theres no insect with wings lokking like this one who can go under water.



Well-Known Member
lol r u sure it just wasnt on there when u put it in the water?
it could of been a dragonfly, correct me if im wrong but im pretty sure dragonflies start growing underwater and then climb up the stalk of the plant theyr atached to and pop out of their shell above water
so i duno maybe it was popping out when u put it in the glass or something??? :S ahah


Global Moderator
Staff member
Its not a dragonfly, it looks to be some sort of mayfly - pics are pretty fuzzy. Unless it was on the stem when you put it in the water I'm not sure why it would be there. They sure don't go back under (on purpose) after they unfurl their wings.

Moby Dicck

Well im sure that this was not there when I put in the glass. I quickly rinsed in under the the running tap, because I dropped it on the toilet floor :P