

hi all was wondering if any one out there use's manure(horse/cow in my case) in there soil mixes , in hydro . is run an waste setup i and water everyday .
This time wat i used is(for my soil/grow medium)

25ltr cyco cococore ...(not a pob)used this b4 no worrys.
25 ltr river sand. same!!not prob, used b4 no worrys(acutually really good)
use both xact same amounts and product last time's
the diffrence this time ive use....
40ltrs horse/cow manure!!!!! could b my problem im thinkn..!!?????
i mixed all in a thin ,lump free mix
normaly i use
40ltr off good soil,riddled with worms...

MY PROB is def a nute issue..Air,Water n light, air temp a constant 28c
water ph is fine ,light is cool!! all tryd n testd wif good results....BUT THIS TIMe!!!

leaves and tips arnt developing properly,the bottom leave r fine still remained green enough,normal. indicating it was healthy , leaves and tips have yellowed eventually and then started cupling in/upwards
prob has been like this for 1 or 2 weeks, and i just cant seem to revive them.

any suggestions plz is it tha manure in my soil mix??


a nute and/or soil deficiency off sum-sort its blocking somethin major out but wat!!!!! plz frkn help me!!!!!


Active Member
you answered the question yourself :

MY PROB is def a nute issue..Air,Water n light, air temp a constant 28c
water ph is fine ,light is cool!! all tryd n testd wif good results....BUT THIS TIMe!!!

get that plant out of there, if cheap horse manure was good for cannabis plants there would not be any left for the farmers fucking crops.

get yourself decent soil.

then your plant will pick up.


am now thinking too... the water retension is a prob to with in the manure , dosnt seem kool
HAS ANYONe out there!!!! used manures in there soil mediums?????? help


you answered the question yourself :

MY PROB is def a nute issue..Air,Water n light, air temp a constant 28c
water ph is fine ,light is cool!! all tryd n testd wif good results....BUT THIS TIMe!!!

get that plant out of there, if cheap horse manure was good for cannabis plants there would not be any left for the farmers fucking crops.

get yourself decent soil.

then your plant will pick up.
i was thinkinkin it!!!!(decent soil)just needed to hear it out aloud!!!!....so to speak :-)
was trying to avoid repoting it all;-)

thou i have used the same manurer(from the same farm) in grow mediums ive used outdoors!! with results...is atotaly dif cenario i know.but still?????


is definatly a calcium issue
Calcium (Ca) deficiency is a plant disorder that can be caused by insufficient calcium in the growing medium, but is more frequently a product of low transpiration of the whole plant or more commonly the affected tissue. Plants are susceptible to such localized calcium deficiencies in low or non transpiring tissues because calcium is not transported in the phloem.[1] This may be due to water shortages, which slow the transportation of calcium to the plant, or can be caused by excessive usage of potassium or nitrogen fertilizers.[citation needed]
CausesSoils that are acidic, sandy, or coarse often contain less calcium. Uneven soil moisture and over use of fertilizers can also cause calcium deficiency. At times, even when there is a lot of calcium in the soil, the calcium can be in an insoluble form and is then unusable by the plant. Soils containing high phosphorus are particularly susceptible to creating insoluble forms of calcium.
<H2>[edit] Symptoms

Blossom End Rot on a grape tomato

Calcium deficiency symptoms appear initially as localized tissue necrosis leading to stunted plant growth, necrotic leaf margins on young leaves or curling of the leaves, and eventual death of terminal buds and root tips. Generally the new growth and rapidly growing tissues of the plant are affected first. The mature leaves are rarely if ever affected because calcium accumulates to high concentrations in older leaves
