Who do you think will win?

  • HLG

    Votes: 68 90.7%
  • HydroGrow

    Votes: 7 9.3%

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Well-Known Member
The natives are restless, rightfully so.

Friendly Rocket putting someone on ignore is a rare event, I don't blame him. Can't fix stupid, excuse me, greed.....a mix of both is probably more accurate.

Please, please, please do your research before purchasing an expensive light source. Ask yourself why a "bedroom based company" built on lies & slick marketing ignores system efficiency? Only thing it hurts is their bottom line.
I seem to remember this place being helpful and only a occasional troll, now it's a snake pit, or am I sugar coating it?


Well-Known Member
The natives are restless, rightfully so.

Friendly Rocket putting someone on ignore is a rare event, I don't blame him. Can't fix stupid, excuse me, greed.....a mix of both is probably more accurate.

Please, please, please do your research before purchasing an expensive light source. Ask yourself why a "bedroom based company" built on lies & slick marketing ignores system efficiency? Only thing it hurts is their bottom line.
People continue to think the more money they spend on a light the easier it will be to grow. The groups of people that trash on people who use HID lighting really confuse me. HID lighting will grow some amazing weed and it is a great jumping off point for new folks. In reality about 75% of the people who decide to grow some weed won't be growing for more than a year. Something in life will happen that will force them to stop or they will realize they don't have the skills or dedication it takes to grow. Rather be out a hundred dollars or less Vs. 6 or 7 hundred.


Well-Known Member
It's this forum. It's a very unique place, here. I first encountered it a few years back when the guy from Area 51 lights was king and he had many loyal subjects and defenders. They ran lots of people out of here who dared to speak of things that didn't have to do with umols per joule and penetration (lol)....Whatever the terms were then, it's much the same, now. I guess it's human nature to think that there is a secret formula that will make a big difference in things like "yield" (I hate that one)....I mean...I can't even smoke an ounce of flower a month so why do I need to worry about growing pounds? It's just wasteful! :)

In here, the conversation often shifts away from discussions of the qualities of the plants that are grown under LED lights, to conversations about which lights are most efficient. That way, the information is a lot more empirical and a lot less ambiguous (as it is when discussing terpenes and flavors and trichome production -all that boring stuff!) ;) Numbers and tests are what rules the roost around here....But , as you suggest, people can grow great plants under any number of types of light -be they expensive, new technology or tried-and-true, economical stuff that's been around for years. In here, it's like a new dimension where this stuff like numbers and charts suddenly becomes all-important -whereas in reality, the same things don't really matter -especially to people who have established themselves as real growers and have their own style of doing it.

The best weed I've ever smoked came from a guy who grew everything under fluorescent shop lights. Of course, this was back in the days of landrace strains and seeds that produced plants that had very distinctive and unique qualities....so there is that! But, the point is, the weed was great and it grew very successfully under those lights and conditions.


Well-Known Member
I'm growing .2 grams more per watt and using 300 less watts! ! ! ! That's a savings of $130 per year in electric. These lights will have paid for themselves in 4 and half years..........


Well-Known Member
I'm growing .2 grams more per watt and using 300 less watts! ! ! ! That's a savings of $130 per year in electric. These lights will have paid for themselves in 4 and half years..........
So lets see here. If you started with 600 watts at 1g/w you should get roughly 600gs we will say.

Then you made your switch. Now you use 300 watts, and get 1.2g/w which should get you roughly 360gs.

So maybe you don't need the extra weed which is fine and maybe you don't flip any to make up the extra money I get it I'm not trying to be a dick here. I just personally thought the math was interesting on your statement. You seem very happy with the switch so that's all that matters. Heck maybe you even used the extra 300 watts to set up another tent, and then your yields actually went up, which would be what I would do. I wouldn't care about the $130 a year in electric savings if I could increase yield by 2x for the same wattage over more area.

That's what really draws me to LED, the vastly superior canopy coverage. And now a days with the level LED tech is at, they even have enough umph to penetrate the canopy well :). I'm really looking forward to making the switch in my garden.


Well-Known Member
I seem to remember this place being helpful and only a occasional troll, now it's a snake pit, or am I sugar coating it?
Yes, this forum had a golden time, also the tech was in its infancy then== so the excitement of the unknown factored in.

We always had are ups and downs just like everywhere else. It would be nice to have a mod to filter out the trash in their ad cash cow (led) site, but I've been told no from old penguin repeatedly.

Sunni can only do so much volunteer work
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Well-Known Member
I have a vegetable garden as well and I would love to be able to apply this technology for high yields of tomatoes and cucumbers and peppers because this year's tomatoes crop is going tp be crap due to a number of factors that were out of my control. My tents are at the ready!


Well-Known Member
So lets see here. If you started with 600 watts at 1g/w you should get roughly 600gs we will say.

Then you made your switch. Now you use 300 watts, and get 1.2g/w which should get you roughly 360gs.

So maybe you don't need the extra weed which is fine and maybe you don't flip any to make up the extra money I get it I'm not trying to be a dick here. I just personally thought the math was interesting on your statement. You seem very happy with the switch so that's all that matters. Heck maybe you even used the extra 300 watts to set up another tent, and then your yields actually went up, which would be what I would do. I wouldn't care about the $130 a year in electric savings if I could increase yield by 2x for the same wattage over more area.

That's what really draws me to LED, the vastly superior canopy coverage. And now a days with the level LED tech is at, they even have enough umph to penetrate the canopy well :). I'm really looking forward to making the switch in my garden.
The only reason I switched from HPS to LED was for reduced heat. I was running a 1k HPS and originally switched to 600watts of QB LED boards from HLG. Quickly learned that running them at the full power to get 600 watts I was still running into heat issues. Dimmed down to 100watts per board for 400 total watts and got the heat under control. 2700k spectrum on the original QB 288's SUCKED, compared to HPS and my plants suffered because of it and my coverage in the 5x5 also dropped when I dimmed the boards, so I added a 315watt 4100k CMH. I'm happy with the results I'm getting now.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I switched from HPS to LED was for reduced heat. I was running a 1k HPS and originally switched to 600watts of QB LED boards from HLG. Quickly learned that running them at the full power to get 600 watts I was still running into heat issues. Dimmed down to 100watts per board for 400 total watts and got the heat under control. 2700k spectrum on the original QB 288's SUCKED, compared to HPS and my plants suffered because of it and my coverage in the 5x5 also dropped when I dimmed the boards, so I added a 315watt 4100k CMH. I'm happy with the results I'm getting now.
People seem to love the CMH, I might give one a try some time.


Well-Known Member
eBay. Hydrocrunch has a 315 unit, with the Phillips bulb(s) listed at $175 USD the last I looked. Those bulbs alone are 70+
I enjoy fantastic results with combination s of those bulbs and DIY LED builds...
That's a fantastic price with the best CMH bulb on the market.......paired with a Philips digi 220v ballast would be even nicer ; )

Good find
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Well-Known Member
Hortilux has a new(er) CMH bulb out that uses a different type of glass that allows the UV light through


Amare Shill
Yo! ill PM you after work, man. Thats Jacks 3.2.1

keep mag between 70 and 80 imo
You act like before SixStrings came around not even using led yet but started killing it with cobs w/o LedDefficiency that many here werent struggling. Now most of those that are not are on Jacks. Guess ill have to bite the bullet n buy the cheap stuff too if it really works that well for so many.
But yeah, thats the only answer youvreally get around here. Jacks 3-2-1 n now they have a separate cal + Mag bag too.
But hey, if switching nutes is necessary then there should be a term for it no?


Well-Known Member
Please put on your big boy pants and get the facts straight - if you post a photo on a public forum it is fair game for jokes and sarcasm. Like I would even know that dude was ignorant enough to actually post pics of his family on a marijuana forum - I still don't know that it is and neither do you so get over yo bad self.

Admit it bro - it just eats your ass that I am getting more action in my lettuce grow thread than your little "secret garden".
It is clear what is going on here,
@Abiqua , @sethimus , @Rocket Soul and yourself all troll around shit disturbing in other people threads cause your own suck ass and are dead.
You clearly need a hobby or to increase your plant count or something. Way too much time worrying about what's up in other folks threads that don't concern you :peace:
Cry more. This isnt Amway jagoff.
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